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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Why 1997? IIRC Britain won the Eurovision song contest for the last time to date (and most likely ever) and The Princess of Wales died, which whilst sad would not, I'd have thought garnered such abject terror as crossing Breydon seems to do nowadays.
  2. I'm pretty sure it opened, it was called Spinnaker's IIRC
  3. The house which still stands alongside the new cut, almost under the bridge was originally the Bridge Inn, then known as the Bridge House which became the Queens Head sometime in the C19th. It closed in the 1980s I think then briefly reopened as a restaurant. IIRC there was an attempt to reopen a pub known as the Bridge Inn soon after the Queens Head closed in some kind of prefab / timber building alongside but this was short lived. I think it was mired with licensing and planning issues.
  4. Always a favourite with us Andrew. Alas I assumed it would be the same for local residents. Just goes to show you should never assume anything.
  5. I don't think it's unreasonable for those who wish to record their appreciation of a business which has served the boating community at least, very well for many years. I for one always enjoyed stopping there, it was very rare we passed Stokesby without calling in, in fact it was one of the last places where one could enjoy a stop over along the river other than at a pub. Given the increasing difficulty of moorings at Wroxham there are not that many places on the Northern Rivers where one can restock the tucker cupboard. It was just about the last place on the riverbank you could buy decent quality sausage and bacon, about as crucial for us as diesel and drinking water!
  6. From adoration to disdain so quickly ..... sadly it's not the first time.
  7. But who remembers The Chequers, or where it was .....
  8. I'm getting the impression from one or two posts on this thread that the business was not particulalry well regarded by locals.....
  9. I once owned a V6 Diesel Renault Espace, Mk IV. Changing a headlamp bulb? Easy ....if you have a two post lift and 3 hours to spare. You had to drop the front of the engine, or rather detatch it from it's mounts and lift the car six inches to gain access. The rear bank glow plugs were even worse, engine removal required. Somebody should have told Renault that just because the lump physically fits in the engine bay doesn't mean it actually "fits".
  10. It might be an idea to look at Admiral Multi Car, they gave me a great deal when I bought the Merc. I have business use on the Honda, plus it is modified so not many mainstream companies will cover it at all. When I cam to renew it last year I did the normal trawl of comparison sites and chose Admiral, quite by chance, as not quite the cheapest, but the best deal i could find from a recognosed company. Then three months later I bought the Merc and had to repeat the process, but this time with no No Claims of course. Quotes were coming in between 900 - 1200. I tried admirals website just by chance and they automatically quoted me a mmulticar policy which cost £414.00 for twelve months cover on the Merc, plus and additional three months on the Honda to bring the renewal dates together.
  11. I should have some photos of the Wherry at Langley but cannot find them, I think they are from the pre digital era and probably never got digitised. There is some brief information and a photo on the Norfolk Pubs website, rather than plagiarise it I'll include the link below. Wherry Inn Langley I rather liked it, it was unpretentious and always a warm welcome. There was talk of it being taken over as a community venture, then conversion to a licensed guest house, but in the end it went the way of many, to a private residence.
  12. Click on the bit under the photos that say "price list"
  13. As a mercedes devotee I love 'em all, however SLK has never had a reputation for reliability and that hasn't really changed. You buy them because you love them, not for any logical reason. If buying another do your best to get the post 2011 R172 model, which has the latest face lift and will retain it's value better than previous incarnations, especially as MB have announced the discontinuation of the SLC. Full service history is essential on any Mercedes and one owner cars are always preferable. Avoid cars which have more than one owner on average every three years, it usually means the car has been bought, issues found and off loaded quickly.
  14. but in my experience does little if anything to garner any such support .....
  15. If you decide to go for a Karcher look for Karcher Outlet, you can often get good deals from them.
  16. but read that report in full and the footnotes will tell you that as VW are known to use a defeat device in their Euro 5 Diesels "a question mark remains over the results". The misconception is that VW's are reliable, they are not. The Polo is the only car which to make the list of 50 most reliable cars, and that they are clean, which they are not. They are cleaner than some, but dirtier than others. It is no surprise to see Renault, and their budget offshoot Dacia coming in amongst the worst cars. A bit embarrasing for Volvo to see that their Euro 6 engines produced worse test results than the Euro 5s. It is interesting to compare the results they got testing diesel against petrol cars. My Merc Blutec Diesel for example produces 0.028g/km, well below the Euro 6 limit, but the equivelent petrol car produces 0.21g.
  17. Very best wishes indeed, but sad, sad news nonetheless. I can't call it the last of the riverside stores, but the last of the really good ones. It will be a big loss, not only to the boating community but to the village, and the surrounding area too.
  18. https://www.evolutionpowertools.com/videos/evosystem_video.html can't beat this imho, love mine. Initial outlay is a bit high, about 220 for the engine unit and another 120 for the pressure washer but offers a really good generator option as well and a powerfuk dirty water pump which i don't have. It's more powerful than your average electric, and not as expensive as many other petrol units.
  19. Paul

    Loddon Staithe

    I would have thought it more likely to be Loddon Marina next door, but I am guessing.
  20. actually i thought he was towing it, as being a Renault it must have broken down.
  21. You'll be expecting the patter of tiny henry's soon then
  22. The most eagle eyed amongst you will notice that the car is being supported by a Honda jack. Fifty seven thousand quid and benz don't even suply a Jack!
  23. Anyway, enough of this frivolity and these desparate attempts to derail this thread, lets get back on topic with a still from a vlog I'm doing for mbclub covering the brake change. Have to say the brembos suit this car, much better response and feel from the brakes then the old mb kit gave.
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