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Everything posted by grendel

  1. plus reduce the cost of parking your car at the station.
  2. I can still remember visiting my grandparents when the trains used to chuff, and if you left the window open through a tunnel you were covered in soot smuts when you came out of the other end.
  3. I was watching that on quest last night, but only with half my attention as i was also working on the model BA, so didnt spot that connection.
  4. a bit like out of the frying pan and into the fire, though I imagine that in the lynx habitat you might be slightly safer.
  5. I believe it was for a mobile phone, cant say as i paid it much attention, nor when they phoned me as an existing sky customer and offered it to me - they didnt seem to understand when I said I was on a pay as you go package, that I paid £10 a month, from which £6 a month blackberry services were taken, and I was still building credit every month, which was when they told me about the rolling data, I just told them it could roll however long they liked but would still not get used, on my blackberry I get 500mb data and 300 texts, of that I use maybe 5 texts a month and maybe a couple of mb data a year.
  6. are there not adverts around at the moment for sky with a data package that rolls on unused data at the end of the month.
  7. Tim its funny when I read it they were on about exploding Pine Martens - though they couldnt spell Marten - and how they were eating all the eggs of the capercaillie. now why is this such a bad thing, bad enough that they couldnt use the common name of the bird - grouse - ah yes the very same that thousands flock to scotland to shoot at - that are bred just for that purpose. Maybe its over consumption of the spent shotgun cartridges that cause the pine marten to explode.
  8. see there, now thats where they go wrong with the swing bridges today - no barrel of grease to keep them working, (either that or you just cant get the quality of grease you had in the good old days)
  9. my daughter once (for a short time) worked at BT, we are on an unlimited package so cannot check our usage (it just says you are unlimited, so we are not bothering to tell you.) as part of her training they each had to look up their household internet usage. our house won the prize, the trainers had never seen anyone with the usage we showed - considering at the time we were 3 adults, and streaming music video tv etc and downloading movies, but our usage was 2 Tb per month, there were 9 or 10 devices (desktops, laptops, sky box, phones, tablets, x box etc) all connected at once.
  10. is it just me that wonders what the barrel had in it in the picture?
  11. first thing I thought of too when I saw the name, I guess one has to be of a certain age for that name to conjure up memories.
  12. yes it was all the old images that had not transferred, now its all the newer images that were saved to the other image server, we will get there, at least this way there are less to upload from scratch, I wasnt looking forward to reloading 51 pages of images, whereas 2 pages is viable if it comes to that.
  13. tonight, a bit of this a bit of that, a plate made to go onto the bow decorative teak piece, and mounting of the cleats. the more of these details I add the better she looks. so I tried a bit f aluminium tube I hd - a much better size I think.
  14. tonight, a bit of this a bit of that, a plate made to go onto the bow decorative teak piece, and mounting of the cleats. the more of these details I add the better she looks.
  15. then again where but on youtube, or to be honest on our very owns captains blog can you find out how not to open a tin of hotdogs with a screwdriver. that is something that you would never get in a magazine.
  16. Charlie, You know how it is, I am sure it was the same with Broad Ambition (full size) that you wanted to get bits done before you took her out and put her on show. there are a whole bunch of things that wont get done on the models before they come up to Beccles, painting decks and roofs, varnishing woodwork, etc I have got some teak stain on some of the woodwork, and that gives it a better colour, but as you found it can still be a little streaky. I will be happy when I have some deck fittings attached, for that I need my drills to arrive so I can drill the stainless plates, to mount the fairleads onto front and back.
  17. all I remember was that when listening to the goon shows, we had to be dead quiet, as my dad would have the portable tape recorder in front of the radio with a microphone, we werent even allowed to move across the room in case a floorboard creaked.
  18. sub lieutenant Phillips and CPO Pertwee wonderful.
  19. Getting proper excited now looking forward to the event.
  20. Tim, I see you have a handy sash cramp shelf. I must ask did some one lend a hand making all this?
  21. I will have to see how it steams, as I am thinking to make the rubbing strakes for both models out of it too, sanded up and varnished that should look good. though I dont think I will get them onto Model #1 before Beccles. i have really been surprised at how much detail I have been able to add to the model in these last few weeks, just a few more bits to add and I will be happy, I think one of my best inspirations was the 0.8mm stainless steel pins, these have been used pretty much anywhere screws would have been used (though I have to admit defeat where counterbores and wood plugs would have been added over the screw heads - like the toe rails for example). the pins can be pushed through and the tips trimmed then about 1/16" bent over and hammered in to the other side to make a secure fastening. when using these I drill a 0.7mm hole in the wood, which gives a good tight fit, then hammer the pins in.
  22. for pencils, the best trick is just drilling a load of stopped holes in a block and inserting the pencils in the holes - same for drill bits, a couple of lines of holes of varying sizes, the drill bit sits in the hole 1 drill bigger than the bit
  23. Charlie, I plan to, , it will be used everywhere I can on model #2, cabin sides, windows etc, but each cut I make will be planned to use it to its best advantage, both for the grain and to plan the widths I need.
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