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Everything posted by grendel

  1. during covid, my dentist changed their policy and said they would contact me for the next appointment, then they didnt ask to make a next appointment, I now find that as I hadnt had a checkup in a year I have been taken off their books as a nhs patient, but I wasnt given the opportunity to go for a checkup, apparently policy changed again and i was supposed to somehow know i needed to book an appointment to stay NHS, a few years ago they became a BUPA dentist, so I think they have used covid as an excuse to clear out all of the remaining NHS patients, and of course nowhere around is taking on NHS patients any more. The only funny tale I have of the dentists was once we were talking and he said he had to take his dog to the vets, and he was charged a small fortune for antibiotics for the dog, he said if he had known thats what the dog needed he could have taken some home from the dentists surgery for a lot less than he was charged, as they were exactly the same tablets.
  2. also at the fork in the river richardsons have a short section of visitor moorings for private boats (hire boats can always go in their basins too, here highlighted red
  3. so stalham staithe is the bit along staithe road, just north of the museum of the broads, room for 3 or 4 boats max, the blue bit i have highlighted below
  4. generally on the broads its at least 3 foot deep right off the bank (ie with the boat touching it) as most boats draw a lot less than that its fine, even down south where there is a greater tidal rise and fall its deep enough (just dont cut the corners too tight on the bure if you head down below Acle, i have touched bottom several times on the way down there, a full boat width off the bank)
  5. I have an android tablet and the OS maps app works fine on that, I paid for the OS map of the broads (paper copy) but that also includes access to the download, which can then be used offline. attached is a copy of the map I produced back in 2019, you are welcome to copy any details I have added to your map if you wish broads map-01-05-19.pdf
  6. it does appear that the boat belching the black smoke is moving progressively further from the other boats in the pictures
  7. dont tie the end of the dogs lead onto the mudweight line.
  8. I still get soaked when I do that, it seems no matter where it lands I will get wet.
  9. I too use the os map and view it through the OS map app (which allows GPS tracking too, ) I also managed to download the appropriate os open source maps and upload into a single CAD file in autocad map3d from which I generated a paper copy from the pdfs generated - I still occasionally update this file when I remember and add things such as moorings etc.
  10. I think I have been lucky and managed to moor there twice now, it all comes down to luck, if you see someone just leaving, its almost obligatory to dive right in and moor up, even if you have only managed a mile or so or have other plans for the day- just so you can say you have managed it, I remember a few years back we managed to get the whole of the lads week on the staithe moorings (doubled up certainly), I reckon if there had been only 1 space we would have been 4 abreast.
  11. playing devils advocate here -is it that unreasonable though, at best there are 3 moorings, and the swan has to pay to maintain those moorings and quay headings, so by charging they might raise nearly £100 a day, how much do new quay headings cost (I dont know, but £1000 a metre doesnt seem unlikely), so say they have 50m of quay heading (£50,000 and this may be a gross underestimate) and say they get the full income from the moorings 150 days of the year, thats well over3 years of income. for a business trying to keep afloat in the current economic climate, that may be faced in the next few years with replacing the quay heading, is that so bad- I dont know what the current state of the quay headings are there, (or how much they own- do theyhave to maintain the moorings for Southern Comfort too?), so that just my view on the matter.
  12. as far as I know Marthams are still hiring out at least one Janet - https://www.marthamboats.com/hire/motor-cruisers/9-janet-3
  13. I will have a look, not promising though. there I think thats done it
  14. take as an example the ULEZ zone proposed, now try and find a tube train station outside the zone, so you can park outside and take public transport in? I can see two on the eastern border- but by rights they are british rail stations- Brentwood and shenley, I have found the unreliability of trying to reach stations further in from central london, several times i have been caught in delays, times when 5 trains in a row all stop short of the destination, during peak hours, leaving 5 train loads of passengers fighting to get on the tube train when one is going through.
  15. this week on average we imported the same amount as we exported, we were exporting to france Monday, tuesday , wednesday. april to november last year we were generally exporting to france
  16. at the point where my office is the proposed ULEZ expands outside the M25, effectively the M25 is a corridor passing through the zone at that point, my exit, the roundabout and the a127 are all exempt, but if i have to take any side roads, they are all in the zone, this includes the roads that I use to get back to the M25 from the office, I am not certain about the road into the estate where my office is as thats a dead end road. but if i avoid the drive to the roundabout at the next junction and back an nip round the back roads, I have to go into the zone, my car is 6 months the wrong side of the modifications that would have allowed it into the zone (it has a dpf, but not any of the later emissions controls like adblue)
  17. this is the video I recently watched regarding the new battery claims, for me there was evidence that research is being undertaken, but I am slightly sceptical of some of the claims made in the video, anyway you can watch and decide for yourself.
  18. I have one of those lithium jump packs in the car, i got it from lidls, basically its a lithium battery with a set of jump lead that can plug into it, when I go on board, I just take it with me as insurance. I have used it on cars a few times to good effect (mostly neighbours with flat batteries) after a few jump starts it needs recharging from usb. (I also have a second one that has an air compressor for the tyres as well.)
  19. bearing in mind the junction box has deformed, that would indicate to me a build up of heat, as a junction box really only has connections inside, that would then lead me to the fact you have a bad connection, a bad connection will genrate some intenal resistance and heat up. so my guess is that if you open the junction box, you will either have a blackened wire, or a connection that is loose (maybe both, in which case the solution is to tighten the connector (or replace it) and make sure any blackened sections of wire are replaced. I would advise checking this sooner rather than leaving it as the heat from a bad connection can start an electrical fire. why hasnt the fuse blown, because the current hasnt exceeded its value,, if you had a short, the fuse would blow, but a bad connection just bleeds some electricity out of the circuit as heat, and may not exceed the fuse rating.
  20. since the short distance is 20m and the longer distance 40m, that seems to me its more for offshore than for on the broads, if your mudweight is properly set, with enough rope, you wont really be going anywhere. unlike sea anchors where if the wind changes you can overrun the anchor and unset it, a mudweight in mud will just stick, they are difficult enough to get out anyway.
  21. we had our snow yesterday morning, about an inch, and it made it through part of the morning, today we just have rain
  22. I believe they use the torqeedo drives, which are a bit like an electric outboard
  23. considering in the video I watches there were claims of full charge in 10 minutes on one chemistry, and full charge in 10s on another, if they can get the process this quick it will be just like using a petrol station is now., and with longer ranges, the issue of home charging will go away, but we may be looking at 5 years plus before these are commonly available. getting rather close to the government deadline. (i suppose they can always install big diesel genorators at the petrol stations)
  24. some of the battery chemistries replaced the lithium component too, but one interesting thing was the lithium sulphur chemistr was looking at a product that one set of batteries would outlast several vehicles- they were talking million mile lifespans (and battery ranges up to 1500 miles, now thats the sort of changes that will be needed.and all that at 1/5 of the cost of current lithium battery technology
  25. thats the point , sulphur is quite common and easy to get, as are aluminium and graphene, sulphur will replace cobalt which is a lot scarcer and harder to extract.
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