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Everything posted by grendel

  1. currently we are exporting more to france than we are producing from our remaining coal fired power stations, in fact looking at the graph, since the end of March this year we have been consistently sending power to the country. so its probably safer to say if we experience problems their problems will get worse. if ayone wants to see the exact combination of energy we are generating this is a good place to go see - https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/
  2. having chatted to the autoterm engineer when he came to look at the one on Broad Ambition on lads week, he was saying they are no longer made in Russia, they have moved production elsewhere now (Latvia I believe), also they have an installation service, he did find a warranty fault on the heater, a bad connector between two non user serviceable parts, and changed the heater under warranty as in his words, he had fixed it by wiggling the connector, but could not guarantee it would not fail again, so replaced it. he also thoroughly tested the installation (which he had already said was spot on) with the heater connected to his laptop, which was where we found an issue when the intake air had to flow through both the bulkhead intake and the door intake when the door was open, not a show stopper, but marginal air flow when the door was open and the flow passed through 2 intake grills, that was the lengths they went to to ensure the installation was perfect.
  3. somewhere in my attic lies an old unix CAD workstation, this was in use at the time we purchased the first PC CAD version, on windows 3.1, and still remained the fastest CAD station all the way up to windows 2000, despite getting its files from a remote server over a 32 bit modem (54kb / s)
  4. grendel


    last night we held our astronomy meeting just outside dover in alkham, about 9 pm there was a tremendous noise on the roof, we checked outside - hail, this turned to a snow blizzard, and great concern was had at the state of the hills to get out of the village, anyway we carried on, and when we departed at 10, there was about 3" of the stuff and more falling, in driving home, about 2 miles out of dover the snow cleared and it was a beautiful clear night for star watching, but not for me at -2 degrees, theres only so much i can take while in shorts and tee shirt.
  5. I think his phone is just allowing a bit of extra headroom.
  6. sorry, I just edited and removed the gap, it seems strange as the size of the gap varies between posts
  7. grendel


    Well the leaves have dropped off my tree, I wonder when the apples will get ripe enough to fall.
  8. youre going to run out of family if you keep having them for dinner (and no I wasnt wearing shorts - for once)
  9. thats how they described it, basically they put a big rubber tube down the chimney, filled it with air, then filled around it with special chimney concrete, then deflated the sausage and pulled it out of the middle leaving a pipe through the concrete.
  10. the theme this year was Broadway, and we had singers and dancers (some on stilts) , I still think the best bit was the opening with a medly of Queen songs. we were met at the door by the paparrazzi and had our pictures taken.
  11. my mum had a pressure cooker too, she regularly checked the relief valve though to ensure it worked. we once had a fireplace explode, when we moved in to our first house they had to do the damp in all the walls, then we were told the chimney was unsafe so we had to wait until they had got a company in to put a sausage down and then seal round that with concrete, when we did tight a fire the heat got into the damp that was still in the hearth and blew the fire out of the fireplace, leaving a crater in the hearth.
  12. I saw on a weather report the possibility of snow, norfolk was the only place in the country predicted to get any
  13. i do live in Canterbury, where the prices are first to rise and last to fall.
  14. pleasant surprise today arriving home from work and filling up at asda, diesel 172.9p / litre
  15. I can claim 3 trips, never yet paid for one either, all were when visiting exhibitions, and part of the visit was a picnic lunch as we travelled twice around
  16. I generally bring a 20 litre can I fill up at asda down here for £1.82 per litre. at the very least I have it for emergencies. (or for topping up when I get back to the mooring and nowhere has any.
  17. Actually ours is usually quite good, its sort of a big meal out, with the annual awards presented for things like rising star, most helpful individual, team of the year etc etc, plus then there is usually live music and entertainment, its usually themed as well, and above all its a chance to get to see your colleagues from other offices and get together and have a chat etc. we do seem to make it a good experience for everyone (a lot better than a lot of other companies I have worked for anyway, its also good that the directors mingle and chat with staff - last year i was there when the MD bought the first round (there were just 4 of us at the bar at that point).
  18. typical, as this week I will probably double the travelling i have done the rest of the year, training course monday, thursday I need to go to the office, and friday we have our works Christmas do in Birmingham.
  19. I will point out that whilst this is a good alternative, its not technically correct as some residential boaters will have home moorings and therefore would not technically be continuous cruising.
  20. now we see where when it suits them they remember this fact
  21. Oh, I know seagulls, once you get them to start, you are off, usually at a great rate of knots as you had the throttle wide open to get it running, or like me you had pushed the tiller away from you as you pulled the cord and the dinghy corkscrews to the bottom of the river as the transom tips under.
  22. so 1 £1 card will run a 1kW heater for just over 4 hours, 3 cards might just last you the night (12 hours)
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