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Everything posted by grendel

  1. would they have to be balls, or just cylinders (cheaper to turn), maybe you can get a quote from the man with lathe and oak.
  2. after I was a bit older and allowed down the pub we had bat and trap in most pubs (there are still a few with a bat and trap pitch in Canterbury)
  3. I just knew it had to be your shed from that reference. have you tried modelling it in 3d, allow working space for each tool based upon the maximum length you need either side for working. to start with you will not be using all of the tools at the same time, so some arrangement of locking castors to easily move the tool to a working location, arrange your blank wall as a space for stowage of tools not currently in use, this eliminates the need for working space around the tools (lidls had heavy duty castors in stock last weekend). some tools may be able to be used in situ on a small shelf above the general storage space, or may want to be arranged for easy transport around the bench (small casters or rollers?) failing that you need a good supply of skyhooks to anchor each tool in the correct position.
  4. just a thought, what size thread is on the gear knob of classic cars - maybe a market there too.
  5. two ponys to tow you along the river:-)
  6. production line for the fender mounts is under way, half done now.
  7. Many thanks to Nigel for popping in and dropping off a couple of sheets of adhesive acetate sheet, and for admiring the model, I can now see a clear way of achieving the glazing of the windows, it was great to meet you, and hopefully we will meet again on the broads.
  8. I keep takeaway tubs of the various colour wood sawdust, just so if needed it can be mixed up with some pva as filler.
  9. the ladder will probably need to be taken off to do the repair, while they are doing the repair they may also be able to reinforce the mounting area, so moving it back a little should pose no problems.
  10. actually on the model they dont look too bad
  11. this morning I have an appointment before work, so naturally I am making use of my time, testing those super pcb drill bits on stainless for the first time, and yes they do the job, so one fender mounting plate made, plus one cleat, this may be a little large for scale, but its 3mm bar and 4mm tube, maybe I need to get 1mm rod and 2mm tube, but it proves the concept.
  12. well that rules out lydden hill too - silverstone?
  13. note the doors are just in place, there are no hinges yet.
  14. so this evening the 5 sided star has been painted, the bifold doors have been fettled and are a snug fit in the hole, and finally the decorative bow piece has been affixed in place at the prow.
  15. 19.00 on the friday I have booked myself to the theatre in Norwich to watch a production of swallows and amazons by Arthur Ransome, I have already booked a non refundable night in the hotel just along the road, so will see you early Saturday morning. http://maddermarket.co.uk/production/view/395
  16. I have amended your post, you might want to change some of the other timings though.
  17. and there was me thinking you knew what you were doing
  18. Charlie will probably be along to explain his reasoning, but there is nothing stopping you going under at any state of the tide except dead high water if you have the air draft to get through, its just that the slack water after low water is the best time to do it. it may well be that Charlie has worked out his timings from the sailing time from Stalham, the average clearance at high water of Vauxhall bridge is 6'9" which means Broad Ambition can pretty much go through the bridges at any time if Charlie drops the mast and screen, unless you have a huge air draft you should be OK following Charlie, as he knows what he is doing (well mostly, but dont tell him I said that or his hat wont fit)
  19. That sounds a good plan, I will contact you via pm and let you know my address and we can arrange a time etc.
  20. I am still thinking of the glass - it will be clear plastic, the only way I would get bits of glass small enough would be to drop a sheet and hope some of the bits happened to be the right size. on the back is the easy way, but I will think on it.
  21. Timbo, I dont know what all this fuss is over bifold doors - heres my first set, for the rear of the model, my one piece of advice - make sure the hinges all line up.
  22. Well I had just finished painting the star on the bow plate, when I had a 'hang on a minute ' moment, so I checked my reference book, and yes - I will be overpainting again with white, and then I will paint the correct 5 pointed star.
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