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Everything posted by Paul

  1. It depends what kind of free range sausages you are talking about. I occasionally spot a free range venison sausage hiding in the chiller cabinet at our local Aldi. I did think I might try them someday but they are a little deer.
  2. We're nipping over to Burgh Castle for a few days so we'll pop in and give it a try. Recent reviews on Facebook seem quite encouraging.
  3. most of them were not straight when they left the factory.
  4. A real nailbiter this week with Mike edging out Nigel on the last Question for a 17-16 victory, so over to you Mike for next week and congratulations.
  5. wasn't it the Xedos that used the "5 Stroke" Miller engine?
  6. They used to nickname the Rover 75 as the poor man's Jag. I tended to think of them as the smart man's Jag. They were a good sight more reliable, and with the Beamer lump in them just as good to drive and cruise in. I liked Rovers, had several including a 620ti which was insane. I think the management must have been down the local for a liquid lunch one friday then got back to factory and decided to see what was the craziest thing they could come up with. And thus the 620ti was born. I replaced it with a Mondeo ST220 which wasn't a patch on the Rover.
  7. I am contemplating repeating this test with supermarket diesel, however the difference in price in out area is not that great, both the nearby Morrisons and Tesco charge well above their local average as they have little local competition. On that basis I would not use them out of principle (our local Tesco charges 129.9 currently whilst every other Tesco in the county charges 122.9, Morrisons are the same compared to 124.9 elsewhere) Our local shell was 129.9 but just gone up to 131.9. For 2p a litre there is no point bothering with supermarkets.
  8. I've just completed a little test of Shell Fuelsave (regular) Diesel versus their V-Power (premium) diesel to see which gives me the best results. It's not scientific, it's just me repeating the same sequence using two different fuels to see if there is any difference. I originally thought I would do this test over 1000 miles on each fuel, however changed my mind and made it three tank fulls. The car: 2013 Mercedes E350 CDi AMG Sport BlueTec Convertible, 302bhp. The test. As soon as the reserve light comes on (at 1/8th tank) fill with selected fuel, run to reserve light and repeat to a total of three times. On regular diesel 186.77 litres at £243.82 produced 1645 miles at 39.99mpg and 14.82 pence per mile. On premium diesel 190.75 liters at £278.30 produced 1708 miles at 40.65mpg and 16.29 pence per mile. So whilst the mpg over my test was slightly better on premium diesel it was nowhere near good enough to justify the extra cost (15ppl or thereabouts) let alone give any benefit. As for performance that's difficult to say as the obect of doing this test was to compare the two in as similar circumstance as possible there was no testing the performance of the premium, added to which the performance of the car is way beyond want I need on regular fuel and in economy driving mode. It will still pass 60mph in a little under 6s and go on to a limited top speed of 155. With that kind of performance paying extra for a high performance fuel is a bit redundant really. It would have to pay back in MPG, and does not appear to do so.
  9. Tattie scone! Haggis! Fruit pudding! Om a full ENGLISH breakfast! Prepare to rebel the Jacobites, send for Marshall Wade and strike up the National Anthem .... Lord, grant that Marshal Wade, May by thy mighty aid, Victory bring. May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, Rebellious Scots to crush, God save the King. Join in everyone, full chorus. Bu88er Brexit and the French, our breakfast is under attack!
  10. and after all the debate and pondering, and the best laid plans possible, remember the tides can be anything up to two hours late depending on weather conditions
  11. Whilst the southern rivers do have the stonger tides in general the fastest flow is the ebb, especially the last of the ebb through Great Yarmouth where the narrowness of the river acts as a constriction to the flow and creates a very strong current. It can run as much as six knots which is all but 7mph. Thrashing against that is no fun, but should never be necessary as you can tie up at Berney and wait for the water to fall slack. Once it has, put the kettle on and have a cuppa, do the washing up, then take a stroll along the bank and take a couple of photos of the mill,come back have another cuppa THEN set off for Yarmouth. The water should be coming in now but the Bure will still be emptying. Take it steady across Bredon and the water will be running up the Bure when you turn. It's perhaps not an issue with your airdraft but remember the water level does not rise and fall evenly, it rises and falls much quicker at the beggining of each new tide then towards the end and as much as 80% of the rise can occur in the first two hours of the tide. I saw a tidal app for IOS being banded about the faceache groups recently, which not only gives tide times but "state of the tide", but from the screen shots alas this seems to have been worked out as simply the percentage of time passed between each high and low etc. This is not accurate.
  12. if it were me, and of you like me don't mind an early start I would hole up at Acle Bridge on Saturday night then aim to pass GYYS about 7am Sunday morning. The whole of the southern rivers are then in range to you on Sundays flood tide. I would leave Loddon for my last southern night, from there it's 3 hours to GYYS, leave Loddon around 7am Friday and pass GYYS around 10 and again you have the whole of the flood to carry you wherever.
  13. We like Massinghams, but here's an admission for you. There are some good sausages to be had in supermarkets too nowadays. Tesco Finest Traditional Pork are really good, 97% pork and decent price. As well as traditional size is packs of six they also do a pack of ten slightly shorter suasages which are ideal for toad in the hole. Sadly I don't like shopping at Tesco for anything else! We have three "family butchers" in town but only one of them makes decent sausages, but at £13.20/kg they don't find their way into my fridge.
  14. i wish we could stop berating the good old full English, it's the healthy option for breakfast. Grilled tomato, mushroom, baked beans and a glass of fruit juice .... that's four of your five a day. You don't get that from a bowl of All Bran do you? I fully agree that hash browns or any other potato product should be nowhere near breakfast, as in truth for me should baked beans. Two good quality thick pork sausages, plain pork, not cumberlands or lincolns or pork and apple or any other adulteration. three slices of thick cut, dry cured green middle back bacon, two soft fried eggs, a slice of fried bread, cut in two with one of the eggs on each, a large fresh tomato halved and grilled, chestnut mushrooms, halved and dry fried and a slice of black pudding. All accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice, a strong white freshly ground coffee and a slice of toast and honey.
  15. Many apologies for my late arrival last night, and thanks Mike for stepping in to the breach. Well done to Nigel, for a clear win. So the above quiz will now be next week, assuming I don't try jumping off any more rooves.
  16. Paul


    Give them a call and chack. When we stayed there you could use the slipway but not the moorings, which were all private.
  17. Paul


    There is a site alongside Reedham Ferry and very good it is too, but as Howard correctly observed, the request was North.
  18. NBN Quiz, Friday April 12th Rounds: The words of the Bard “And now, from Norwich” On this day Intermission Wilko's weird lyrics. Imperialism General Ignorance 8:30 Tomorrow in chat. Come and give it a try.
  19. Paul


    We've also stayed at Bureside in the days when it was Boundary Farm, which was perfectly OK http://www.buresideholidaypark.co.uk/ And there is another at Thurne called Woodside Farm which is set up for adults only, hence we haven't stayed but reviews are good and its a short walk to Thurne Dyke http://woodsidefarm.net/ There is also a caravan site at Clippesby Hall which we have never visited but my sister has with their motor home and really liked, thoush it's a bit more of a trek to Thurne Dyke https://www.clippesbyhall.com/campingandtouring/
  20. Paul


    My two favourites for our caravan are Willowcroft, which is two minutes walk from Repps Staithe http://www.willowcroft.net/ And Keelers Meadow at Sutton which is two minutes walk from Sutton Staithe and run by the garden centre. https://www.caravancampingsites.co.uk/norfolk/keelersmeadow/keelersmeadow.html Although it is a Caravan and Camping Club CL they don't bother about membership. There are five pitches with Electric hook up as well as a large rally field. There is a chemical disposal point, fresh water and a little shed which has a toilet, washbasin and razor point but NO SHOWERS. We used to use Willowcroft however they added additional pitches on the "infield" which was where the children used to play ball etc andit just got too busy, especially in school holidays, hence we moved to Keelers. neither offers clubhouses,bars, shops etc but that's just the way we like it.
  21. anywhere between a few hundred pounds and a hundred thousand, depending on precise model and condition. A decent rust free unmolested V8 example should cost between 6 and 8k and should be a good long term investment, but don't quite me on that.
  22. Whatever our opinions of this politically correct world in which we live, it was unbelievably stupid of Waitrose to label one of the ducklings "Ugly" in the first place.
  23. It's a common misconception that two existing Dolomite engines were "glued" together to make the Stag's V8. In fact the engine was a bespoke design and the first of an expected new family of Triumph engines that would be built to the same design in 4, 6 and 8 cylinder versions therefore sharing many of the parts and mechanical processes. The 4 cylinder version was fitted to the Dolomite after the Stag had gone on sale, so it is more accurate to say that the Dolomite used half of the Stag V8. Sadly, the need to share components meant the V8 was a compromise design and had inherent flaws of which the coolant issue is perhaps the most well known but not the only one. Triumph dropped the fuel injection from it's previous engines in favour of twin carburettors, largely due to concerns over emissions in the US, which was it's intended main market and the carburettors were very troublesome. Keeping them balanced and well tuned was a near full time job. Many were retro fitted eith EFi. Triumph new the engine was no good but pressed ahead with it anyway. BL bosses had instructed them to look at using the Rover V8 which was an american design and well proven however Rover, despite being part of the BL family did not want to supply the engine and claimed they did not have sufficient capacity. In turn, Triumph did not want to use the engine and claimed it would not fit the Stag. That latter point was disproved, in as much as the engine would physically fit in the bay as many Stags were re-engined with the Rover V8 however the much heavier weight of the Rover lump does have a disasterous effect on the car's handling. We had a name for Rover engined Stags in the owners club, we called them b4st++ds.
  24. In order to access a defibrilator you must call 999, they will give you the key code to unlock the cabinet and instruct you how to attach the leads to the casualty. The defibrilator will then check the patients heart and will only charge if shocking is appropriate. I had to do this recently, and was terrified but it is really quite easy, just stay calm and follow the instructions of the operator
  25. Only two guaranteed winners on the National ..... The bookies and the dog meat factory.
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