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Everything posted by grendel

  1. https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1251&bih=607&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=pedestal+table+mount&oq=pedestal+table+mount&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i8i30k1l2.810.3276.0.9009. pedestal table mount?
  2. from the tassels on the shoe, I think we are looking 1940's 1950's style. painting - only your head then ? looks like the oil and grease has preserved your timber for you.
  3. wouldnt want to come through the bridge to find that lot.
  4. that explains the noises in the ablution block, a conversation was being held in camperablutionese, a series of challenges and counter challenges
  5. I know someone who made a model of that one. I would absolutely love one of those Peter, even though I would probably need to tow a barge of coal around, finding one I could afford on the other hand....
  6. its been bookmarked and passed around the office - but then we are all in the electricity supply business
  7. a few years back I read up on some smaller nuclear generation, it used molten salt as the coolant, and was set up so that if an emergency shutdown was needed it dumped the molten salt into a hopper, where the radiation was contained within the now solid salt. Not heard of any progress on those recently. They were good because they only had a small size and output, so they could be sited closer to the place they supplied, thus reducing the losses in the network..
  8. Thats interesting Robin, I like the fact that output from wind is nearly the same as output from coal, but both are only about 3% each of the total.
  9. I finished stripping the printer last night, so I have some nice straight steel shafts, and a whole bunch of gears, plus some stepper motors.
  10. the strange bit is nobody can think where there was any wood flooring, it looks like offcuts from a new floor, but they have not laid any yet, maybe it was in the builders van?
  11. oh no, she will now have the RSPB on her side, though I would have thought they were in favour of the statue as a roosting place for pigeons.
  12. MM since the power drop is a factor of current and the resistance, the higher the voltage, the lower the current, the less power lost, thus the 400,000V supergrid to move power any distance, 132,000V , 33,000V then local down to 11,000V. percentage losses are in the region of small numbers 3% maybe, transforrmers are 98%efficient most losses are at mains voltages, maybe up to 5%
  13. Tonight, instead of working on the models, I am gleaning materials, first I have the stack of solid oak flooring rescued from the skip at work, they are refurbishing the toilet area, but where this came from I dont know. next I have an old laser printer to strip down for gears shafts and other bits.
  14. Poppy the simple answer to that isfor a group of electric car owners to park their electric cars at the petrol pumps, and see how fast they come to complain.
  15. which nicely brings me back around to the original question, that of if you had not managed to charge your batteries, would you still get kicked off a 24 hr mooring at the end of that duration, with maybe only a short amount of cruising time available.
  16. I would imagine if you were using a sizeable chunk of the 32A then one of the cards would quickly be depleted. So, would the BA have available a larger denomination card for charging a boat? or would you need to get up in the middle of the night to change over to a new card?- or even every couple of hours.
  17. I bet you are getting even more onlookers now. looking good
  18. a little testing, I have replaced the coupling with a length of hose, and its a bit quieter, I have ordered some silicon tube in the correct size, this should make even more difference, as the hose I found was old and stiff, so not the best test
  19. well Q has one, but I was considering that if I ever got a boat I might well get an electric one.
  20. it has struck me that though there are plenty of people willing to share an electric post, what would be the situation if for example, an electric boat stopped at the 24 hour moorings, but nobody allowed them to plug into a post, would they be charged with overstaying the 24 hours if for example they could not hook up to a post until somebody else left, so they were still charging when their 24 hours were up?
  21. Yes, and the vibration is no different when you have tiny prop shafts but they are revolving at 11,000 rpm, and much much worse at 20,000 rpm, the slightest imbalance at these speeds, makes for a lot of vibration. I will see what I have to work with tonight.
  22. well the application of a bit of research and google has come up trumps, the universal coupling I thought I had - isnt, its half of a universal coupling, these are commonly known to run off true and create a racket, and also are not rated for more than a few thousand rpm (no wonder that at 20,000+ rpm they were trying to shake themselves apart) there is a solution, add a second part to make it a true universal joint, or, just replace it with a length of silicon tubing. I do have an old radio control car (picked up at a boot fair for parts)- this might have a coupling closer to a CV joint that I can use, I will have a look tonight, either way I am closer to a solution (and stopping that noise and vibration)
  23. import a few more wherries and let then chain drag down the river, that would over time deepen the channel surely
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