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Everything posted by grendel

  1. coke, not the best, but a reasonable rust remover though, just immerse the part in coke and the phosphoric acid will eat the rust off it. not as quick as some acids, but more controllable
  2. this is a couple of years out of date now, so any assistance to update it will be appreciated, just post current prices here and we will endeavour to keep the page up to date.
  3. while it is possible, we do have rules in the members area that this is not allowed, and if you are caught quoting anything from a post in the members area elsewhere, then it is a serious breach that could lead to being banned, from the open area of the forum, we would prefer if it was done with the OP's permission. depends upon how stubborn and determined to exercise his right to fish the angler was, you could equally replace angler with boater in this instance as it is no different in principle.
  4. the best thing to use is electrical contact cleaner, it is after all designed to be used to clean the contacts of switches.
  5. http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/handy-information/fuel-prices/
  6. Alan, we have found the page Charlie created last year for fuel prices, I have enabled it from the handy information link at the top of the page, so we can just update that now
  7. lidl waterproof duct tape - the green one, I used it to hold a wing mirror on, last time I checked by removing the tape the mirror is only held there by the waterproof tape, the first lot lasted 2 1/2 years now on its second lot.
  8. at power stations they use 110V bulbs in 50V circuits and 240V bulbs in 110V circuits, this gives dimmer indication bulbs but they rarely burn out.
  9. so yoga to relax lunchtime, and the smell of turps in the workshop this evening, make for a good day, yes the previous coat of varnish has dried, been de-nibbed and the sides have now have had their second coat of varnish.
  10. grendel


    we used to have a thread showing the current prices of all those things, maybe someone would like to start one.
  11. just to let you know, we have shortened the title for this topic, as it was causing problems in the mobile app.
  12. Ricardo, somehow your post got repeated about 6 times, I have removed the duplicates
  13. sorry, I wasnt paying attention, I dont see they have been removed, there are two main mild rebukes moderators use one the is a warning that Broadscot (one of our sadly departed moderators) used to use - the being a tribute to him. The other is the warning I placed the Q flag meaning you are standing into danger.
  14. I think you are being told off for mentioning Broads and National Park in the same breath
  15. how else would you consult with the general boating fraternity on the broads?
  16. but responding in a like manner is what causes the whole thing to degenerate and get to a point where one party or the other gets personal, which is what we are trying to avoid, so its better to let it go, and rise above it all, yes this sometimes means developing a thicker skin,. but if you have reported it, then we can see if there is a pattern forming, which might change our opinion whether bullying was meant or accidental.
  17. I know the first two, but not the last, and that scares me enough.
  18. no the way to respond to an aggressive post is to ignore it and not respond in like, and show that you rise above a tit for tat response.
  19. to my knowledge we have not hidden any of her posts, the initial post was however put in by RanworthBreeze while the topic was still locked
  20. The moderators do have a user account that they can use to hand out moderation more anonymously, however it is an absolute pain to use as you have to log out of the forum, and back in as the moderation team, then remember to come out again and log in as yourself. for a quick moderator response this slows things down, and we seem to be spending enough time on here as it is, especially when we have contentious threads running that we need to keep an eye on. As far as objectivity, we are to the best of our ability neutral when it comes to moderation - each case is weighed on its own, but of course if the posters ensured that their posts were not contentious, then the moderators job would be easier, and we would not need to be objective (though we would still be objective anyway).
  21. that said, if a car is well maintained and regularly driven, it too can have low emmissions, I wish my 18 year old volvo was taxed on its measured emmissions, at my MOT last week the CO emmissions were 0. 00% (0.2% allowed)and the hydrocarbons were 1ppm (200ppm allowed) at neutral idle the CO was still 0.00% (0.3% allowed), so even an old car with 220,000 miles on the clock can run clean - though the 120 miles a day round trip to work clearly helps here. probably helps the fuel economy too. and no emmissions from the electricity generation either.
  22. Mel wasnt hounded out, she was advised by the supporters of the event to leave, otherwise we would all be addressing our concerns to her and getting answers. I still think that the event would be a success at a location where a bigger safety margin could be allowed between swimmers and other river users, I think the biggest concerns here are the proximity of the boats and swimmers.
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