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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I thought it was supposed to be tar and feathers, not bilge paint and sawdust - Ah well never mind
  2. is the channel wide enough for a sailing boat to tack along it without going outside the markers?
  3. Also a lot of thanks due to Jonzo, who has also put in a lot of hard work on the forum to make it all - well - just work, without that effort we would not be in the position we are to go forward towards our second decade.
  4. I would still be very wary about using lithium batteries on a boat, lithium and water are a bad mix. give me simple lead acid technology any day, a boat can replace some of the ballast for banks of lead acid batteries - well known and simple technology compared to the problems you can get from lithium. that and the carbon footprint for lead acid is better, and if your battery should be immersed, then at worst you will get diluted acid in the water, not flaming gobs of lithium. the lithium may be the slower of the reactions (Lithium, sodium, pottassium) but still gets there eventually
  5. Its STOR, not STORR, so I have found out what they are up to - We have wind farms, we have solar farms (fields full of solar panels) and now we have diesel generator farms, I can see what you mean Malenka. they say they cannot block these from STOR as they are a valid solution falling within the terms of the process, surely they could add a line about acceptable emissions.
  6. perhaps he went to press the horn button and shut the engine off in error, we know that happens to the best of boats. Who knows, we are all idly speculating as to the cause.
  7. Malenka, do you have any links for STORR, none of my searches so far has borne fruit (either that or its all hidden well away from view in plain sight).
  8. we got the wall units cheap (one of my wifes purchases), before finding out that they were about a foot longer than the wall she wanted them fixed to (across the back door), so they got relegated to the conservatory. they will be installed into the kitchen one day, but not on the wall originally proposed. once I have figured how to get the flue of my woodburner through the roof, that may well get installed for winter warming.
  9. it is very easy to criticise, but how many of us read the bridge heights before we drive under them, I have owned a 10 foot high vehicle, and had a few close calls through forgetting, I have seen a car with a pushbike on the roof go through a car park entrance with height barrier, (the bike was wrecked as was the rear screen it was forced through). if you arent thinking about it, you just drive up to a bridge assuming you will fit. yes, I know you are warned, I know the height is printed on the dash board, but if you are relaxing - on holiday, and dont happen to see the height marker, these things will happen - it could have been any of us. So this is why we dont name and shame here - because one day it might be you, and you will be embarrassed enough as it is without us piling it on.
  10. well the plywood is protecting the glass, the furniture is rearranged - the two wall cabinets sitting one over the other will be moved and hung in the kitchen at some point, when this occurs the bench will be constructed along that wall. everything is back in, more rearranging is going to be done, to allow more tools to be used in situ. but after a long weekend of hard work, I have the makings of a workshop, at the moment the only workbench I have is the fold down top of the ancient kitchen unit - this is probably as old as me, and has survived my parents home and moving with us since we have had a house
  11. so finally back from 4 tip runs and ready for breakfast, en route I picked up a sheet of 1/2" ply to make up one wall of the workshop (cover the glass on the side facing the fence / neighbours wall) this is to protect the glass from flying bits of wood etc and give me somewhere to mount the tool racks and storage bins.
  12. This morning I have roughly framed in the top, a bit of scrap timber roughly hacked to size, glued and screwed.
  13. Well as I had bought some castors at lidls the other week, I felt ok about using the ones I bought the time before, 2 are locking ones so the saw wont run away from me, in the morning I will be adding a rim around the edge from some 1 1/2" x 1" timber I have lying around, this will stop the saw sliding on the base and falling off, without the need to permanently fix the saw to the base. the added bonus it brings the saw up to my level more.
  14. considering that this morning there was only an 18" path through here I think I am doing well at the moment, I have been looking at the table saw, ideally I would like it on casters, I had thought of mounting the vacuum under it, but then I realised I need to remove that occasionally to empty it
  15. Those could do the job, but it depends upon the hole diameters in the end part, I need to go from a 2.3mm shaft to a 4mm shaft. I was planning to replace the plastic centre part on the ones I have with 6mm id silicon tubing (to fit on the 7mm splines of the metal parts of the coupling.
  16. since I couldnt come to the meet, this weekend has been busy, apart from the delivery today and taking my parents shopping, this weekend, while awaiting parts to arrive to try a different coupling, I have spent the best part of two days clearing out the conservatories (we have 2 side by side, joined, one ebay purchase, one free to the person who took it down,) one is going to be my workshop. I tidied half of the other last tuesday, and the other half yesterday, today (around the other tasks) I have made a big dent in the second one. still some bits to shuffle around, tomorrow I have about 4 car loads to take to the tip, and some more tidying, then perhaps I can start building the workshop.
  17. I was once bitten by a cat, deep too, (not one of mine I hasten to add) I ended up with a tetanus shot, and two different antibiotics on maximum strength for a fortnight, I admit it was my fault, for grabbing it (stopping it attacking my cat), but that has never stopped me saying hello to any cat I see. not in the same league as dog attacks, but cat bites are notoriously worse, as they tend to get infected. it took months to heal properly
  18. Well I have heard that, and if they dont listen, you could beat them around the head with it, hopping mad.
  19. Barry, I can understand why you would go through on your own, after all to pick up a pilot you generally need to raise your skirts and show a bit of ankle
  20. As you say MM, its problems can happen to the best companies, but its in their reaction to those problems you can see the difference between a good company and an excellent one.
  21. I see you have a variety of woods, Canadian redwood, white oak, and is that silver birch between them?
  22. https://www.jonesboatchandlery.co.uk/zwaardvis-aluminium-seat-top finally one in the uk
  23. http://www.attwoodmarine.com/store/product/lakesport-seat-mounts
  24. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Swivl-Eze-Pedestal-Seat-Mount-Swivel-2-3-8-3939-/351443621765?hash=item51d3ac1785:g:TAMAAOSw3ydVg0Q0 ebay uk - but still from the usa
  25. https://greatlakesskipper.com/boat-seating-and-mounts/pedestals-and-parts/seat-slides-swivels-and-heads this is what you want I guess, but from the uk
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