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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Friday 19th - Saturday 20th Grendel I'll let you know when I know which boat, I have to talk to Dave.
  2. the fact that it is a listed structure wont help any, I once lived in a grade 2 listed council house, and the problems that lead to, they werent allowed to visibly alter the appearaance of the property, so when everyone else got double glazing, all we got was secondary glazing, when it came time to fit a gas boiler, the flue ended up going through the wall into the hedge where it couldnt be seen.
  3. yes I was about to post that- states that the grantor and parishoners of Ranworth can use the staithe free of charge, now how do they determine if a boat that moors up belongs to a parishoner, thats going to be the sticking point when it comes to charging, they will need to be able to determine their right to charge in every separate case. but also note that on the plan they only lease up to the quay heading on the front mooring, thus if you were to mudweight just off the quay with no ropes ashore (or tie up to the adjacent craft), then you are not on their leasehold, so if you dont tie to the quay heading there might be a loophole for not paying any mooring charges either. really we need a legal expert to explain the full implications, but there may be a legal case against them making charges for mooring.
  4. does anyone have a copy of the wording of that covenant
  5. and if you have a phone that is capable of running apps. they have to provide an acceptable alternative method of payment (and that has to be noted on the signeage as well ( eg ringo, you can pay on their website up to midnight on the day you parked.)
  6. it does sound like they are targeting the easy buck, trying to charge for moorings where they already have someone available to go collect the money, what is the legality of being moored if no mooring lines are attached to the shore, ie what if you moored up at Ranworth by mudweight 18" from the quay heading, would that be chargeable, surely the maltsters and the shop should have some say in the matter, as its going to affect their business if nobody wants to moor there, I can see everyone asking for a dinghy and mudweighting so that Ranworth becomes a glorified dinghy dock. we have seen that they tried to charge at Reedham in the past, and the plan was halted by the local council who own the moorings, can we see this happening this time, or will the BA try and bully the council into submission. As has been pointed out, there are few enough places on the south to get a pump out and fuel, if they start charging are they going to make these facilities available?
  7. looks like the original posting was from this person on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/716888578737139/user/758325214/ boat is now reported as found
  8. yes, but as this is a reporter, it needs to be checked with the owner of the photo.
  9. I got the impression that the photos came from the facebook post about the theft, so not sure if thats the case whether the original poster has the ability to give permission for their use, you may need to trace back to the facebook post and ask there.
  10. well then that makes it worth mooring on the Lord nelsons moorings in that case, at least then the pub gets the revenue
  11. is that the piggy bank the toll revenue is kept in - no wonder the prices are soaring
  12. Just think how much they could justify raising the tolls to build that.
  13. unfortunately that is a private group with content only visible to members, so permission to repost would need to be sought and given before you could post it over here.
  14. theres a small hole in the carriageway, so far they have poured 5 mixers full ofconcrete into it, but are reporting the hole is still not filled, in other news, the ducks have taken to walking through the arch.
  15. MM just fill it using the shower head, this is done in all the best circles.
  16. We have reinstated the original Post after receiving permission to post it from the Author. May I remind members that if they wish to copy something from a private facebook page or other source that they should contact the author and request permission before doing so, and note in the post that this permission has been obtained. Thanks
  17. currently there are roadworks between my hous and my daughters, she lives 8 miles from me, but the diversion takes me 20 miles to get to her, considering that is a main A road that is a busy route, thats a lot of cars doing a lot of extra miles, and they have just extended the road closure from 8 days to 12
  18. English notation or American?
  19. Please note, we have had to take some action to remove the initial post from this thread due to a communication from an outside party, this was because the post had been copied verbatim from a private facebook page (where only members of that page could view it, so while it is being considered we have brought the thread to this new thread to continue the discussion (as its an important topic.) we would like to remind members that posting content from another platform where it is private is not allowed (especially when we are then approached by the third party involved ) as this content in the form presented was not otherwise in the public domain. thanks.
  20. yes, I seem to recall it tool the Canal and River Trust etc many months after the system reopened to catch up with the work not done during lockdown.
  21. Andy, Happy new year 2022, sorry its a bit late so I will wish you happy new year for 2023 at the same time.
  22. I bought one of those card the police sell that you put in your wallet and makes it impossible for someone to clone your card.
  23. bit of a change suddenly turning free 24 hour moorings into paid moorings, would this then negate the 24 hour rule? (making mooring at ranworth even more difficult?
  24. what I hate is when you get a road closed sign at xyz, now great if you know where that is, but if you dont and want a point halfway along the road, how do you know which end to choose, typical example the road from Canterbury to Herne bay is about 6 miles long signs at each end road closed at xyz hill, my daughter lives off the road about 4 miles from the canterbury end, so I have to drive the road to find the closure 3 miles from canterbury, then turn round and follow the 12 mile diversion route to get to the other end, now an additional 6 miles isnt really an issue for car drivers, but what about cyclists, thats a lot of extra miles under pedal power. (and half of the diversion was dual carriageway)
  25. MM thats because in this case they took the plug for the mould and built it into the first ship of the marque.
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