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Everything posted by grendel

  1. yep, they were made by he norman bicycle company in Ashford, my Nephews home town , he has several
  2. Ray, As I understand it the Webasto takes quite a high current to start, on some battery banks you need to run the engine while you start the heater to get enough power to start it, if it will start without, it should be fine running for a couple of hours. If you do need to run the engine to get it to fire, you might need to carry on running for 10-15 minutes to replace the charge, but that should give you a few hours running.
  3. Ok, I have the curved pieces that could have been used for the canopy of model#1, there are enough of these for the cabin roof. alternatively I could try bending some of the teak to make the roof supports, I have however used one piece to make the decorative wood piece for the front deck at the prow.
  4. I have also spent some time today cleaning up the glue runs on the inside of the cabin sides. next to get the curved pieces for the roofs done, actually I will see as I have some of the curved pieces from model #1, or I could cut some deeper pieces from plywood, some thought to be done here.
  5. ok so I have been playing with a camera and timelapse , here is a timelapse of me working on the cabin sides to roof join.
  6. my nephew rebuilt an old Norman motorcycle in his living room - does that count
  7. So as I have some new planes (boot fair purchase ) to clean up sharpen and adjust this morning before I start on the model, I have got some pictures, you may notice the previously varnished sides have been sanded back a fair amount and will be revarnished once I have printed and fitted the decks (I will be getting photographs over the next few weekends to make sure I have them 100% correct).
  8. A lack of updates doesnt mean that work has stopped, oh no. I have been slowly and carefully planing the tops of the cabin sides down to the profile of the cabin roof, this is a particularly laborious task, to get the angles correct and the shapes smooth, so much so that I have only completed the forward port side, I am hoping to do the same for the starboard side over the bank holiday weekend
  9. yes pretty much in the same boat, boaters and fishers, we dont want to start a fraction between the fishermen and boaters do we,
  10. I see the girls are hard at work on the upstream cam
  11. yes, the new tapatalk plugin came out and was applied to the forum, we had to disable it after the upgrade as tapatalk was causing traffic problems while it wasnt working, some guests were logged in up to 14 times simultaneously, and since the rate we are charged is calculated by online users we had to sort it out to avoid a huge hike in running costs while we waited for tapatalk to catch up. I am not entirely up with how the apps work, but I would imagine they remove any advertising that tapatalk apply, and of course add our own branding.
  12. Thats a good question, that I am unable to answer, as I did not develop the Apps, and dont have any apple devices, I know the Android app uses Tapatalk.
  13. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/norfolk-broads-sailing-hire-boat-firms-join-forces-as-broads-sailing-1-5502987 and an Arthur Ransome mention to boot.
  14. yes, but if you are using a stand alone inverter, and battery, what is the AC earth connected to ( I have managed to stump most of the electrical designers where I work with this one too in the past)
  15. I have always wondered, when using an inverter - where does the earth come from, externally there is only +12V and -12V going in, so is inverter AC earthed? and if so , where, does the inverter casing need to be earthed to the boat earth system?
  16. there is a link at the bottom of the page for the app for those that are interested.
  17. we have the pleasure to announce that we now have an Apple IOS App to complement the Android app to view the forum I think this is the correct link. https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/norfolk-broads-network/id1373600897?mt=8 though i think if you just put Norfolk Broads Network in the apple store it should find it.
  18. No, not really, the BMI just doesnt work for some people, as it doesnt account for bone density, at just works for an average person, and some of us just arent average, when I was little I was seriously being considered by the doctors for gigantism, fortunately I stopped growing just in time at 6 foot 4 inches with size 14 feet. but my skeleton would probably weigh in at well above average as I have large, heavy dense bones, In water i dont float, I just have to breath out to sink like a stone. left alone in water I will float vertically (as long as I have a lung full of breath) with just the top of my head above the water, despite all the assistance of the extra buoyancy afforded by my blubber layer.
  19. I am 6' 4" and I have been 12 stone when I was really ill, and i was just skin and bones, most unhealthy, I reckon If I was fit and trim, I would still fall in the overweight category, and weigh in around 16-17 stone
  20. The Acle Yacht Station maybe? Moorings, toilets, showers, rubbish disposal and a small shop? Yes, maybe, but how to couch that as a competition, I know - lets call it a visitor centre, then maybe we will get a proposal that gives us all we want, and a little more on top. You never know you might get some really innovative answers to the problem of what to do there, after all a similar idea at the spitfire memorial above dover came up with an idea of a visitor centre shaped as a pair of spitfire wings, which was a fitting tribute as well as a useful building. we might end up with something inspired from a wind pump, or other broads landmark, maybe a representation inspired by Potter Heigham or Wroxham Bridge, who knows.
  21. but that would make it a big shop.
  22. well I see a pattern in both posts and responses, so at least both sides are getting a crack at the whip, me I see both good and bad from that direction, I see praises handed out where they are due, and castigations also handed out where they are due. and others sort of hovering in the mid ground between the two.
  23. Well I guess not, I havent looked at the list of censored words yet.
  24. I dunno, they will be serving food on newspaper next....
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