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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I dont see the minority being treated any different by the majority, than I do the majority being treated by the minority.
  2. moved some of the posts here, they seem to have come in out of order so sorry for that
  3. ah its obvious now - two identical trees where the sign was
  4. Smellyloo said as I have said above, if we read others posts and think they can be interpreted as bullying, that implies that the can also be interpreted as not bullying, if we give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that maybe they are just badly worded, then nobody needs to feel put down. not all of us have achieved good grades in English - I certainly didnt, and have since found that there is a possibility I have a degree of dyslexia - I used to do essays in English and hand them in, only to find that when I reread them, entire sentences and paragraphs I had thought were there were missing.
  5. I have now created a new topic for the side topic of forum behaviour, we have raised the issue here, and it will only derail the main discussion here if we continue it here.
  6. As requested on another thread, both by myself and others, here is a thread to discuss forum behaviour. I myself try and remember to reread my posts before submitting them, submitting them to the same scrutiny I read all threads from a moderators perspective. many the time I have rewritten whole sections due to considering my post could be seen from a different perspective, and yes - even I will admit to not getting that right at times. I also try and read others posts, then ask myself if a slur was intended or possibly an accidental wording that might have been misinterpreted. I see that sometimes posts come across wrongly. With this in mind I would like to see people giving other posters the benefit of the doubt. As moderators we will react to any posts that we see as a direct attack on another member, but only if it is seen that it cannot be a misinterpretation.
  7. we have similar skills shortage in my field - electrical engineering (electricity supply) we are currently slowly recovering from a lack of training over the last 20 years, and the majority of our engineers are either in their late 50's 60's or under 30, thus we have just caught things in time, as some of the 30 year olds work into the senior roles.
  8. can we get back to the topic in hand, too many threads recently have been derailed onto different topics, which then go on to become personal and lead to the topic being locked to the detriment of the original topic, so rather than discussing who is leaving and why, can we concentrate on the topic in hand - the proposed swim up the waveney, if you wish to discuss members departure, can we start a new thread for that please. both sides of this debate have valid points and the only reason things get personal is when the original debate gets side tracked and goes personal.
  9. so today the window openings were cleaned up, and the cockpit side openings were added.
  10. the dinghy doesnt have a reflection?
  11. the sails on both boats have the same set, which would mean the one on the left was sailing backwards.
  12. while some of the comments may to you seem to have degenerated, they have not since the thread was re-opened got directly personal, where comments were aimed at named opponents, as they had when the thread was locked. we were asked to reopen the thread as further discussion was felt to be needed on such an important topic, so we did. Personally I dont feel I have done more than highlight the safety concerns as I saw them, and several alternative location that seem eminently more suitable have been proposed as safer options. the thread has not been locked as discussions were ongoing, and proceeding relatively civily. Without any further input from the organiser, speculation was bound to occur, but bile and invective - not as such that I have seen. While you may disagree with the safety concerns raised, that doesnt make them any less concerning to those that raised them in good faith. It would only take one boat with a helm that displayed behaviour I see daily on the m25, and a sod you attitude to create a huge tradegy.
  13. I do hope that nobody decides a blockade is a good idea, that presents a totally unacceptable risk in my mind, and while a lot of our concerns were on the safety aspects, on those same aspects I couldnt condone any action that might put lives in more danger.
  14. you could sit it out and munch on tofu
  15. Well the river is nearly 10m wider generally than the waveney, its the section above Brundall, there is the freedom boat yard, but road access for emergency services is better, if the date is fixed they could run it in the opposite direction to tie in with the tides. Vaughan I think you have hit the jackpot for locations, that extra 10m width makes all the difference to separating the swimmers and boats, and as you say, spectator access too. As there are no longer coasters heading up to Norwich, thats not an issue either.
  16. ooh that is wicked Donnygeoff, you could get in trouble talking like that. especially if they thought you were serious.
  17. the big problem is that by moving the manufacturing the qualified experienced workforce here move to other fields, apprentices are not trained and 20 years later you dont have the workforce here to bring the factories back to, no youngsters learning the trade, and the plant is no longer here to do the manufacturing. How long will it be before all the skilled boat builders have retired, and all the new youngsters will just be trained up as fixers not builders.
  18. so it was time to work on the sides, adding the windows, these are tricky, to get them right. another big step, as if I mess up here, its start again time. so I bit the bullet and started, clamping the two sides together mean all the windows will match, then holes were drilled and joined up, cleaning to the lines still needs doing. while I was at it I cut the mitred joints between the cabin front and sides. the cockpit sides and windows are still to be cut out.
  19. has grass been replaced with hardstanding
  20. its a bank holiday and it isnt raining?
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