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Everything posted by grendel

  1. hmm just tried it and it took me straight to paypal (sorry charlie I backed out without clicking continue). mind you I dont understand these apple things, maybe its got a maggot or something else bugging it.
  2. to be honest I have barely left the forum for more than a few hours during the day today - been sneaking in while I was working, and as facebook is blocked at work, have been using my tablet to keep up on there too. I will hopefully get a bit more work done tomorrow as the rest of my team there are off and I am covering 3 peoples work there (I still managed about 2 peoples work as well as keeping up to date on the forum)
  3. we can get all of the tech team telling you to behave too if you want Gracie.
  4. well we could use cascamite, but it takes forever to set, then goes brittle - or that smelly stuff in a pot you heat up. nah, I will go with the gorilla thanks, anyway tonight its the last 2 awkward transom planks, they are in place and setting.
  5. yes the DNS change is slowly filtering down to everyone. glad you are in now.
  6. I have had very cheap (£10) dash cams in my car - resolution isnt great, but the current one was a £30 one from lidls, that works great, plugs into the lighter socket, fires up when the car is started, and gets a decent enough image. This one - http://www.lidl-service.com/cps/rde/xchg/SID-8BF1A2A3-E6F5821A/lsp/hs.xsl/product.html?id=81807820&title=Kojelautakamera&count=1
  7. No we had to retire the android App when Jonzo left as it was all done in his name. The DNS should sort itself out in time. if its not back in a day or so we will raise a support request.
  8. Its almost certainly a DNS error, from wifi, the devices are looking at the incorrect DNS location, it may take a few days for the DNS servers around the world to get the correct links to the site, I had problems last night - just changing between pages on the forum, it would suddenly flag up as not there. it should get there eventually. are you using tapatalk on the mobile devices to get on the forum, maybe thats the issue?
  9. was it the right species of branch? it is recommended that the branch should be a wild grown oak, specially harvested on an old disused railway spur (a branch line for preference)
  10. we do know the DNS address changed, it can take a little while for the new address to get round all the search engines and browsers, normally we would say clear the cache and hard reload, but not sure how that can be done on an android device.
  11. Charlie set up the paypal side of things, so thats one for him really.
  12. yes, clean with acetone, light mist of water, and then glue, clamp firmly, the gorilla glue migrates into the structure of the wood and absorbs water to bond, thats why the cleaning to remove surface oils.
  13. as the teak is a quite oily wood, it will be cleaned with acetone just prior to applying glue, this will give the glue the best chance of sticking properly.
  14. I have only used the smaller of the long bits so far, about 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" I still have the bigger bit for the cabin sides and other bits, that will be cut wider to be able to do the full height of the sides out of one 'plank' also slightly thicker than the planks for the transom. the teak really does come up nice when cut and sanded.
  15. the paypal is all set up, there is a link in the forum shop, and in a banner at the top of the forum pages. http://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/shop/
  16. tonight has seen 2 more planks in, another 2 and the posh planks can be applied
  17. yes back up and running, if anyone has any issues, post them here and we will see if we can fix them.
  18. Well that wasnt very advanced, I have just received notification that it will be tonight, maybe from as early as 5pm, running into the early hours of tomorrow morning. see you out the other side.
  19. got to get it all working smoothly first, mind you, I dont think this has ever been other than rust coloured since I got it.
  20. Sometime soon the forum may go offline for a time to allow essential maintenance to be done, as yet we are still trying to ascertain when this will be and the duration. We will let you know when as soon as we find out to give you all as much warning as we can. Thank you for your Patience
  21. So - the cleaning up and repairing of the vice
  22. its nothing too formal, more a gathering of like minded souls for a natter, a beer or two and just meeting people, you can pretty much do as you please.
  23. today was a quiet day - not - I had grinders going and mess was made. all I did on the model was some more planks on the transom, but my big old vice was got out and disassembled to enable me to drill out the broken screw in the jaw, and manufacture a new jaw, this involved grinding, shaping drilling and rust removal. now I just need some m8 countersunk bolts
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