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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Charlie, I plan to, , it will be used everywhere I can on model #2, cabin sides, windows etc, but each cut I make will be planned to use it to its best advantage, both for the grain and to plan the widths I need.
  2. Its here where I will admit to using a little bit of the teak for the bow decoration, this wood sands up beautifully. but I just couldnt do it in plywood.
  3. Tonight - working on the two ends, the stern board and the decorative wood section at the bow, gluing still in progress, but heres a sneak preview just weights at the front, there is nothing else to clamp to, the cardboard backing for the cheesed ropes has been trimmed back.
  4. I dont think I have ever been unconscious, there was the time me and my mum dropped something, I bent down to pick it up and as I was coming back up met my mums head as she bent down - she has a hard head like mine, unconscious no, sore head and woozy - yes. then the time I cant remember when I had a bike accident, but I cant remember from about 5 seconds before I hit - until I was rolling down the road seeing sky and road, but I think that was my brain shutting out memories it didnt want me to remember.
  5. Tim, turn your proper spell checker back on, you have defaulted to the Prof Unwin version again - (I blame windows updates, it happens every time)
  6. I was once blamed for one boy breaking his arm - well he did hit me on the head - with his forearm, thats when he broke it. I have a head that has survived:- 1 my sister throwing a pair of scissors at me (they stuck in point first) 2 running around a corner and head butting the corner of the coal bunker. (I was told to run home and get a hankie on the way to church) 3 falling off one of those stage blocks at school and landing head first on the corner of another. 4 a stone hitting the windscreen of my transit parcel van - it had a wrap around screen nearly 4 foot high, the sun visor held enough together to make a nasty cut on my head. 5 countless viking battles where my head deflected a sword blow intended for a softer spot (head shots are banned of course, so if you inflict one you are honour bound to take a killing blow from your opponent.. so how this lad thought that hitting me over the head would hurt me, I dont know.
  7. I have japanese pull saws- hard point ones- its amazing what Lidl sells, yet they work well enough, I would not even know where to start with sharpening them. in fact it was only recently I realised my mistake of sharpening a tenon saw as a cross cut saw, thinking about it for a tenon there is more rip sawing involved than cross cutting.
  8. my woodwork teacher taught me a lot - the first lesson was that if you mess around with a chisel and attack the workbench with it- you get a week of lunchtime detentions re-sharpening all the chisels (which taught me how to sharpen chisels properly) It also taught me that the woodwork room was open every lunch time (the teacher would have his lunch while supervising) and I dont think I missed more than a couple of lunch time woodwork sessions from then onwards. my only dissapointment was that at o level you could not take woodwork, metalwork and technical drawing (you could do any 2 but the timetable wouldnt allow all 3) so woodwork and technical drawing it was.
  9. Tim, those planes, should be on their side unless you have retracted the blades, its bad for the sharpness of the blades to sit them with the blade sticking out.
  10. in the meantime, the stern rail needed making, plus the short sections of toe rail at the stern, the stern rail is being made out of some laminated oak (it will be done from the teak Charlie provided on model #2), it was still just a fraction thin so a thin ply lamination has been added to bring it up to height.
  11. well that took some doing, on a couple of pieces of card I have cheesed some of my blue cord, ready to be used for decorative purposes, just 2 more to do for the front next. the card will be trimmed back once the glue has dried.
  12. no a volvo - so keep out of the way :-)
  13. so, the toe rails are almost done, there are a couple more to do, but they will need steaming I think, the boot topping on the second side was done using masking tape, but to be honest I am still not 100% happy with the result. It will have to do for Beccles, but I may redo this at a later date. there are a few more parts I want to get fitted before Beccles, but I have to be realistic, and stop somewhere before I run out of time. After Beccles this model will take a back seat as I progress model #2, I have just got carried away at the moment getting some detail onto model #1.
  14. ride of the valkyries or heavy rock in the car, status quo to lull me to sleep.
  15. Well started the other side now, all the fender eyes are fitted, fenders attached to some, and toe rails are starting to be fitted.
  16. nothing - unless its on a london bus and on its summer holidays.
  17. come now, it cant be that bad, we have more idiotic idiots than that here, you have to fail a lot better than that to qualify for idiot here
  18. I dont think Happy was referring to your comment, more Geoffreys comments apologising for it during the video.
  19. so the first section of toe rail goes in, all the fender eyes on one side are now done.
  20. So fender eyes are progressing, boot topping is being applied, I didnt want to use masking tape, so eyed it in to the top of the antifoul, hmm not so sure, maybe I will try the other side with the tape, once I know the best method, I will know how to do it properly for model#2.
  21. hmm a little small, I need some wider brass really, but proof of concept.
  22. Slowly insetting the fender eyes into the top rail and deck, glued and pinned.
  23. wasnt Geoffrey plagued with a pair of ducks there.
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