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Everything posted by grendel

  1. youtube itself has a download option on videos (its under the 3 dots if its not directly visible.)
  2. Griff, I quite agree with that statement.
  3. or all the water empties out of hickling broad
  4. the ten foot draft wouldnt help a lot- the modern road bridge is only about a foot higher then the old bridge.
  5. make lemonade, or I hear it goes well with a gin and ice
  6. not to worry too much Andrew, that only gives a diameter around 17", so the doors should be wider than that, can you put on weight, easily if you choose the fine life and drinks and a good meal every day in the pub, conversely if you cook for yourself and eat salads you can lose weight too (basically, it all comes down to what you eat, and how it compares to what you normally eat when not on holiday.
  7. so google informed me it was pancake day, whoops, did i have the ingredients, yes- well sort of, substitute bread flour for plain flour and I had them, so batter was mixed and set aside while tea was put on (honey and mustard sausages) what to have with the pancakes, well no lemon juice (i dont really like it anyway, so plain pancakes with a dash of maple syrup, (i have to be careful as a type 2 diabetic - just enough for flavour) and it was all set, while the sausages cooked i was also doing the pancakes and they came out looking just fine. the first couple will be savory (with a sausage rolled up in the middle) the rest will have maple syrup.
  8. not saying a word about my waste (waist) dimensions, but its a lot smaller if measured in feet.
  9. for the money you might just be better spending £140 on a cheap domestic fridge, and spending some of the saved money to add to your battery bank.
  10. with replacing all the planks and extra weight, you might even make it under potter heigham in future
  11. yes, the top part is white and the bottom part is black
  12. well I suppose I could show a bigger picture of myself but I will save you all having to see my ugly mug even bigger than you have to.
  13. how does it bode for boaters moored up there and construction noise?
  14. what Bikertov said really, the forum software preshrinks the avatar pictures (puts them through a boil wash cycle) to make them a small size, so no amount of stretching will get them back to a bigger size for viewing. and yes some of us have to fit moderating in around boring stuff like work.
  15. you can still get traditionally made hemp rope (though nowadays made from flax) https://www.master-ropemakers.co.uk/12mm-chatham-hemp-p-802.html not cheap by the metre, a bit cheaper if you buy a 220m coil.
  16. grendel


    just follow your nose to the bacon and you wont get lost crossing Oulton Broad JA
  17. hemp (rope) is from the processed and crushed stems of the plant, processed in much the same fashion that flax is processed to produce linen, the stems are fibrous and its these fibres that are spun to form the rope, first the stems have to be retted ( a process to remove the parts not needed- the interconnecting tissue between the fibres) then they are crushed to leave just the fibres to be spun into linen (or rope).
  18. when I went to a boat jumble there was a stand selling odd lengths, that had been made up both ends, I got 4, all in the 14m length range, all less than £15 each, bargain, though at 14m they are a tad longer than water rail, it does mean I can take a rope round to the stern via the bow, from the opposite centre cleat and use it to turn the boat. also makes for good springs
  19. it certainly reflects what I have seen at Polkeys mill, with the flow going out, yet the river level rising, and vice versa later on with the flow coming in, yet the river level is dropping. though it doesnt so much explain it as just describe what we see happening. me I just go with the flow (or should that be against the flow?) ie stop the boat, see which way she moves, moor accordingly
  20. MTB 102 originally had 3 Isotta Fraschini 57 litre italian engines, she now runs I believe 2 600hp cummins engines (but still has a fair turn of speed in excess of 20kts)
  21. I remember the folkestone earthquake, I was sitting in a chair and there was a rumble like a big truck passing in the road (we are a dead end so trucks shouldnt have been passing) and the chair just felt as if it had lightly bumped the wall, I thought nothing of it until I read later that there had been an earthquake.(in kent earth tremors are more likely to be caused by mines collapsing than any other cause.)
  22. could that have been MTB 102? http://www.mtb102.com/ I know for a fact she has been to Beccles
  23. when we used to do fire training they would always bring along their fire trailer and people would all get a go at extinguishing a real fire, particularly they would put a smoke bomb inside an old monitor and set it off so people could train against the likeliest of fire types encountered in the office (along with the waste bin). that way you could instantly weed out anyone from the fire marshalls that was physically afraid of fire (its a known thing) people can operate fir extinguishers, but until faced with real flame you dont know whether they will or wont tackle the blaze, that said, policy was anything bigger than a waste paper bin fire we were told to leave to the fire brigade. they would also demonstrate the water on an oil fire effect.
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