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Everything posted by grendel

  1. https://www.gov.uk/garden-bonfires-rules
  2. I was reading the rules regarding bonfires- chimneas and barbecues fairly recently, and you are advised to avoid being a nuisance with a bonfire. the issue here is that the bonfires be repeated and regular to qualify to be a nuisance - eg if you had one 3 times a year, this would not be deemed a nuisance as it would not be regular enough to count. if however you only ever had a bonfire on a wednesday afternoon when mrs jones had her washing out, that could be considered a nuisance. a bit of common sense needs to be applied both by the person having the bonfire and those on the receiving end of the smoke, is it a one off event, or a regular day in day out job. the latter, if not allowing the neighbours any time of respite to say - put their washing out, could be considered nuisance. the former could just be bad luck that this was the only time when the bonfire was lit. conversely the person lighting the bonfire has a few guidelines to follow too - does anyone have their washing out - windows open etc. and most importantly the person in charge of the bonfire must remain with it until it has died down to a safe level. strangely enough fires for cooking are treated differently to bonfires and are generally allowed. the only strange part I did find was that if there is a chimney- its fine - unless it is poking through a roof, be it shed, outhouse or whatever, different regulations come into force. then there are smoke free zones, wherein smokeless fuel must be used- i am fortunate that although we have one close by we are not within its boundaries, and cooking fires are allowed even in smoke free zones.
  3. round where I live. it has been this way in the past, certain problem families moved into the area and upset that apple cart, at the moment we have students one side (not too bad except when they host a party, every year, early on they are given the ground rules, ie late night parties are ok over the weekend, but keep it down during the early part of the day when my daughter is sleeping after nights, and I reserve the right to be awake at 7am and working in my workshop, when you only finished your party at 5am. the other side we have a family where the kids (in their late 20's and 30's) have learning difficulties, they are lovely boys, but have a tendency to be loud without thinking, other than that they are nice enough and helpful. but the trouble families- now gone, did something and the community doesnt seem to work as well as when we moved in, add the constant changeover of about 1/3 of the population each year (students), and the community spirit has waned.
  4. my neighbours made very vocal complaints when I ran my portable woodburner in the garden as m daughter and I cooked up eggs and bacon on it for fun. of course when they sit in their garden with a huge bonfire burning any old wood they can find (mostly painted wood) into the early hours - well then thats fine, but breakfast 2 days in a row was 'always using it' and they got the manager of the homeless shelter across the road to complain about their washing (over 100 foot away and completely sheltered from my 2" stove chimney b their huge building). horses for courses, but I do believe burning and creating toxic fumes is frowned upon by the council, whereas a portable stove could be called a barbecue.
  5. Lucky little dog to be spotted and rescued, well done JBX5's daughter.
  6. they probably have some version of the net promoter to monitor their standards, the only scores that actively add to a promoter are 9's and 10's, anything else is considered neutral or a detractor a score of 50% in NPS is a very good score, and I am glad to say that our company achieve that most months, that said we now have a target score of 60% to aim for. saying that, microsoft have the best NPS of technology providers- at just 43%
  7. thats what happens when you call for an Uber cab from your boat moored out in the thames, and the driver who hasnt done the knowledge relies on a sat nav to find you.
  8. if it threatens too much we will get Grace to go and throw all of her shoes in the crater to bung it up for another few years.
  9. Knowing that Eric is in Bali, I was wondering whether he was affected by the evacuations they are announcing around the immenant eruption of a volcano down that way. either way, my best wishes go out to him in what may soon be a trying time, and my hopes that he and his family stay safe.
  10. I reckon a couple of cats on board would keep the fowls away.
  11. http://broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/owning-a-boat/tolls/insurance-and-adjacent-waters this page states you must have BSS and insurance for a short visit toll as well.
  12. not sure on the legalities side, but are you having her carried overland, if so you could try for a hard standing area or docking in a boat yard while the work is done to prepare her for her BSS (if you can find a yard that will allow you to stay onboard while the work is being done?) I dont believe you would need the toll if you were off the main river on hard standing.
  13. dont forget the moorings on the other side of the river are now owned by the BA, so should be free 24 hour, (not sure if they have signs up on those yet)
  14. grendel

    Dog Poo Bags

    my 4 indoor cats have 3 large litter trays, we get through at least 3 bags of litter a week, I would be the first to admit that there are odd occasions when I could need more. but like you say, they are my responsibility, so I clear up after them, the biggest problem is disposing of the used litter, at the moment it all goes into the landfill waste as nobody at the council can give me an alternative.
  15. more tweaking and testing, got the motor as quiet as I could, and tested the current draw, 0.7A - not far off the current draw of the smaller motor, I reckon we can bank on double that pushing against the water, so 1.4A (I will take my meter along and try and measure this next time I go.) at this rate she should have max 5 hours of sailing, on the main battery, the secondary battery will also be tested, this is a 6.5Ah 6v battery, which will give another 4 hours or so of reduced performance. I will know better once I measure the consumption in the water.
  16. grendel

    Dog Poo Bags

    beats the plastic bucket hanging off the back of a jointers tow bar.
  17. I think its the saily assisting the other boat, not t'other way around.
  18. are you just right clicking then paste - or ctrl V. if its links or such, then you need to highlight, and right click - copy (or ctrl C) then come into the text area, make sure the little line indicating you can type is visible and right click, paste (or ctrl V) let me know how you get on.
  19. and now its monsoon season - well judging by the rain today.
  20. you should have called it Bear, Then RT would have a bear behind.
  21. a bit of glue and a few nails should sort it out.
  22. hmm the washed out ones didnt improve much, here they are anyway as they show the bow wave. I did notice on this run that forward there were only about 6 steps in the speed, and it maxed out well before getting to full stick, so I reversed the wiring, and reversed the direction of operation, and now the more steps are in the forward direction, while reverse has the fewer steps. here is some video too, the model makes fleeting appearances.
  23. all great ideas, but now unnecessary, after slaving over the motor swap for a couple of hours, just after 5pm I loaded up again, and had a quick half hour at the boating pond, success, the bow wave is quite large at full speed, this is just faster than a walking pace, to be honest I dont think I will get much more out of her, without getting a lot more power into the water. as for cooling, there is no space under the motor to fit a water jacket, but that too is not necessary any more, the bigger motor was barely breaking a sweat, this motor has a built in fan for cooling. i need to tweak the pictures, I used the wrong camera setting so they are a bit washed out - aw heck I will put them in. I also need to save some pictures my daughter took on her phone on the first session.
  24. right - just back from testing, and one pleasing result was that she was faster, the downside is the motor is still getting very hot however, so the next step is to go to a bigger motor - its not higher revving, just more torque, so it should expend less effort to move the prop in the water, so the motor should not get so hot - more work to be done and more testing next weekend. next to make a motor bracket. the downside is a higher current consumption.
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