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Everything posted by Paul

  1. only ten? our Panasonic has 27, plus three extra "user defined programmes" plus the ability to extend the rise, add a prewash, increase or decrease the spin speed, non spin for easy iron ..... but your right, every time I look at it then it is always on the same setting!
  2. No problem washing mixed fabrics together at all KK, though always use the lowest temperature recommended for your different items, on this occasion i would expect that to be woollens. I have a Panasonic washing machine which has a mixed fibres setting, which is very useful. It was quite expensive but i can wholeheartedly recommend them. I wouldn't mix colours though, always keep whites in one wash, reds andpinks in another and a third for dark colours. And don't tumble dry the woollens. Anything else we can help with?
  3. I find this forum very friendly and appreciate the mix of on and off topic subjects that it covers. If something doesn't interest me I simply ignore it. If you find that difficult then certain other forums exist which don't allow off topic comment at all, perhaps you would be happier on one of those. Either way posting a comment deliberately intended to promote discord does you no credit. "You may not like what I am saying. Take it as you will."
  4. Just Google "Norfolk Broads Forum", but then you knew that before you posted.
  5. well he gets my vote ....... at least someones doing some dredging ....
  6. if you type in the year at the bottom of the page it will narrow things down for you a bit
  7. have a look here - click on full fleet http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boatyard_Details&YardId=137
  8. mmmm, siezed water pump on a BMW. If you do a bit of googling you will find that it is not that uncommon, in fact rather a well known issue. A lot of examples on the BMW forums, especially stateside. If you know what to listen for they usually emit a tell tale whine just before they go. Sadly your experience with warranies is all too common. The claims process is deliberatley awkward in order to make you use one of their "approved repairers" who will do the job (if they can do it at all) on a budget. I had a very bad experience with one company who shall not be named, but let's say it wasn't the WISE-est move I ever made. That ended up in the small claims court.
  9. On top of which I much prefer Toolstation, although ten minutes further away the staff know what they are talking about and I find increasingly have better prices, better range of products and most importantly more items in stock then our local screwfix which i find has gone downhill dramatically over the last two or so years.
  10. You wouldn't have a conversation with the staff in our local screwfix. The art of verbal communication obviously not having been in the curriculum at whatever educational establishment they attended (or more likely didn't)
  11. I wonder if all those years ago when Cubby Broccoli approached Roald Dahl and asked him to do the screenplay for a james Bond film he could have known how apt it would be for this sattire ....
  12. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    Couldn't agree more. When I was growing up most yards had the odd boat that was lived aboard, either year round or summer only. Not only did it offer the residential space needed it added the best layer of security possible. If anybody was larking around the yard there was somebody on site to raise the alarm. Sadly this was legislated out of existance. I don't think they want it both ways, and I don't think that anyone should think they have a right to do something which is contradicts the bylaws or is to the detriment of those who abide by them. If somebody cannot afford to liveaboard properly then they can't do it. I think we need to get away from the idea that boatyards pay this toll fee. Clive, Matthew et al don't have some bottomless pocket from which this money comes, it is paid by the hirer as part of their holiday cost and is (rightly in my opinion) their contribution to maintaining the navigation. I wouldn't support such an Idea, there are simply not enough moorings to make this feasible. We have rules, by way of the bylaws and it is for us, the user to abide by them. I'm not saying that sometimes these bylaws shouldn;t evolve but we should not expect them to be changed just to suit a small minority if users who choose not to abide by them. Enforcement and penalty is the answer. They are not taking advantage of the system, that would infer they are working within the rules to their own advantage. let's be accurate, they are ABUSING the system and currently they are not being stopped. If the current bylaws are not sufficient to allow the authority to deal with them effectively then that is where they need to evolve. In what way are the current regulations not fair for all/ They apply to everybody equally or should do. What is unfair is that a family on holiday, or a couple with their own boat who wish to visit Loddon or wherever for the evening to get a meal, visit their favourite pub or simply take advantage of nice moorings are being denied from doing so because space is being taken by people overstaying, or feel intimidated not to stay by groups of boaters who thing the mooring is theirs and theirs alone.
  13. I thought they were the bits that flapped when he pedals faster
  14. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    If that's what it takes to stop the issue of overstayers, then in a word yes. The whole Yare system is becoming an issue with two distinct groups who move onto moorings for whole weekends or often longer. Loddon, Bramerton, Comissioners and Whitlingham are the more regular haunts. If either group are "in residence" it becomes a no go area for anyone else.
  15. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    I think it's well past time ..... You raise some interesting points. The Canals & River Trust impose conditions on license holders without a home mooring to ensure that they are genuinely cruising the system, rather than staying in one place or backwards and forwards between two or more locations. If someone breaks the rules they get a warning, then their license revoked. Perhaps the Broads Authority should look at that model, and impose and, most importantly police, a similar model on the Broads.
  16. BBC still have radio coverage, which is all they have had for years. Think yourself lucky with that much, it's more than we got for England's winter cricket tours. It is sports news and they are bound to report it, if not they are not doing their job. Let's hope it never happens. The only thing worse than an "out of the box" bland Herman Tilke designed circuit is a street circuit. Those remaining on the calendar, Monaco included need pensioning off or giving over to Formula E. If Formula 1 is to survive, and there is no guarantee of it's long term future then it needs interesting racing, which only happens on interesting circuits.
  17. I was lucky and took advantage of a renewal offer which Talk Talk made some years ago to add Sky Sports for £8 a month. Each year when it comes to renewal they send me the email that says it's going up to £32 or whatever the latest price is, I reply to advise I'm switching suppliers, and they email me back to say they'll honour the current price. I've been getting away with it for years.
  18. I have never stayed here but it does look lovely. With high season prices at £1020 per week it seems reasonably priced too, especially compared to other riverside properties. full details HERE
  19. So a new F1 season is well and truly underway. It is always dangerous to read too much into the Australian GP, most teams will be introducing upgrades over the next few races, in fact it used to be said that the season doesn't really start until it reaches Europe, though there are a greater number of races outside Europe nowadays. There are some questions that do appear to have been answered. Firstly, and most disappointingly in my eyes is that Charles Leclerc is not going to be allowed to race Vettel. Ferarri have always held a strict number one policy but there was a lot of unrest from owners Fiat last season that this policy was costing them titles. Vettel had the fastest car last season but still Ferarri failed to secure either driver or constructors title, largely due to unforced errors from their number one driver. That cost team principle Luca De Montezemolo his job. but they don't appear to have learnt any lessons from last season. Yet again Hamilton failed to convert pole in Australia to a race win. That's becoming something of a pattern. It would appear that Bottas will be Hamilton's biggest rival this season, which was always the most likely option, but for several chunks of bad luck he would have given Hamilton a real run last season. At least Hamilton seemed confident that he knew why he didn''t have the pace of his team mate but wasn't letting on what the reason was. I'd guess it was down to set up or tyres. It seems Honda have finally produced an engine which, whilst it might not have the power to directly challenge the Mercs should at least make them competititve and give them a chance of aiming for race wins at tracks which suit their short wheel base car. The saddest point of the race for me was the performance of the Williams. They seem to be in a real hole right now and whatever they are doing it is simply getting deeper. For a once great team it is a shame to see that and whilst we know they are struggling for budget compared to the top teams to see them so far behind the rest of the field is very worrying.
  20. Just be aware that 23 March is the Spring Tide with high water at Reedham around lunchtime. The high tide will be higher than average so if I were you I would look to plan my arrival to avoid that.
  21. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    Pally, you have shattered my illusion, here I was thinking the Broads Authority had given everyone that five pence back because they were nice people. The letter ofgem issued did not exclude marine craft, perhaps they issued an adendum. Of course we THINK they've given the 5p back, but has anyone ever checked the rate they are charging against that they are paying?
  22. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    No they don't, they are supplied by the authority for the purpose of charging electric boats. This has always been their intended use and always been advocated by the authority. If end users choose to use them for other purposes then the authority cannot be held responsible for that misuse. Even if they were in a marina and intended to supply electricity for general use, the provider could still make what charge he see fit for the use of the post, as it is not supplied by the electricy provider.
  23. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    There are some inaccuracies in recent posts, for clarity: Firstly, making a "standing charge" for the use of electricity posts is not illegal as the posts are considered metering devices. A reseller of electricity is entitled to recover the cost of this metering along with the charge for electricity. If the meterage equipment if supplied by the power supply company this charge is subject to the Maximum Selling Price legislation in the same way as the energy used, however if it is supplied by a third party it is not subject to legislation. Secondly the authority could not have faced fines, huge or otherwise for overcharging as their is no penalty applied to the Resale of Electricity, other than to allow purchasers of resold gas and electricity to recover any overcharge, plus interest at twice the standard Barclays rate. Thirdly, Ofgem confirmed in March 2014 that charging points for electric vehicles are not subject to the maximum resale price.
  24. Yep, I heard that. Don't they call themselves Awaze or something now? Sadly, from my experience the standards at Hoseasons dropped when Wyndham took over, and haven't improved from what I have seen since. I don't think Wyndham were ever really interested in Hoseasons, or one or two other brands they acquired around the same time. I don't have great opinions of Equity firms owning travel brands either, during my thirty odd years in the travel trade there were a number of bad experiences.
  25. Knowing Hoseasons since the Wyndham take over, probably them.
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