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Everything posted by grendel

  1. only if you have it fixed after the first bridge.
  2. grendel

    Lads Week

    its a 4 boat year this year too, all 3 Jewels and BA
  3. I need to expand mine now too, as I managed to acquire a planer thicknesser at the boot fair at the weekend for £85, its a 20 year old dewalt dw1150, minus the planing deck (so it just acts as a thicknesser at present), but since they are still £500 on ebay it was a bargain (the boot fair trader does house clearances, and is a regular at the boot fair) the only problem is that at the moment its living in the back garden under a barbecue cover until I can clear space for it in the workshop ( I do need to construct a duct connector to attach my workshop vacuum to for shaving clearance though.)
  4. as far as the glued down template varnished, I see some rippling in the one done with pva, so it will be the epoxy for the finished article, carefully applied to avoid bubbles.
  5. opps been busy, but tonight I have taken deck measurements, ready to start the dek-king drawings, next to transfer these to the CAD template.
  6. I believe we had a minor hiccup earlier, a fix was applied to hopefully fix some of the issues caused by the update the other day. let us know if you still have issues, you may need to clear the page cache and do a hard reset to get things back to scratch.
  7. there do appear to be additional emojis appeared all black and white, the old ones are further down the lists
  8. thats the one I get from that position - strange.
  9. not sure I have ever used that one so not sure where it is / was
  10. try clearing your page cache, press f12 and a whole lot of info will pop up either at the right or across the bottom of your screen, then use the reload button top left (like a circle with an arrow head, and right click it, there should be an option to clear cache and hard reset, use this one, then click the cross in the corner of the rubbish f12 put there to close it and have another go at the emojiis
  11. for anyone else having problems with the unread content button, press f12 (a whole load of stuff will appear at the right half of the screen), then go to the reload arrow top left, right click and choose the option 'clear cache and hard reload' this should get the unread content button working properly again then use the little cross in the junk to the right to close that down.
  12. no its when you are on the port side of the boat and take a step to the left.
  13. MM, Where will the Grand old Duke of York and his men be during this time?
  14. no just this silly fool getting it wrong, another few times and I will be applying for your spot as forum idiot.
  15. yes just found it on bbc news with a date this time.
  16. I may have got an old hit, on heart news, but it appeared current.
  17. one last night apparently Big Gas Explosion on Industrial Estate Workers at a Norwich industrial estate are being told to stay at home today after a major gas explosion last night. Rackheath industrial estate is sealed off this morning after an explosion at a cafe. Debris was spread over an area bigger than a football pitch, and the explosion was heard for miles across the county. The emergency services were called out just after 9.15 in the evening, and more than 30 fire officers were there to sort it out.
  18. its not something silly such as whether java is enabled is it ?
  19. Delilah reported logging in, then the chatroom page would come up, but dissappear back to a blank logon page after a second or so.
  20. Due to a problem with Tapatalk and the recent forum upgrade we have had to temporarily suspend the tapatalk service and the android app. Tapatalk are working on a fix, which we will implement as soon as it is available to get the service back up and running. Apologies for the inconvenience, normal service will be resumed as soon as we can
  21. which one are you using, I use the one top right, and though earlier I thought it wasnt working, it was just no new posts.
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