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Everything posted by grendel

  1. sorry my post above never made it out yesterday, as I lost my internet connection. Today started at about 8am heading for potter heigham, in company with Polly in Lydia. we went through the bridge, and then motored up to moor up just past Martham boats and round the corner (candle dyke). then I decamped from Janet 3 and aboard Lydia, we then sailed up hickling nearly to the pub,then turned round and sailed to Horsey Mill and then back to the moorings. I was handling the tiller and sheets at various times, and thoroughly enjoyed it. it is something that I have wanted to do since I first read Swallows and Amazons as a boy, I have a multitude of thanks to go to Pauline and Phil for that pleasure.
  2. Well this morning before too many people left it was time to get baby BA out and take her for a spin around the broad (well our bit of it) mid morning and it was time to do something, the water needed heating and i needed to move to top up the water tank, so Off I toddled at tickover up to wroxham, did a u turn and came back via a short diversion into wroxham broad. moored back up nearer the water point, and then spent the afternoon chatting with Polly, and having another play with the model - this time I was sailing for over an hour, getting appreciative comments from passers by and chasing boats. the rest of the afternoon and evening was spent chatting and drinking coffee with the other forum members still here (Polly, Cambridge cabby and Springsong) The mist dropped even earlier this evening than yesterday, so it was getting colder, so there was a general retirement to boats to warm up (and get on the forum)
  3. well an evening with Bob provided the entertainment, and were very good. although it did get a bit chilly as the evening wore on there was a good audience and I think I can say a good time was being had by all. awoke this morning early to a misty Salhouse, I am just relaxing with a cup of coffee, and about to cook myself a nice breakfast.
  4. After setting out at 6am this morning and breezing up to Martham in just 4 hours including calling into Lathams and buying half the shop (whats new there). I arrived at Martham |Boats early - 10 am, I had said I would be there at 11.30. This wasnt a problem, they had already emailed me yesterday to say the boat was ready. so I loaded up and by about 11am, I had had the checklist, been cast adrift and told they would meet me at potter bridge., I arrived and although the board read less than 6 foot (I had been told the airdraft was 6 foot 2") we went under with about an inch to spare. then I had a nice slow pootle down the river, turned left at the junction and up to Ranworth. ( I have no idea how fast I am going, there is no mod cons on this boat, that might give a clue - not even a rev counter) by 12.30 I am just off Ranworth, I say to myself, I wonder if the cruise in company have left yet, take a left turn to find myself bearing down upon the Cin C, a quick U turn and back on the main river, then hang around for the fleet, another u turn and i am now heading for the back of the queue, I do another quick about face and join the back of the fleet, only to find Nipper tucked in behind me. a nice slow cruise up river to Salhouse followed, finally arriving and all getting berthed up stern on. So far we have had a quiz, (won by the team containing myself and Polly) and a bottle auction that raised over £240 for the RNLI, just about to head for the music and entertainment (when my bread rolls come out of the oven)
  5. the roof beam formed in the tighter jig was perfect, just got the rest of the set to do now, this wont be until next week as I am checking everything is packed and ready for the weekend, just the cold food to be packed in a couple of lunch box cooler bags tomorrow.
  6. arrived home - getting stuff ready for an early start, Martham have emailed to say the boat is already ready and I can turn up early if I wish, planning to arrive 11am-11.30am ish.
  7. remind me to get a tennis bat that says 'Missed'
  8. I want one! I want 21 (for a 21 gun salute occifer- honest)
  9. I think 50sqm would be better, as during the day the boats would possibly be consuming the whole 5kW, thus nothing going into storage for use in the hours of darkness. the storage would have to be sufficient to allow that 5kW over say 12 hours, so 60kWh, thats about 3 tesla powerwall panels of storage capacity, for a 5 berth mooring. as they will be generating their own energy, they may be able to price it to recover the installation costs, at £5500 per powerwall, thats £16500, plus the costs of the solar panels and installation.
  10. finally I see a use for all those new solar farms springing up, they could be placed in a field adjacent to the mooring to power the electricity posts - the only problem - most people will want to use the posts at night, so a reliable power bank would be required that could store the megawatts generated to the day for release at night. while we do have high capacity power banks available, I dont know that any are considered reliable enough yet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_energy_storage
  11. You will never get a decent range on that, the position of the hole is stopping it getting to full elevation
  12. Simon, if your car is only doing 1000 miles a year, its hardly a great polluter if you split it down to daily pollution, I know mine runs clean from the emissions test of the last MOT, but it still probably pollutes more in the 33,000 miles I do a year in it than yours does in the same year, that said its the people who just drive short trips in their car that are the worst polluters as the car never gets properly warmed up to keep the engine clean, whether petrol or diesel, those people would benefit from electric vehicles, I have yet to find a reasonably priced electric vehicle that could do my 124 mile daily commute on one charge (unless I could persuade work to fit a charging point in the car park). (added to that the electricity network at home would probably not support a fast charger for an electric vehicle, we only have 64A cutouts and the mains cable is not really big enough to support the 14 houses it feeds as it is).
  13. here I am stuck in work today, so I will be thinking of all of you that are starting today, and I will be heading up bright and early (after 6am as the roadworks have the M2 closed until then) and off to pick up Janet 3 from Martham boats, from where I will see you tomorrow afternoon.
  14. taking a guess at the location, there is a border between two different land owners at approximately where I think the boat lies, so each might consider the boat in the others land and be ignoring it. alternatively the landowner may have come to a gentlemans agreement with the boat owner. we will never know unless someone stops and asks, but really does it matter that much, if he is not bothering anyone and just wants some peace and quiet.
  15. I understand that mostly the reasoning was because 40 year old vehicles dont have brakes that come up to the modern MOT standard (old drum brakes), rather than pollution. however since most insurers wont insure a car that doesnt have an MOT then most owners will continue to have the vehicle tested for safety annually. It does not however mean that you wont be stopped and tested for safety, much in the same way that recovery vehicles and showmans vehicles dont require an MOT, they can be stopped and safety checked at any time, and if found unsafe can be prohibited from further progress.
  16. maybe the day will come when the sail can be one large solar panel.
  17. Aqueous Urea solution - does that mean the exhaust will be vented through the waste holding tank?
  18. I had a volvo V40 with the mitsubushi lean burn engine, and for a largeish petrol car I averaged about 46mpg, on a long motorway trip I could get the right side of 50mpg. the only issue with these engines was that if the valves got coked up, it was a £2000 strip down of the engine to clean them, as a fuel additive did nothing because it was direct injection.
  19. As someone who has first hand experienced diesel exhaust poisoning on a fairground ride, I can say its not a nice experience, in that instance there was a lot of black exhaust smoke belching up through the centre of a spinning ride, struggling to get enough breath due to the centrifugal forces, we were gulping in large doses of this exhaust smoke. will the diesel engine be outlawed - I dont think so, there are too many of them used for site work where highly flammable fuel would be banned. that is unless an anti flammable additive could be added to the fuel in the same way that aviation fuel has to reduce its flammable properties outside of the engine. LPG is a possible alternative, but then you are storing a large tank of heavier than air flammable gas.
  20. linked from a separate thread, as we have had a couple of last minute cancellations I have said we should have space.
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