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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Thats my approach too Martin, after all as its internal, they know that i know my stuff, and that hiring me 9 years ago was the best thing they ever did
  2. well that was an interesting interview, it started with, youve got so much experience we dont know what to ask you. they got me as i was, i had done zero preparation, and if i say so myself it went well.i think the only way they might give it to someone else is that i said if i dont get it, whomever does will get my full backing, so they may give it to someone with me backing them up., but that doesnt bother me one bit either
  3. plus with no other boats in the way, wherever you end up is where you were aiming for
  4. OK then Go on Griff, I will volunteer for the honour, we will just have to work out how best to fly the banner.
  5. If its applied as previously (and as the Model), It will be the full name either side of the bow, and at the stern
  6. Here it is, not the biggest flagstaff ever, though I am sure a way could be found, if necessary., Don't forget though I am assisting with picking up the marquee that morning. ( I just know I will arrive back to find water rail sporting the flag now, still there will be no starting without me.)
  7. I think the flag may well be bigger than the mast on Water Rail Mast is about 24" to the top ring, bottom ring is 6 2 off the deck, so 18" (450mm) available for flags.
  8. so lightning at 42 foot (say 40 foot at the water line) √( 40 ) × 1.35= 1.35 x 6.325 =8.54 knots = 9.83 mph water rail 26 ft √( 26 ) × 1.35 = 1.35 x 5.1 = 6.9 knots = 7.94 mph although with just a 19hp engine water rail really tops out about 7mph. this shows that a large engine is not necessary to reach displacement speed, but for example take Broad Ambition above, the 4 blade prop and 50hp engine do give excellent manouverability.
  9. Hull Speed Formula Theoretical displacement hull speed is calculated by the formula: velocity in knots = 1.35 x the square root of the waterline length in feet.
  10. well if they help with the engine they can be rewarded with cake - win-win
  11. there will be plenty of people available and willing to assist you Kate
  12. its for the new post of team leader for the team I am in and incorporating the other teams doing the same work, if i get it , then it will be on the understanding that i will be training up a successor, to take over in 3 or 4 years, if I dont get it then I will be training whoever does get the post to do the job efficiently and make the department run smoothly. we have a great team in my office, and to my mind the only real competition is the colleague I have already trained, she has the ability, but doesnt have confidence in herself.
  13. I am getting to the point where i cant wait to drive to the boat, the only problem I do have is that I have to go to the office tomorrow for a 4pm appointment (internal job interview) when I was going to be final packing and loading the car from 3pm - still never mind, it will still be an earlyish start Thursday
  14. so the car companies cant deliver for a year or more, and the government want to phase out non electric vehicles by when???I suppose though if you order your new IC engined car now and its not delivered for a few years, that might get around the no new IC cars ruling as it was ordered before....
  15. that said my camera was playing silly whatsits, it turned out the battery was dead (now replaced with an external battery many times the size and its happy again.
  16. just what I was going to say, the memory buffer thatstores where everything is gets full (and its not rewritable memory, so the card fails because it cant store nay more, its good practice to replace the card every couple of years.
  17. well you cant really compete with the kent motorways, M2 shut between sittingbourne and faversham all weekend, the diversion route for the 7 miles between the two, via maidstone, ashford, dover and canterbury- 72 miles, all the local roads stuffed and at a standstill as people try and avoid the diversion route. and no thought given to electric vehicle drivers for whom a 72 mile diversion may well be beyond the limit of their battery capacity. granted there is no other diversion route that could accomodate the extra traffic, but also with operation brock still in place their diversion route has one carriageway shut too.
  18. yes, no sunflower oil to be had here for love nor money, still vegetable oil on the shelves but not too sure which vegetable.
  19. to use 100% cooking oil it needs to be processed to bring it to the correct specifications, a modern diesel car probably wont like cooking oil as it will upset the emissions control systems (and may clog up the fuel pump / filters. you are allowed to manufacture diesel from cooking oil at a personal level, but there is a 2500 litre limit, before you will need to start paying excise duty on the fuel. if you share a vegetable oil processing plant then the limit is still 2500 litres a year. I have been known (when sunflower oil was both cheap and available) been known to throw the odd 5l of it into the tank (that was when you could get 5l for £4.50) now, if you can get sunflower oil, at all, its probably more expensive than diesel. the diesel engine was originally designed to be run on peanut oil. the difference in viscosity of vegetable oil to diesel means that to run it neat, you would need to do some modifications to the systems, you would need a pre-heater in the pipework, some vehicles have a system to start up on normal petrol pump diesel, and then switch over to veg oil once the engine has warmed, then you need to switch back to normal diesel before shutting down. its a nice idea in principle, but currently nearly everywhere is selling their waste cooking oil on already, mc donalds presumable collect it and process it, then pay duty on it as I imagine they use more than 2500 litres a year. once you exceed that amount then the regulations you need to follow also become a lot more stringent. if you do useless than 2500 litres a year, it is still best to keep records for the tax people as they will require proof that you have not exceeded your quota. @MauriceMynah would be the chap to ask as he used to process his own fuel. to summarise - yes it can be done, but its not as easy as just filling your tank with cooking oil, there are a lot of other considerations to be made first.
  20. Water Rail can get under wroxham bridge at 6 foot, but needs 6 foot 3 inches at potter because of the corners of the roof, at least the pilot says she needs 6'3", i havent had a chance to test for myself yet.
  21. when my mother had a fall and broke her hip and had it replaced, after the initial recovery period, then she actually had improved mobility for a while (she is 91 now, so mobility can be an issue anyway), you just have to take it as it comes though.
  22. well all i can say is that if my guess before the questions were asked had been correct it would have been me there hosting the quiz, so congratulations and I look forward to your quiz in a fortnight.
  23. unfortunately probably not, as i doubt i can steer two boats at once, and launching from deck is probably not that easy either, she will be cruising at the meet though, as launching from salhouse is relatively easy. (from the beach)
  24. last light wired up, now I can stuff all the wiring under the deck it will need tidying - later. all the deck parts and roof parts put back in place, nearly ready for next week now
  25. well theres horsey mill, the pleasure boat at hickling and somerton, as well as potter heigham. and if you are feeling adventurous there is catfield dyke. its a delightful area to cruise round
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