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Everything posted by grendel

  1. bucket list - a nice wooden broads boat would do me
  2. ah but Jay has his youngest with him.
  3. yes the machine is about the size of a typewriter. like this -
  4. I think I have a dymo machine that does 1" wide lettering stored away somewhere.
  5. thats diet coke if I am not mistaken
  6. the swimmers may sign a risk waiver, but how will that help a novice hirer who heaven forbid hit and injured a swimmer due to their inexperience, whose holiday was spoiled by the experience, and who would in light of the event never hire another boat. and might feel guilt for the rest of their life.
  7. OK enough already. with my moderator hat on - we have got to the point where we are starting to make personal accusations again, keep things nice folks or we will have to lock the thread again. I know lots of you have different opinions, we are all concerned about the safety aspects, some may have more knowledge of the measures put in place, but unless we discuss the matter calmly and avoid attacking each other or making things personal again we will have to take action. please try and discuss this in a civilised manner. Thank you.
  8. honestly looking out of the window at work today, I think spring has turned to a brook or a river.
  9. in all honesty I dont believe that they will be taken seriously after that, most of the people who dont seem to worry about everyone elses safety concerns appear to me to be arguing for the sake of it, and that is what leads to the disruption, strangely too, they are the ones that continue other threads to the point of disruption, I would suggest that we just ignore them.
  10. Not particularly, but it would be nice to know that all of the safety concerns had been addressed, particularly intermediate access points to the river and keeping them clear for the emergency services, from looking at the map there are very few tracks that lead to the river, and these will need to be kept clear for emergency vehicles, as you could not expect a safety boat to ferry a casualty back to the start or finish, so if there are supporters and spectators who flock to the area to watch the progress, these tracks will soon become impassable through traffic buildup.
  11. so in your view all of our concerns over the safety aspects of the event, and questions to ascertain whether certain aspects have been considered are irrelevant, because nearly everyone else does not share your views. I for one would like to hear Mels answers on many of the points raised, and would like to think that these points had been considered. Or is it that if the questions raised here are not seen, then the risk doesnt exist, and a contingency assessment does not have to be prepared to ameliorate said risks.
  12. it brings up the question - people have all sorts of pets, some have mice, some rats, some ferrets (never heard of a pet squirrel, but I reckon somebody may have had one). was the duckling the mans pet? I mean, if one of my cats was attacked by a dog, I wouldnt hesitate to step in, hell if it was attacked by a rare eagle I would still step in to defend my cat. I just say, that if the bird was a pet, that might justify the actions of the man more than if it was just a wild duckling.
  13. like others my concerns are several. 1 sailing vessels depending upon the direction of the wind, may have to sail certain stretches in a certain position on the river, they may even have to do short tacks from side to side using the full width of the river to progress against head winds. 2 as has been mentioned there are safety vessels, will there be enough of these to accommodate all 200 swimmers in an emergency situation, as soon as a safety vessel is attending to a potential casualty, you then have one less safety vessel available. 3. spectators. there will be few enough places where spectators / supporters can gain access to the river, to spectate or support, has sufficient thought been made to the traffic congestion / parking issues caused by these people to access the riverside, and has this been planned into any emergency response by ambulances that would need to use these same routes to evacuate casualties. 4 aside from all the above concerns there would have to be sufficient width of river left for two boats to comfortably pass in opposite directions, and while we know the Southern rivers are wider than their Northern brethren, there must be places where there will be insufficient width for two directional boating traffic and a gaggle of swimmers (I say Gaggle as they always remind me of a flock of geese flying by). At a minimum I would think that a buoyed lane must be set aside for the swimmers as a safety precaution.
  14. Good news, the forum Android application is back up and running, I know it can be found on google playstore for normal Android devices, but not as far as I know on amazon apps for kindle yet though.
  15. Right - moderators here - We Have unlocked the thread, as we feel that this can be discussed in a civilized manner. We will be carefully watching the thread to ensure there are no derogatory or disrespectful remarks made. please dont ignore moderator warnings. if things start getting out of hand we will lock the thread again. Thank you for your co-operation.
  16. its also the car park for the campsite, its quite a long walk with a wheelbarrow of camping gear
  17. I once had to trace every cable across several power station complexes, this was due to them shutting their old on site drawing offices that had been part of the engineering department that had been downsized. the net result was the disposal in the skip of everything they had in the department, and than someone realised that along with everything else they had disposed of all their cable records on site. we went in, and I spent nearly 2 years, 1 day a week re-recording all their cable routes.
  18. can copies/ scans be made* it would be great to check the accuracy of the ones I drew up in CAD. * most copy shops can do this nowadays - eg http://www.ittogo.co.uk/copy-centre.php
  19. well having received pictures of the new solar arrangement on BA, it was time to hunt out some flexible panels for the model, these are just under the size I need, but I would need 4 of the 114mm x 25 ones - but that comes out a bit big.
  20. welcome Aristotle, well we now have two great greek philosophers, both renovating old wooden boats, this should be good to follow.
  21. Well work has progressed on those front parts, the top curve has been shaped and the windows cut out, these need a bit more cleaning up, but its starting to look good up front.
  22. if you post details in this thread of those you know, we can either pin the thread so its always at the top, or create a new page for the handy information section.
  23. so getting the correct angles on that front section, the base is angled, and curves to follow the deck. as this is now leaning back, the join line which is also angled is not a measurable angle. maybe I should have cut out the windows before I glued it, two swivel vices got the parts in the correct position to join them though. next will be working out the centre height, for the curve, then maybe I can work out the windows.
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