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Everything posted by grendel

  1. my android tablet went black screen and would not turn on, I eventually found a website that gave me the combination of keys to press to do a full reboot, after which it has been working fine, yes it was the power and volume keys but in a particular order / combination
  2. Well I only got 1 more handrail support made tonight, I did however find a new tool for creating one of the shapes, a router bit can be used to create the round shape at the end, I am still having problems with the inner shape as ythe cutter doesnt seem to cut well, so I will have to try and resharpen that one.
  3. dependant upon the bulb type / fitting you should be able to get a direct LED replacement eg here -http://www.bedazzled.uk.com/12v_LED_Bulb_Replacement.htm
  4. No, I used to sew leather when doing leatherwork for my viking re-enactment, I had an old heavy duty singer sewing machine, which also got used for sewing the canvas for the viking tents (one was an old theatre backdrop curtain) - ever tried sewing a tent where the canvas was over twenty feet square- with ends attached to that. (the tent got the nickname Canterbury Cathedral as our group was based in Canterbury, and it was at least twice the size of the next tent). the canvas from this tent is still in my attic (the wood gave out years ago) but I dont know if the moths have got at it over the years.
  5. I have a fried breakfast down to an art form, I have a small (6" ) frying pan, and manage a full breakfast- oil in the pan, then fried bread, followed by the eggs, then the bacon, after that a tin of baked beans (or beans and sausages) is thrown in the same pan, and heated up. That said sausages and bacon at home are normally done on a tray in the oven, but just occasionally it all gets done in one pan.
  6. proper machine leather point needles should have a triangular cross section and be sharp on those edges to cut through the leather, I have known some with a flat cross section at 45 degrees to the direction of the seam, but they dont sew leather so well. I would not recommend either for cloth as they will cut the threads rather than piercing a hole between the weave.
  7. Tim, you cant be old - because that would make me old too.
  8. I once stalled my rotorvator hitting a metal post, the shock broke the crankshaft clean through (though the drive shaft was fine)
  9. So tonights progress was a single brass handrail support, to make it easier, I have made some tools, apart from the jig for drilling the hole, I have shaped 2 lathe bits to cut the radiuses onto the handrail supports as a pair they create the rounded knob at the end. and just for completeness here is my little lathe, bought brand new in the late 1970's, it has probably had more use now making parts for the models, than ever before, though I did repair my van propshaft with it once.
  10. I was once informed that I must wear a tie. I just pointed at the printer and informed them that that piece of machinery contains pinch rollers, and refused to wear a tie on H&S grounds - we eventually compromised and I got a clip on tie (and kept my top button open.
  11. I considered it, I had one of the sets of wheels on the rotovator, and I did consider mounting that at the front, but then it would not have fitted in the car. I do have an old scooter motor and wheel, so I could rig up some sort of drive if I wanted.
  12. found some aluminium tubing, cut it to length, flattened the ends and drilled 3 holes, we now have steering
  13. Well I wasnt happy not having steering, so I have just spent the last couple of hours outside, I removed the front wheels, welded an extra steering linkage to the square tube, added an extra bar to help support the axles as they are now only supported by 1 bolt, moved the pull bar to the end of a centre steering bar and added some stops. all that is needed now is a couple (or one) linkages to connect it all up.
  14. well now got a second coat of paint on, its now in the sun baking.
  15. this mornings work has been making a couple of handrail stanchions, I have made a jig for drilling them.
  16. last night it was going to rain, the trolley was too big to go in the greenhouse, so I got a coat of paint on it - good thing too as this morning the drizzle started as I wandered round the boot fair, still its sunny out there now so I will be popping out to put another coat on.
  17. it used to be the same on the west harbour arm at dover, you could not walk along it for the fishermen, tackle rods etc everywhere. fishermen were shoulder to shoulder, if you asked them to move their rods all you got was a mouthful of abuse in broken english, they were all fishing for their dinners, locals stopped going and i think they have closed it to fishing now that the cruise liners moor there.
  18. near the jet petrol station
  19. londis in church lane in coltishall is showing a cage of gas bottles red and blue in coltishall
  20. mind you most places will have closed, is there a little corner shop nearby, they sometimes stock it - or petrol stations
  21. are there any campsites local to there, they generally have a supply
  22. I am hoping to stick some paint on tomorrow (weather permitting) lidl's had some metal paint in white and black that I bought a tin of each, so it mat get a couple of coats of that. just to weather proof it - even though it is made of exterior ply, I might need to put it under cover tonight as its not looking too bright outside, so it doesnt get wet before its painted.
  23. right, its built now, and time for the piccies. the good thing is it is now a blank canvas, things can be added such as supports for the model to sit in. the added bonus is its big enough to take both models side by side, and at a pinch it will carry my camping gear to the campsite at salhouse. I did screw the two pieces of ply together around the edge, though the through bolts should hold it anyway. I re-used the pull bar I had on an old trolley, this has a wheel castor connecting it to the trolley. the only question is will it steer, as all the wheels are fixed, thinking about it prams steer ok.
  24. This weekend something different, a boat trolly for moving the model(s) around. It will also be useful for moving my camping gear at Salhouse. anyway some pictures later, I have been welding doing metalwork, woodwork. I popped out to the diy shop, bought a whole sheet of hardwood ply (a whole 8 foot by 4 foot sheet was £1 cheaper than a 4 foot by 2 foot piece). the wood has been doubled up to 1" thick, and shortened to 42" x 24" the metal box sections have had 10mm bolts welded into the ends for the axles (wing nuts will be used to hold on the wheels so they will be removable) I found some nice pneumatic rubber tyres on plastic rims a few years back at he boot fair, these will make good wheels, with some plastic spacers that are printing as I type.
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