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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I always think the good thing about this forum is we can all generally agree to disagree and leave it at that.
  2. well I found another of the tiny bolts, so I went ahead and drilled through the mast, and made a pin for the other hole.
  3. I am a lot happier with how this version has worked out, all it needs now is a couple of vertical holes through the brass and wood plate for the mounting screws, then I just have to wait until the smaller stainless steel screws and nuts I have ordered arrive. I have 2 the right size, but no nuts.
  4. this mornings trip to Lidl was fruitful, they had some assortments of nuts and washers, so some were purchased, here is where I am at with the mast support, the brass bar will be fixed to the underside of the roof, there will be 2 slots in the roof, and two more in a timber mount above the deck. and then the mast will bolt through on a pivot, with a pin through to allow it to be dropped.
  5. I always suspected a trace of witch doctor in you Tim.
  6. work on the mast support started, I have decided to mount the mast support inside the roof, with the arms poking through, this way I can get a much more rigid support, work has started - pics later
  7. they were not crashing at the time.
  8. when it comes to rivets, I have those a plenty, not those pop rivets either, but proper steel rivets, I do also have a selection in brass as well, at the end of the day if I am happy with the fit of the skegs I may decide to rivet them. I have found some smaller stainless steel bolts and nuts, at about 18p each for 1 nut 1 bolt, a better price and in better quantities, strangely 2mm ones (the next size up ) are half the price (got some of those on order too). my bits boxes yielded plenty of small bolts - but no nuts, since I have now found a source, and as I spent a while digging in my bits box, I have decided to rebuild the mast support tomorrow now, when I can take my time and go slowly with these tiny parts.
  9. not if you took the pictures surely.
  10. I see now that the bracket at the bottom is quite deep, and the pivot and retaining pin are set diagonally apart, this gives me a better idea of how I can proceed from this point. Charlie the bolts on the keel are 3mm stainless steel allen head, with brass nuts (nearest I can get to being rust proof), once I am happy they will be cut down to length and smoothed off. where they pass through the keel they are in brass tubes. As for the bolts I am using on the mast, currently they are about 2.5mm x 12 long, I can happily reduce it to 1 bolt and a pin for the retainer, these bolts in scale would be about 1 1/4" diameter, but if I go much smaller we will lose strength, though your last link does have some interesting stainless steel 1.6mm diameter screws, but with the screws at 17.5p each and another 9p per nut, I think for now I will go with what I already have. - i do have some tiny bolts in my bits box
  11. Big seagulls, is that a bourne 40 hull, remarkably similar to the lines of Broad Ambition
  12. yes it would be nice to have a space within reasonable distance for the weekend as I have to get the two models to the boat.
  13. I too am arriving by car, there is a free car park just along the road from the mooring opposite the diy store (is it travis perkins - going from memory here) or a bit further is the supermarket car park.
  14. well it worked (sort of) but the holes are so close to the edges that I am going to have to have a second go at this (both the mast and bracket) and find some smaller bolts, or I will never get it to fold down properly. I think I will also extend 2 tabs out from the channel to allow it to fix down, without the heads of the bolts fouling the bottom of the mast. some lateral thinking required here I think.
  15. an informal cruise in company maybe.
  16. I have always said that news media always has to go worse than ever before, just to maintain the readership, I was discussing this with a work colleague, and she asked were there no news sites that just reported good news - I did a search and it came up with a report that a news site reported only good news for one day and their readership dropped by 2/3. bad news sells, the trouble is they have to find worse news to keep selling, and thus the self perpetuating spiral they drag themselves into, where each report has to be the worst thing ever. and now one paper reports it, and then the major players see it as a good report, but exaggerate its impact, and edit it to make it sound worse for their readers.
  17. Stuart - Salhouse Broad - its at the top of every forum page.
  18. So tonight it was find the right piece of wood, and some shaping work was done.
  19. are there not some ships that would be too large to pass back under the bridge further upstream, the training ship for one
  20. the pictures I find do show steps at the back, sometimes it can be quite a large step down to the bank, so it might be worth taking some kind of small step to help getting onto the boat too (eg caravan step). if you feel as though you may be unsteady on your feet, dont forget to wear your life jacket for getting on and off the boat. if you are uncertain it would probably be worth having a chat to the boat yard, they may have steps available to assist you- always worth asking.
  21. at my mates wedding where I was best man and designated driver - he was fortunate that my van 'did not have enough petrol' to make it to London, as one of the chaps had the keys to Nelsons column, instead he had the obligatory picture with a rose taken in the privacy of the pub garden. whilst stag do's are expected to have a few moments, it does seem that that particular one went a bit further than some.
  22. Pray goodness they wont be cruising with the radio on loudly, a wind up gramaphone competing and raising a wash to bring the banks down - also praying to goodness they dont try to emulate the Margolleta on breydon by ramming a post.
  23. so overnight the hatch finished so here it is before I head for work
  24. with the unfinished windscreen in place, hatch is busy printing.
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