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Everything posted by grendel

  1. it looks like the disputed section belonging to the farmer has now been removed from the mooring so hopefully everyone is happy now
  2. further news on the solar workshop, thanks to a generous offer from one of our members who had just replaced his boat batteries, I picked up 4 used 110Ah batteries at the meet, aside from catching up with everything else that needed doing i managed to pick up some battery leads ready made at halfords and was ready to clear a space and get the batteries installed on my workshop solar system. of course i didnt have any nuts that fitted the threads on the battery terminal posts, so using the inverter to power my little lathe i put in some hex brass, drilled it at 6.5mm (tap drill for 5/16 bsw) then threaded the inside of the hole and parted off the 6 nuts i needed, then it was just a matter of connecting everything together, i still need to tidy up everything, place a board over the bottom layer of batteries and stack the stuff that was already there back on top, but i did notice that even on this dull grey day with only fleeting glimpses of sun, I was charging at 2.5A, now to give it a few days for everything to top up charge, all the batteries were pretty close in charge state, but they will need to properly balance to each other.
  3. car is unpacked, photos uploaded to the computer, i will sort them out and post them tomorrow now i think.
  4. i woke early this morning, time to start packing and clean boat, at 10am I cruised up the last section of the waveney to beccles, stopped in at hippersons, for fuel top up and pump out, - no fuel available (though they were still sending out day boats), a cruiser came in having called into derbys next door, to find nobody around, so that was out too, so I carefully slotted water rail back into her slot and packed the car back up, performed all the shut down procedures and departed for home, literally just arrived, provided the cats with tuna as a treat and now having a sit down before proceeding to unpack the car.
  5. granted, thats the beauty of doing a fixed install, the main advantage of these is their portability, for example, to charge up tool batteries on a remote site away from vehicles or other infrastructure, I dont say they are the only solution, but under a specific set of circumstances I can see this coming in useful.
  6. The benefits are that they are a lot lighter than lead acid, and you can use 100%of the battery capacity., Of course if you can fit a permanent system you will be better off.
  7. I believe Ranworth island is now £13
  8. You do realise that a fool is an anagram of aloof.
  9. Nope somerleyton was rammed, herringfleet had one gap that I might have squeezed into, but I took the chance on somerleyton having a space, as I wasn't that worried.
  10. Not a great location to dive at, it's right where the ferry from WRC goes across, I did consider it, but the current probably moved it a fair ways too.
  11. Lesson learned, if you are using the solar panels underway, figure some method to strap them down, if they blow off the roof and end up in the water, they float just long enough to give a hope of rescue, I had just enough time to turn and try to come alongside, and just as I reached out to grab it, it gracefully sank to the bottom.
  12. Early departure at 7 am from great Yarmouth, as I wanted to catch the end of the flood up breydon, then the plan was to stop off and do breakfast at somewhere like herringfleet.moorings were full,so I ended up stopping at the wild mooring above the waveney river centre. A bit of bad luck on route, as I was passing the WRC, my solar panel for the solar generator caught a gust of wind and dove overboard, I can testify that these only float long enough to give you a hope of recovery, it sank out of sight just as I was getting near enough to grab it. Lesson learned, if travelling, figure some way to strap it down.
  13. Well in the end a young lady came round handing out takeaway menus, and I decided on a Chinese takeaway, I ordered a set meal for one with a banana fritter for afters, wow, stuffed now.
  14. Sea front chips and a battered sausage
  15. Considering it's only about 2 1/2 hours after high water there are a lot of boats coming through the bridges., I suppose the 3pm low slack is not helping there, that said there was just a shade over 8 foot when I arrived just over an hour after high water.
  16. Early-ish start this morning, 8 am departure, destination great Yarmouth, moored up at the yacht station 11 am ish, just after high tide, river flow not too strong, so I got in sight of the bridge before swinging into the flow to moor up. Now for a day wandering around great Yarmouth, ice creams and slot machines. I don't fancy cooking tonight so for once I will treat myself to a meal out.
  17. Yes he said this looked like a black sludge, and I saw the engineer scraping it out.
  18. Asda in Canterbury was £1.72 when I filled my 20 litre Jerry can before coming to Norfolk, what about the place at burgh castle, they deal with large boats and sell fuel, no idea of the price though.
  19. While I was there there was another boat, he had broken down with the engine overheating, he had called the engineer, I did suggest the weed filter, but we could not see one ( after the engineer turned up and fixed it, he came and let me know it was the weed filter, which rather than being in the engine bay, was inside a cupboard inside the boat.) I have now cruised to South walsham and am moored up in one of my favourite spots in the wiers.
  20. I had thought to check out and lunch at Ranworth, no such luck, they were queuing to get the next space., Popped round the corner to st Benedict's church staithe, the wind is getting up, so it took me 2 attempts to moor up. As first time I got the nose lined up then got blown sideways into the dyke. Coffee and a cheese and tomato sandwich for lunch.
  21. Short hop from womack dyke to potter heigham this morning, no chance at the bridge coming up to high tide at 5'9", I guess all the rain hasn't helped much. I will wander over to Latham's and then decide where to head next.
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