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Everything posted by grendel

  1. it really isnt good enough, I recently heard of a case where the work was finished, the traffic control company was informed, but never passed on the word to the removal team. the lights were just after a bend, and additional signeage had been added round the bend, but the man on the lights was not informed, so didnt include them in a daily inspection. so with the work complete, the council man who mowed the verges removed the signs around the bend to mow, and didnt replace them, the signs werent checked, and a cyclist came tearing down the road, head down legs pumping, around the corner, and didnt look up until he was about 1 second away from ploughing into the back of a stationary lorry, killing him outright. the lesson we learned here was that as soon as the traffic management is no longer needed, it should be removed. that wasnt the single cause of this tragedy, but it was one thing that could possibly have averted it.
  2. just to remind you before you start digging that wine cellar, not to try cutting through the hull for the access hatch.
  3. let me put it this way, neither Emma or Little women were in a reading genre that I would possibly have read any books in, with the others I may have a chance.
  4. remember, you will want the bottom rung a good 3 rungs under water level to stand a chance of using it properly, and the fixing must be secure, with a rope ladder the bottom rung will swing under the boat when you first put your weight on, so dont have it anywhere near where that could put your foot into the prop. another method if you have good deck cleats you can reach from the water, is to put a loop in one mooring line so the loop can be slipped over a cleat, leaving the loop between the fastening and the cleat long enough to use as a foothold below water.
  5. well I have read all the books except for the first 2, so that at least gives me a chance, How much I remember of them may be a different matter, as in my youth I was a voracious reader, a book every day from the school library, 12 books a week (4 non fiction) from the local library, and probably a half dozen paperbacks on top. this was before we had a tv at home, or computers come to that.
  6. same broads, different perceptions. while its incidents like this that get all of the coverage in social media and the press, the fact is that nobody reports or comments abut the other 100 boats they passed that day where nothing like this was happening, and the boats were cruising by minding their own business. we recently had someone complaining that all of the reports of boats aground on Breydon was putting people off coming to the broads, well reports of incidents like this are the same, if you just read the bad, you get totally the wrong picture of the area. the truth is that incidents like this are few and far between, yet somehow are always reported and a big fuss made. if you see such an incident, the best course of action is to report it to the Broads Authority or the boatyard, with any accompanying evidence - photographs etc, so it can be dealt with. that way something will be done, merely reporting it on social media brings no benefits unless you also inform the BA or boatyard, social media wont stop it, social media cant remove that type of person from the hire boats. all social media can do is fan the flames of misguided responses and criticism. worse still if the offenders are heading back for handover and the boat is named, by the time the social media report goes out, the boat may have changed hirers, now everyone is on the lookout for the boat, and unfortunate comments may be made that could ruin the new hirers holiday. (there is a reason why we have terms and conditions here, and that the no name and shame policy is so strictly enforced)
  7. Ah but the whole point of storing them in 3 different areas of the boat was to ensure you hit your daily steps target.
  8. well that was different, this morning 9 am departure, destination parents to give my dad a lift to his cataract follow up appointment, i sit outside waiting, and he comes back out, he has healed so well in 4 weeks, can he come back at 2.15 pm to have the other eye done. we were also doing some shopping so popped in there en route home, as we left a bulb failure warning came up, no problem i thought, i will sort that while my parents have lunch. off to halfords for the bulb, plug in my registration and get a pair of the recommended h7 bulbs.back out to the car (i will always fit a new bulb while still at the shop, just in case i got the wrong one. changing the bulb means pulling a locking pin and removing the headlight, this is quite easy, except now came the dilemma, i could see how to get to one bulb, easy, but the other?, finally found the removable patch, about 2" round, on the top of the headlight unit, eventually got it to turn and pull out, now faced with the bulb, 3" inside at right angles to the hatch. eventually get it out, its a h9 bulb, back into the shop, purchase correct bulb, replace bulb at fingertips, plug back in and test, yup, i had needlessly replaced the main beam bulb, fortunately the first bulbs i had purchased were correct for dipped beam, so headlight out, and replaced the easy bulb, all back and working.back to parents, and i had to administer the requisite eye drops as mum couldnt squeeze the vial hard enough. then back to the surgery, another hour and a half wait then take dad home.so basically today i left at 9 got home at 4,30, and got nothing else done, good news, dad has had his second cataract done, just 4 weeks after the first, and was already seeing better, after 80 years wearing glasses he can finally see without them.
  9. yes once everyone has been tied into a single fuel source, the tax will follow, eg gas is being phased out, even heat pumps use electricity, petrol and diesel are being phased out, for electric, we have already seen the price of electricity nearly double, once we all have the smart meters, they will be able to levy different rates for different uses, ie vehicle charging.
  10. I tend to buy all my tech at the local IT recycling centre, they have a big magnet machine that wipes the hard drives, and they load it up with the latest windows offering, a new tower unit was only a few hundred, and only about 5 years old
  11. at least the broads have facilities for emptying the boat waste, how many councils actually provide waste facilities for campers, ok camp sites may well have them, but those that dont use the campsites and just park up in the beach car parks, have to empty waste somewhere, give them a dedicated place and most would use it.
  12. ask him what he does in his spare time - nothing he doesnt have spare time.
  13. for me a lot depends upon the genre of the music, pop, classic or country, forget it, i might just stand a chance on rock.
  14. round london, councils are very strict on their opening notices, a 10 day notice means 10 days, fines are levied if the roadworks overrun, and time is allowed between works. we have recieved a fine for digging 1m past the boundary of the permit area 1 day before the works moved to the next adjacent area. some areas will only allow shorter periods, and lane closures, the worse i have seen is a lane closure charge in front of marble arch at over £2500 per lane per day.
  15. hydro power the issue is mainly getting a good head of water to power the thing, unfortunately most uk locations dont have the streams running down from the hill on the property. this is well explained in this youtube channels hydro projects https://www.youtube.com/c/KrisHarbour he also does a lot of solar to power his off grid workshop from which he runs a business supplying full hydro solutions for off grid, well worth a watch if alternative power interests you. he does live in wales, so hydro is a real option there with all the hills.
  16. I have a zx4200 tower that I decommissioned a few years back, i got it when work upgraded our towers, and wanted to skip the old ones (we had 3) so one came home with me complete, and the other two were skipped (minus all the internal components, this kept the machine running for the next 10 years (it was 15 years old by then) the replacement was a z400 tower, and that is still going strong (though it is only switched on at need now, that one is connected to the TV, to play stored videos), sounds like it got a dodgy mother board on yours, if you have some heat sink paste, you might try unplugging the main chip and replugging it (last resort stuff that though)
  17. a lot comes down to personal preferences and expectations. if a pub or restaurant fails to meet those, you will probably give it a bad review, whereas for someone else, that may be their ideal pub. at the end of the day we vote with our feet, if we dont like somewhere, we dont tend to go back.
  18. I remember that Izal in my Grans outside privvy, was the only paper that didnt get soggy and disintegrate from the damp and cold, there was always a big torch by the back door to take out there with you, then if you wanted soft you used the squares of newspaper on a string.
  19. well that is difficult to discuss without overtly straying into the topic of politics, which we should try our best to avoid, ( TOS and all that) but the point I was trying to make is that there are a multitude of viewpoints to this question, and as such many sources have a vested interest in adjusting our perceptions of what we are seeing. its always a good idea to approach these issues with an open mind, and do the research ourselves, rather than relying on what we are told through social media, and news outlets. maybe we should concentrate more on the OP's message about possible disruption, and less upon the possible causes, and rights and wrongs of the action being taken.
  20. I think you will find wages vary across regions, and the figures i found online said a railway conductors salary was between £23,000 and £36,000 for a 43-45 hour week, and that station employees are between £17,500 and £27,000, so while your figure may be correct for one company, its not a blanket figure that can be thrown out there. compared to the average salary in the UK of £38,600, we can see that even at the figures you quote, railway staff are below average wage, and in the wage sector that is being hardest hit by all of the cost of living increases.
  21. best bet is the standard 2 ply paper (generally the value brand at any supermarket) as this doesnt clog up some of the posher toilets, or more validly the pump out pump.
  22. further to the above richardsons currently share a 2000kW substation with the business across the road, so they could probably comfortably only charge about 30 boats with what they have available (if they shut off the electric to everything else.)
  23. yes Vaughan, your 16A charging post will be 3.8kW , the 32A connection double that at 7.6kW, that might just charge an electric car in 11 hours, the 32A equivalennt is what most homes would get, its not the fast charge option, but the overnight option. a standard 13A plug will give just about 3kW, which might charge a vehicle in 24 hours. boats of course can mount much larger battery banks than cars, so will need proportionally higher charge currents, even a standard fast charger at 30 kW will take a while to charge a boat, and that is nearly 4x the size of the current charge posts, this will mean new cables to supply them will be needed, plus more charge posts generally which is another challange at some of the moorings, just getting the supply to the mooring. for example a 1000kW substation (the standard size) can supply 33 fast charge posts now imagine how many substations Richardsons would require just to charge their fleet? (and their electricity bill)
  24. there was a comparison done on the cruising the cut channel a few months back, the consensus was the full electric boat managed the course, but even with 60 foot of roof covered with solar panels, that it would need 3 days to recharge the batteries, easy done on the canals where you can moor up for a couple of weeks, but on a waterway with 24 hour moorings?
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