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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I learned to swim in Ashfords Outdoor Pool, this was fed from the adjacent river water. we would swim until we had turned blue, then it was out and changed, and a scalding hot cup of chocolate from the vending machine, we would start weekly swimming (with my father) just after easter and carry on until october. My main problem with swimming is that i have negative bouyancy, I swim very well at the bottom of the pool, to dive to the bottom of a 12 foot depth all I have to do is breath out. at school I came within a metre of the previous school record of 55m underwater (my excuse was that the record was held by someone with the surname Salmon).
  2. I have just received a call from Martham Boats that Jayne will be unavailable, so they have given me an upgrade to Janet 3 for the meet
  3. NN I seem to recall Robin Posting somewhere (may have been facebook) that he had found and fixed a loose Battery Terminal during his holiday, so maybe that sorted it
  4. does that mean when you are perfectly stern mooring two cruisers you have a glass in each hand?
  5. anyone got a go-pro we could mount up and take pictures every 30 secs that we could then turn into a video, I did the video conversion a few years back for a transformer install over two days, and they used a go pro for that.
  6. I only drink occasionally, usually when on holiday or at Christmas.
  7. you must have taken Timbo's sanity, I didnt think you had one before.
  8. no idea, I dont have any experience with i things, you might try clearing the page cache and see if it works after that,
  9. is it bad that I was looking at the Marthams workshop on streetview and noticed they had 3 identical 20 ft wooden boats sitting in their yard 3 of their Jaunty 20's, and then I notice one of the Fibreglass ones is called Grendel. when we go up to work on Tims boat I am going to need cast iron resolve not to buy one to do up.
  10. probably to deliver the slightly overweight forum members
  11. I have used greenheart as a raised planter surround, 15 years later and not a trace of rot. its a very rot proof wood used for sea groines and piling. one word of warning, its murder to work with and splinters will fester horribly. - the pieces I have were offcuts when they were installing new sea defences at whitstable
  12. it reminds me of a company medical I went through, the guy in front was a bodybuilder, they weighed him, measured his height, then told him he was overweight. he begged to differ, he explained that according to his personal trainer he was within 2 oz of the correct weight for his build and musculature.
  13. I am getting exercise, work has arranged once a week for Yoga - we have 2 45 minute sessions of which we are allowed to attend one, either the more relaxing class or the more power yoga class (attended mostly by the younger alpha males). surprisingly I am getting fitter, and I can out perform some of the younger fitter males, (when bits of me like my tum dont get in the way) even impressing the instructor with my flexibility, but my short arms / long body are a bit of a drawback when it comes to some of the balances - put your arms beside you and lift your bum off the mat - yes I can do it, with 4" blocks under my hands, I reckon I have lost about 6 lbs so far
  14. I was once very ill, just skin and bones, and I still didnt drop below 12 stone, that said I am a lot more than that now, at 17 stone I wasnt fat, but I have hit over the 20 now, so yes I am overweight.
  15. so do I - but I got away without a mention.
  16. grendel

    Tv Licence

    Living in an area where freeview is by repeater (and limited to about 12 channels) plus with the fact that directly between me and the freeview repeater some inconsiderate person placed a tower of a cathedral, freeview was not an option (before freeview we could actually get BBC2 only) so we had a sky dish for TV. fast forward and nowadays I find I only really watch a couple of channels (quest and talking pictures) unfortunately not on the freeview repeaters. and I noticed i was paying a small fortune to sky for them to allow me to watch a couple of channels that most people get for free. so time to act, I purchased a freesat box then cancelled sky. the initial cost is covered by a few months of skys charges, and after that its free. Added to that, if i want to watch a movie, I can just buy the DVD (even a dvd a week is cheaper than sky)
  17. grendel

    Tv Licence

    you are still asked for name and address when you buy a tv even now.
  18. What Do You Want to Make Those Eyes at Me For? by Emile Ford and the Checkmates
  19. grendel

    Tv Licence

    Quest Tv 6am weekends - Usually a boating themed program - Currently dream boats, but could be narrow boats or other boaty programs
  20. I would like to think I would do my best to assist in a rescue, whether that meant me getting in the water myself I dont know, it would depend on the circumstances and whether my getting into the water would help. I tend to be a person who doesnt react instantly, but takes stock and effective action, but I also dont panic easily. for example a few years back I was driving across a junction when an old chap crossing the pedestrian crossing took a tumble in the road, my passenger leapt out of the car to assist, but I drove forward and blocked the junction so both the old gent and my passenger were in a safe zone, the other cars trying to turn into the junction werent happy with me, but everyone was safe. in he end the old chap was unhappy as he had smashed the bottle of beer he had just bought in the shop, but otherwise unhurt. In all fairness the unhappy drivers probably couldnt see the old guy lying in the road while they were hooting and yelling, and I did move as soon as he was clear of the traffic
  21. Well today I added the dimensions to the CAD file, but cant show you as that file is on my machine at work.
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