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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Boats in circulation in the North =? Boats in circulation in the South =? warnings per boat figures? I think it just shows there are less boats on the south. statistics can be made to say anything you want them to.
  2. grendel

    What Is It ?

    it must use water wings.
  3. Hmm, I am sure some of those sizes would be useful, I will have a think and a measure and let you know.
  4. Ooh Charlie, what do you have with a 4mm id (and do you have any with a id for a 20g (0.161") shaft (approx 4.1mm)
  5. this evening I came home to an empty packet - well it looked empty, felt empty apart from a sheet of paper - yes it was a pair of miniature ball bearings, I will keep these ones for another use, I have some more arriving - a bit bigger that will be easier to work with. the big problem is that to make the support I need the tools in the workshop - catch 22, I need to finish it. this weekend is also the weekend of the southern model show, so only 1 day to finish the bench, add an astronomy meeting into the mix, oh boy, a busy weekend ahead.
  6. well my kitchen is long and thin, you couldnt swing a cat in there- ----- oh sorry! Bats..................... Well you couldnt swing a bat in their either, cricket, tennis table tennis or hockey, Oh no, swing any of those in there and its smashed crockery and glass all over
  7. Robin I wonder if we can get that as an emoticon. It would probably be the most used one on the forum.
  8. I think the rangers might pull you over for excessive wash though.
  9. perhaps they will just sail it down whether the bridge opens of not, maybe the rail bridge needs a nudge to help it open. Its funny I did wonder how they would get this vessel out when they announced that they were going to stop the bridge swinging, perhaps moving this vessel out first was one of the pre-conditions of that.
  10. Ah at least I qualify there - both a cycle proficiency badge (one of the metal ones you put on your handlebars that when you have an accident gives you a nice cut on your forehead, and no less than 2 blue peter badges (yes I have appeared on the show twice - only the white plastic ones though). Just out of curiosity, how did the other independent organisations start? to my thoughts, probably in much the same way as this organisation has? by some hard effort on the parts of the volunteers, and just being available. They may well (in time) prove themselves to be competent and a complement to the existing services, and in the event of a widespread emergency (flooding etc) become an important asset, so I dont think we should necessarily decry their efforts at this early stage. (all the same to donate to them rather than to the current emergency response teams would seem a bit premature).
  11. well the wood plate has been glued in place, the brass is marked up, just need to find a thicker block to support the bearing.
  12. tonight I packed more grease, I think its full now. the shaft is running much smoother, but I will still add a pillow block near the coupling. I have worked out that I need the piece of wood and the thickness of that piece of brass (which will support the pillow block).
  13. Tim, why not nick a couple of those long pipes that washed ashore and tow them one either side of RT, that will keep the beggars off.
  14. I think having a cat sitting in the window deters them at my house
  15. Historically of course the longer summer holidays were arranged so that the children could help gather the harvest in
  16. We once had a pigeon do this at work, it had obviously recently had a dust bath as it left a perfect pigeon shape dust outline on the glass, perfect down to the details of the feathers.
  17. No, we were up to ink on drawing film when I started, but one of the offices I worked at still had a very old ammonia printer that could only be started twice a day at most because of the mercury vapour lamp, one of the older members remembered wgen prints were done by putting the drawing in a frame and taking it out in the sunshine, then developing in a tube containing ammonia. nothing better than changin g the ammonia bottle on the printer for clearing up a head cold.
  18. Griff, a scroll saw may do the job as well if nobody close has a bandsaw - hasnt our Timbo got a bandsaw? I have a bandsaw- just the sort of thing you are describing, but I am over 3 hours in the wrong direction and 3 hours back to Norfolk. If you cannot find an alternative we may be able to sort something out.
  19. hmm just done some calculations, and I reckon I can fit another 1.5cc of grease into the tube to fill it. a job for tomorrow now.
  20. greasing the shaft is a messy business, about 2cc of grease was injected into the shaft, then everything put back, and tested on 6v - good result very quiet, on to 12 volts - full chat and the vibration is a lot less, maybe 0.5mm vibration, still I think the pillow block and bearing will make that better. I think I need to make up a plate for the motor and bearing block. I will insert a plate into the hull at the prop shaft angle, then it will be a case of making up the mounting plate and pillow block.
  21. Right, this evenings efforts have born fruit, while testing motors with the new coupling I noticed an interesting fact, the end of the shaft extends out of the stern tube by maybe 60-70mm, at the speed of the motor at full chat, even the silicon tube doesnt stop the end of the shaft whipping around, its getting maybe 5mm off line once it gets to speed. I am thinking the end needs to be restrained, so some 4mm id bearings have now been ordered, so the waiting begins again for parts, once they arrive I will make a pillow block to support the end of the shaft in the hope that by constraining it I can lose the vibration. I will now get on with inserting some grease into the shaft.
  22. and there was me thinking a loco-motive - was the reason Tim did things.
  23. when I came to the spring meet at Salhouse, I was camping at the campsite there, the only other campers were all young things, one tent with 4 girls, and a set of 3 tents of lads (they were separate parties when they arrived) there were some canoeists, but they were all young and fit (its almost a pre-requisite with the campsite nearly a mile from the car park, the older campers seem to prefer easy access to the car, I know it seemed to take forever getting there with a wheelbarrow full (walk 3 minutes - stop- take 5 minutes to get my breath back, and repeat)). there was some noise at night, what with the lads scouting for firewood, and then the lads and lasses chatting around the fire. when it came time to leave I did have to empty the one wheelbarrow supplied to get your gear to the campsite, the boys group had left it full of their provisions, some bread, bacon and 4 cases of beers, they were all still sleeping off the previous night around the camp fire. All in all though it seemed quite peaceful there.
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