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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Tim, I am glad to hear you agreeing with me that there is no such thing as too many clamps, just to help this lot there are 7 vices on or around my model workbench, and a big one outside in the conservatory
  2. hmm methinks someones telling porkies.
  3. Of course without certain features, Broad Ambition just would not be herself, so today a pewter tankard sacrificed itself to create this, I got my metal gravers out (minute chisels for metalwork, jewelry mostly) and set to work. I decided not to try carving out the detail in the shield, and opted for paint, now waiting for the red background to dry, then will come the white circle, followed by the blue star.
  4. at the boot fair this morning, a rare find, one of the smaller artists figures, this one perfect for 1/12 scale (you will remember my previous ones came out at a scant five foot) a set of marples chisels and an air compressor added to the haul. this morning I have constructed a second cradle to support the models, this is now sitting waiting for the glue to dry.
  5. I was about to say that too
  6. Deebee, personally I would have thought that serious enough to warrant a 999 call. my daughter works for the NHS 111 and the number of times they get calls that should have been 999 is quite high, the problem is that although they have the same tools that 999 do, they have to wait until the person phoning has answered the questions to trigger sending out an ambulance, whereas 999 send the ambulance, then stand it down if the responses indicate its not necessary, I would imagine the 101 system works in a similar manner, that if your responses fall down a certain path a response can be triggered, but otherwise not, Also the 999 service is the only one that can get your location automatically, 111 have to ask you for the location.
  7. So, just a little more, I have added some additional storage on the wall, I have another 5 of these wall panels, though the pots here should be spread over 2 panels, on the model I have added the external beam on the rear roof, that the rear of the canopy attaches to.
  8. so the new rear folding cockpit sections are now attached, they need trimming to height now. the roof will need trimming around the folding section.
  9. well I had cut out the sections for behind the windows, however, when I came to cut the hinges I had a rethink, and glued up some more strip to remake them with the grain running horizontal, not vertical, vertical grain was causing the thin section at the bottom to break, the grain needs to be running horizontal.
  10. I tried training tomatoes, but the pots just fell off the back of the treadmill.
  11. charlie its on itv4 right now, just found it and started watching 15.35 saturday
  12. This is getting silly now, fitting hinges, the screws provided (small nails really) have heads that are too tall to let the hinged parts sit together properly, so had to be ground down. the first folding window is finished and fit in place. I bought some 0.8mm pcb drill bits and they are great for drilling a pilot hole for the pins. 2 hinges took me nearly an hour, the hinges were seated in carefully filed slots in the frames, these hinges are only less than 1/4inch long. (5mm)
  13. I wonder if the carved pipe bowl is actually soapstone? its lovely stuff to carve, I have hand carved moulds to cast pewter belt fittings. you can carve it with a penknife.
  14. It would be quite a laugh if the yacht station asked for a fee, I would have to ask for a 1/12 scale receipt.
  15. if he is at his workplace in the dockyard then upgrading the network for data may be problemattical, due to the restrictions on when and where you are allowed to dig. maybe the site needs to consider installing a wireless network to handle the load, I seem to recall some pubs doing this for internet networks for remote villages with low signal strength, via a satellite link to the broadband network.
  16. dont forget, I will be requiring a 12" wide stern on mooring, or a 48" long side on one (now to fit something to attach mooring ropes to.) yes one of the models is seaworthy.
  17. on this motor there are 4 brushes, hitting the commutator off centre, that said this is 18 years worth of wear, the brushes are about minimum, so I think the manufacturers would say they got it about right. the problem is any used ones will be the same age, and new ones are expensive, and not worth it as the car probably wont get another 18 years with me putting over 30,000 miles a year on it. as far as the model goes, I was trimming one of the quarter lifghts when the piece I was trimming off disappeared into the bandsaw, its my day for losing parts into tools. so next job - find the missing part, then it will be hinge fitting time.
  18. So this morning I unclamped the quarter lights, ran them over the belt sander to clean off the glue, and excess wood, it was then that the accident happened, one of the parts slipped as I was cleaning the glue off the face. 30 minutes later I had the belt sander stripped down and could access the part, of course the part went round with the belt and was sucked into the outlet for the dust. anyway, once retrieved the part fits in place - the height still needs trimming, but they fit nicely. the rear roof will have to be trimmed around the folding section.
  19. do you think I can skim it on the lathe?
  20. well a bit cheesed off at myself, after oh so carefully making sure the joints on the first two pieces were carefully handed, this evening I started work, cut the first windows joints and glued them up, cut the second and glued it up - themn remembered I was supposed to hand the joints, when I checked - of course I had not. anyway I then went on to cut the back pieces out, to the same angle as the front. as an aside I also tried to fix the old heater fan motor from the car as the replacement I put in 2 years back has started to fail (well I guess a used one will probably be nearly as worn as the old one.) anyway the fan was disassembled, I somehow think replacing the brushes isnt an option. (see the picture) that copper commutator should be parallel all the way along.
  21. does it pull wheelies with all those engines?
  22. I can think of another reason for the perspex, can you imagine just how few fingers Timbo will have left after cutting and handling sheets of glass.
  23. you might say that I am no longer under the thumb, so man toys are no problem nowadays, visits to Lidl are a bit tricky sometimes - too many toys.
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