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Everything posted by grendel

  1. a quick test tonight, I laser printed a section of planking, next was to try attaching it to a piece of ply just using varnish, this is generally unthinned, I might end up using thinned, but I wanted two things, 1 to see if it sticks, and 2. to see if the pattern runs. lets see what its like once it dries.
  2. looks like you have a programmer - activated by the master clock, this can for example ring a school bell at set times. now all you need is a master clock to run it. bottom of this page http://www.electrokinetica.org/d2/4/index.php
  3. have you looked here - http://pulsynetic.eu/
  4. totally agree, as an ex re-enactor we found many ways of using items we were told were just ritual items, but which when you got down to it were just common everyday items, yet when you try and explain to archaeologists, most wont listen- after all what do re-enactors know.
  5. I too do lists, though I will write it down, leave it at work, and pack what I feel like a lot of the time. which reminds me- packing and food list for the may meet.
  6. Hylander, if you either click on the i above the text box where you type your reply (and it should go back to background colour), or Ctrl i it should take you out of italics.
  7. and finally the second side goes on. just got to await the glue going off and then clean up the excess.
  8. The first side has gone on, and is clamped, waiting for the glue to dry.
  9. I could do, but I know the excess that has foamed cleans off well, and I am not sure how masking tape soaked in that glue would come off.
  10. so with just 4 coats of varnish on the cabin front and sides its time to fit them to the model. First the cabin front is fitted, this is essential as both cabin sides need to mate to this correctly - the expanded glue will be cleaned up once it is properly set. next to clean any spills of varnish off of the gluing surfaces on the sides ready to glue and clamp these.
  11. I am not sure, but the stuff I mean is grease and oil resistant and smooths the surface of concrete.
  12. I used it on my workbench, on the sacrificial 1/2" ply, its given a good hard wearing surface, but doesnt stop the dirt. under the sacrificial ply I have decent 3/4" oak flooring.
  13. I will be taking a good few photos of the insides, I cant find any pictures on the 'net'
  14. Marthams still hire out woodies. I have jayne for the may meet
  15. I Guess if you ate a whole stick of rock with Broads National Park in it, you would be a through and through supporter.
  16. Just a bit of fun Broads01 we are trying to make light of a situation for once rather than everyone get wound up about it. 40something - I guess that would be called marketing.
  17. only techically - we all know what he means.
  18. perhaps we should petition Googles maps department to show more accuracy within firstly the boundaries of the area, and then perhaps the name, though "Broads National Park, member of the National parks family, but only allowed to use the name for marketing purposes" doesnt exactly flow off the tongue, and might well not fit on the screen when viewed on a phone.
  19. or down the right hand side on a pc view
  20. strangely, on my computer google maps does not show it as a national park, maybe your household is infected with the 'National Park bug', we can see its affected both you and your phone (and maybe an apple device too). perhaps quarantine is in order before it gets passed on.
  21. I bet this is causing a lot of gleeful smirking at the BA head office. anyway maps are marketing arn't they, and there isnt really room on a map to say 'national park (for marketing purposes only)
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