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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Famous maybe, but I will never be that good looking, as for the symbolism, well as a draughtsman, I can use a pair of dividers, and a square, but as for the rest.....
  2. Well I do have a couple of packs of laminate flooring I picked up somewhere, so maybe I should use the plywood for something else and use that up, I will still start off with the oak flooring as that will make a good strong bench surface to go under the sacrificial one, in my shed at my parents house I had a galvanised steel surface over the bench, but my activities there were primarily sword making so a steel surface stopped me setting light to the bench with the grinder. (the walls built up a 1/4" thick surface of molten metal / grinding dust over time, so they were safe. I made a leather apron after the first time I set my overalls on fire.
  3. mess has been made, my morticer has been working overtime making joints, 22 pieces of timber have had joints cut and the work bench has now been dry fitted together, a few joints will need cleaning up to make them fit, only one joint had to be sprung into place. the top will consist of some oak tongue and groove flooring with a top layer of plywood, this will be a sacrificial surface, and can be replaced whenever it gets too damaged. the finished level will be 38" high - the same height as the table saw is now. this is a good height for me to work standing, or perched on one of the stools I have. I will probably wait until next weekend to finish the bench, this means work on the boat will resume, as I now have all the parts I need to work on the next step quieting that noisy prop shaft.
  4. I think nowadays if you put fenders up, they will just roll back off the side deck, as I dont believe many hire boats have the toe rail as Broad Ambition does.
  5. John, I think its the same sort of dedication that keeps me going on the model of BA.
  6. today, after a trip to the timber merchant for some plywood and some 2x2 planed timber, and my normal saturday shopping etc, it was after lunchtime before I got started, furniture moved around to clear the space where the bench will go, then it was down to cutting the timber down so it would fit indoors, all the 2x2 was cut to length + about 25mm, and the plywood cut down to 2 ft wide
  7. I remember in the '60s going for walks, (we didnt have a car) when a pub was found , myself and my sister were sat at a bench outside with a glass of lemonade (R Whites finest). food was supplied early on in the walk, as we passed the corner shop on the way out, a 1d gobstopper each, kept us quiet for hours as we had nowhere to put them but in our gobs.
  8. this evening the last of the bits needed arrived, unfortunately I have an evening of 3D printing ahead after a promise made to try and print something for someone, the rest of the weekend is booked up with work on the workshop, moving bits around and building a bench, I will see if I get a chance to squeeze it in. on another note I picked up a simple sound unit for my model second hand, this is not as complex as the one that I hope to fit to Charlies, that will rev with the throttle, this one just makes a diesel sound continuously, which is good enough for me, I also picked up 3 motors that should be perfect for the models, testing can now take place (once I have refitted the motor and sorted the prop shaft. at the rear is the marine grease for the prop shaft, this will be injected into the shaft with a syringe.
  9. I would think it fantastic, apart from containing fish - to which I have an allergy, can it be made with chicken or some such as a substitute? (my mother is allergic to anything containing vitamin D)
  10. well plug it in man, you need a solar power bank, even Baby BA has one of these that you could charge your phone from in an emergency
  11. looks to be about 4.2 mph to me.
  12. Griff has also posted somewhere (I forget now) that they were only triple moored for a few minutes as a photo opportunity, and were watching the river while they were thus moored. I recall the incident in the hidden thread was a different one to that.
  13. No, I was saying I pulled threads over on the volvo forum, In fact since I posted here I went over there and had to remove 5 spam threads over there. As I am not a moderator here, I dont have the authority to remove / hide threads here, I am just one of the tech team that sort out the back room / software issues on the forum. All I was trying to say was that if there are any issues with a thread ( for any reason), the first action is to hide it (make it invisible) to anyone but the moderators. I wasnt saying your thread was spam - far from it.
  14. I am a moderator on a volvo forum, when we get spam postings there, my first practice is to remove the offending threads from view - generally I find we have had a rash of 20 spam postings from the last time I checked, so it has to be dealt with in bulk. if I am short of time then it will be left until later to go through it and suspend memberships etc to stop them posting more. This case is different to that, but general principles are the same, if there is a possible problem, remove the post from site, then get on with sorting it out, if you see something just as you are logging out to go to bed, you might just have time to hide it to sort in the morning. So I will apologise on behalf of the moderators here, for not notifying you that the thread was being hidden, sometimes even the best of us have bad memories, or are just too busy, but as I said above, once they have come to a decision I am sure you will be informed.
  15. Give the moderators a chance to discuss it and decide, they are all volunteers and have to fit their visits here into their daily life too. I am sure whatever is decided you will be informed of the results.
  16. I am a member of the arthur ransome facebook group, and recently one of the twins sent Sophie Neville (Titty from the 1974 film, and who worked on the production team of swallows and amazons forever- the TV series on coot club and big 6) some photos from the filming - the upshot was that both of the twins from that production joined the facebook page, and posted some of their memories of the filming.
  17. 3 girls, and one boy and an old Lady- Port and Starboard were with them too.
  18. while not experiencing fog like this on a boat, there was one time when driving on Romney Marsh in my van, where we had both sliding doors open and were keeping between the white line at the edge of the road and the white line in the middle of the road, visibility was a few feet further than the end of the bonnet- you could not see the road surface, and there are a lot of big ditches beside the roads on the marsh. we proceeded at less than walking pace and arrived - eventually.
  19. you mean like the 4th to 6th item on this page? http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/prop_shaft_accessories.html Actually, from the look of those I could print one, but I am limited for space due to the batteries sitting above the prop shaft.
  20. so this evening when I got home, there was the silicon tubing, I just had to try it for a fit, and I am happy with the result, I wont be fitting it until the marine grease for the prop shaft arrives, then I will do all the jobs at once. the motor will be fitted as near in line with the prop shaft as possible, then the grease will be syringed into the prop shaft, and the shaft refitted and the connectors fitted in while I am at it. so here are the old and the new
  21. I use the steel ones for meccano, they are good, but noisy at medium revs (1000 rpm) i would have to think how noisy they would get at 12,000 revs, plus they dont go to a small enough shaft size for the motors I am using. The red couplings on the second page you linked, are what I have got at the moment, they are probably pushing it at 5000 rpm. apart from getting the two shafts aligned as perfectly as I can, the only solution I have been able to find that will reliably perform is using the brass inserts from the red couplings, joined together with silicon pipe, which is the solution I am aiming for. I have also obtained some marine grease and syringes to inject it into the prop shaft, which should also quieten things down a fair bit. (not to mention reduce the chance of leakage through the prop shaft).
  22. well another evening last night with no modelling done (still awaiting some parts, and to be honest until I solve this coupling problem, I dont want to do anything drastic like fixing the prop shaft in place on model #2), get model 1 right first. last night a short time was spent in the last corner of the workshop / conservatory, there is a bookcase here that I want to move out, then when that is done the wall units will go onto that wall for now, out of the way, anyway the serving trolley in front of the bookcase was tidied off and cleaned, and I then found my store of parquet flooring 4 big boxes full of it, all covered in pitch, so they would need to be cleaned up if I wanted to use them, I might put them to one side (again) in case I come up with a brilliant idea what to use them for each block is about 4" x 1" x 3/4" thick. Anyway i digress, where was I - I have this theory, that when craftsmen are stuck on a project they resolve it by rebuilding and re laying out their workshop (well there is myself and Timbo as a great example of the theory). the bookshelf coming out of the corner will be relocated along an outside wall, such that I can store power tools on its shelves, this just leaves a big wooden chest to relocate (at present its top hosts the band saw and small table saw). Once these issues are resolved i must build a work bench along the wall with the wood facing at the back, looks like another busy weekend ahead there. then I will be looking at running power and lighting. In the meantime hopefully the remainder of the bits will arrive and I can sort out model #1 and get her running quieter.
  23. I thought it was supposed to be tar and feathers, not bilge paint and sawdust - Ah well never mind
  24. is the channel wide enough for a sailing boat to tack along it without going outside the markers?
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