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Everything posted by grendel

  1. on the bbc - probably an average of 1 or 2 - per year.
  2. surely though at certain states of the tide at yarmouth for example, one could be exceeding the speed limit on the water, but in actual fact be carried backwards towards the bridges - maybe this is where the speed over land comes in, of course at that point your wash may well be more than is comfortable, even if you are barely making headway.
  3. you could either peg the tenons or make the mortices angled slightly to the outside and make a saw kerf in the tenon and insert a wedge into the end of the tenon so it cannot pull through.
  4. This windscreen is looking a lot better - now to add hinges.
  5. Tim, if you think thats bad, I still have to make two sets of these, but 1/12 of the size.
  6. I am not concentrating on work, and my next trip up is to the Wooden classic cruiser show, and thats a month away yet.
  7. already planning something similar, I have a 4mm shaft up through from underneath, so will print one in translucent, a coat of black over the areas not lit up, with the white over that, and the 'lens' area should light up with a glow, for the Beccles show this one can stand as is, as I have not got to the point of lighting yet, I just wanted to give a better representation of the real thing.
  8. well here is the current state of progress.
  9. blimey I am going cross eyed putting these bits together, I may try turning one up out of brass.
  10. ok, even the printer is starting to complain that the parts being printed are too small, can you see what it is yet? more parts printing as I type.
  11. So while the window glue sets, onto CAD, we now have some non illuminating spotlights, one has been mounted on the forrard roof, its in its original position, as model #1 is being made as Broad Ambition was last year, model #2 will be made in the current configuration (if I can keep up) so will have the horn and spotlight reversed, and side decks in the dek king colours.
  12. the last windscreen frame is cut and glued up now, waiting for the glue to dry
  13. I run a linux install on my laptop with a usb GPS antenna, for mapping I use foxtrot gps, which does the business, both showing and recording my gps coordinates and speed to 0.01mph
  14. As I am taking my mother in law up to the hospital today, I have got some time to play, I thought that in case I did not get time to finish the screen I would try the original one I made that I wasnt happy with, just to see how it looks, not too bad, this is my backup to take up to Beccles, if I cant come up with anything better (though I am sure I can), this has just been fixed by drilling through and using 5 stainless steel pins, bent over at the back, I must say it does give a better appearance. in the cockpit I am thinking I need at least floors to hide the motor.
  15. the really good part is that although it takes a couple of hours to print this, it only cost about 75p, so when I decided it needed some slight modifications (taller sides and an upstand to prevent the battery moving) it was no great loss to scrap (ok place in the spare parts bin- it might be useful for another project where battery movement isnt an issue) and reprint the part with the new modifications. this tray has to sit above the prop shaft, so that had to still be accessible, it will be blocked up at the ends, and suitably sized supports will be inserted in the middle.
  16. Well its been a busy afternoon, apart from picking up my daughter from work, and visiting my parents I have reinstalled all of the wiring - properly, added cables to the two battery positions, (rather than go with a pair of 6V batteries, I have opted for a 12v 7AH battery (its a more common size and the same price as the 6v 10Ah ones), once I have adjusted the trim I will replace the weight with a suitable 12v battery (probably slightly smaller) this will enable the batteries to be swapped, and the boat to continue to be used. more 3d printing, a box was made for the on off switch, and the battery trays are currently printing. I had to pop into Maplins to pick up some extra spade connectors for the battery, while there I spotted a mixed box of small screws and nuts, going down to 2mm, these were the right size for the mast, so that has been fitted to the rear roof, as have the handrails. the hatch printed out the other day has been fixed to the roof, I have ordered a molotow chrome marker pen, these are reputed the best way of adding a chrome effect to a part, this will be used to outline the hatch (well the chrome bit anyway). All in all a lot of progress has been made today. I wanted to be in a place where the radio gear was permanently installed, and where some of the more visible detail was complete, and I am happy now. I do want to get the windscreen in place before the wooden boat show.
  17. well the radio fits the box, it is now fixed in place, its high up in the boat as 2.4mhz does not penetrate water well, for this reason they use a different frequency for submarines. next job is a permanent fixing for the rudder servo.
  18. mainly because my printer can only print a 8" cube. anyway here is the result of last nights printing, once I had cut a slot for the cable (oops forgot that) the servo is a snug fit in its holder, still to check the fit of the radio gear, but I am confident it will fit perfectly.
  19. 3D cad out now, I have drawn up a box to mount the radio receiver on the bulkhead, I have also designed a mount for the servos, once again to mount on a bulkhead. for the speed controller I will need a metal bracket to act as a heat sink.
  20. well the mast functions, now to wait for the bolts and nuts. in the meantime attempt number (well I've lost count) at the windscreen, I have the plywood pattern.
  21. Griff you did realise these pieces are so small I am working under a magnifying glass most of the time.
  22. yes Griff, I am a lot happier with this way of doing it, it was only after studying the close up details of the mast support and seeing how the bracket was slotted through the cover piece that I realised the main support could sit under the roof.
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