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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I sometimes think that with all the outrage over this that and everything, that the beauty, serenity tranquility and peace that can be got cruising the broads and mooring up gets lost, its still there, the rivers broads and wildlife is still there just waiting to be enjoyed.
  2. I would imagine that if they do not check whether you are a parishoner of Ranworth before charging you, it could open up all sorts of legal questions if you then refused to pay and they took it to court, this is why the question is so important, it should also note this on any signs at the moorings in case anyone were to question why the boat moored next to them was not charged and they were.
  3. so if you reside within the boundary of the parish of ranworth then you should be at least querying the right to charge.
  4. I see that the Broads Authority say there are no restrictions that prevent charging- well how about covenant C2 of the title deed NK293218 on the land registry. which clearly states that they cannot charge the Grantor (the Cators) or the parishoners of Ranworth for use of the Staithe. That seems to me to be a clear restriction on charging a certain group of people @BroadsAuthority do you have an answer to the question of charging the Parishoners of Ranworth at the staithe as it is clearly contrary to the covenant in the title deeds. when the proprietorship register B3 from 2003-05-13 clearly states that.
  5. I do wonder whether they will try and illegally charge one of the parishoners at Ranworth as it is very clear in the land title that mooring at the staithe will be free for them at least.
  6. perhaps they are referring to the accidental addition to the mooring at burgh castle where the mispositioning of a sign annexed the farmers mooring?
  7. generally if more that 1 website is affected its probably a browser issue, google are forever messing with how theirs works, which then follows up with issues on websites.
  8. either use a different Browser, or wait for google to fix the problem, its probably a google issue rather than a forum or herbert woods one.
  9. to put it bluntly, If the majority though that a charge was just fine and we represented that view to the BA, would you be happy about that- the answer is probably not, so by not campaigning we allow the discussion to happen and various views to be put forward, without the possibility of upsetting those who disagree, then the like minded individuals all have the opportunity to talk amongst themselves and they can individually (or as a group away from the forum) put their case to the authority.
  10. that doesnt mean its not important, I believe it is important, but that doesnt mean i can go to the BA and say that all the people on the forum feel that it is important, because unless I have asked each and every one and they have told me they think its important, I could be misrepresenting the feeling of many.
  11. am I correct in thinking that all of the BA paid moorings elsewhere are not limited to 24 hours? if this is the case there may well be a benefit of being able to stay longer (benefit to the person moored, but not to others wishing to use the mooring as spaces wont free up as readily.) just thoughtful musings.
  12. and how many of those thousands are commenting on this thread, can we truly say we are representing thousands based upon those maybe tens of people commenting in one thread? this is why we can only discuss the issues as we cant say what the thousands of people who are not commenting views are on the matter.
  13. if you mudweight 1 foot off the quay heading and dont have ropes ashore - could they charge you? as you wouldnt be moored to the bank. or one boat pays to moor and the others raft up to his bow.
  14. thats the meeting they vote on it, though it does appear to be presented as a fait acompli, we do know there may be issues with implementing charges at both sites either legally or by the local council that they lease the moorings from at reedham vetoing the decision (again) Lets just hope someone reminds them of this before they vote.
  15. often with the fenders on the shortest of ropes on Water Rail, if I move to that side of the boat they will take a dip. nd on the short rope are too short to put on deck.
  16. https://www.flexiteek.com/find-a-distributor/
  17. https://www.wilks.co.uk/blog/new-uk-distributor-appointed-for-dek-king/
  18. I too may be leaving from Beccles sometime Thusday, when thursday I am not sure
  19. I guess its famous for being a pain in the stern sheets for any boat too large to get through it for the last few centuries. Best we hire a descendant of good old king Canute and get them to tell the water levels to stop rising. I think what we should hope for may be a new ice age where the water will be captured in the ice and the sea levels will drop, if it goes on long enough the ice sheets may work their way down and form over norfolk, and when they eventually recede, Potter heigham bridge will no longer be an obstacle (of course there may not be a river anymore either)
  20. he's not allowed out with his fenders dangling, there were reports of ladies fainting at the sight
  21. has Griff been telling jokes to his Missus then
  22. boats dont actually use the bridge as such, thye usethe hole under the bridge and dont (unless they hit it) contribute to wear of the bridge, If the bridge got sso unsafe that it was in danger of collapse then the fact it is a scheduled ancient monument would be enough to prompt repairs to stabilise the structure so the situation should never arise (unless temporarily while under repair) that the bridge be closed to river traffic. I would also expect that a great deal of pressure would come from the businesses above the bridge that use the navigation, Martham boats for one, plus the lighter that services the riverside properties. - those properties themselves and all other river users.
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