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Everything posted by LadyPatricia

  1. It appears that a Falcon has decided to return to the nest cheers
  2. Sorry Jonzo I don't. It was just one I've got on my iPad. Can't find a way of checking the image properties on here. cheers
  3. I've got a few more but I'm not playing now. Taking my photos and going home. Ha ha I'll see if I've got any up to the forum standard
  4. A snap from a previous holiday moored on Ranworth Island
  5. My daughter was walking along the Thames at Shepperton and came across this. A real shame as it was once someone's pride and joy
  6. I'm getting the same as springsong. I'm using an iPad (safari) it brings up a list of related links
  7. Thanks Trev, i actually spoke to these guys today, they have cylinder blocks available so will be going down to have a look. thanks for the link though
  8. Will be making calls to both later today John.
  9. Dave, if your staying south get yourself a couple of heavy waggler floats ( ask in shop. Around 5 AAA shot size ) the heavier you fish the less the flow will affect your float. Fish off the front or back of the boat and not too far out. I use corn when on the broads as has been said it's a cleaner bait and you do tend to not get the really small fish nibbling your bait. Most of all sit back and relax and enjoy being there
  10. Thanks Dave and Iain. Just thought I'd put a message on here on the off chance someone may know someone who can help
  11. Not a blog as such just an update. Went up to spend the weekend on Lady P and do a little more work trying to find the cause of the white smoke / steam coming from the exhaust. Turns out we have both head gaskets weeping and both blocks cracked on our Volvo Penta md11c. If anyone has one of the old engines laying around or knows of one please let us know
  12. All help was much appreciated Thanks to you both. Helming Orca was a real pleasure having followed most of the restoration. A big thank you for 'allowing' us to have a play. I have to confirm that turning Orca is a LOT of fun PS a message from Deb ....... Do it again, and again, go on one more turn
  13. Keep em coming mate. I'll give you 'dingbat'
  14. They were Mark, it was the wind ..... Nothing to do with the beer
  15. I'm not liking this 'Steve & Debbie are up so may involve the odd pub trip' malarkey. You'll be getting us a bad name on this here forum
  16. You going to be able to remember the full details after all that rum Mark
  17. There is the centre brick structure of an old bridge just along from the mooring Grace, sounds like it may be the place
  18. Where was it caught Mark? Nice fish, bet they fight well. The only time I've seen one was on our honeymoon. You could stand at the end of the jetty and watch them attack shoals at night ...... So quick
  19. Never used them but only ever heard good when others have mentioned them. Good luck to all, both in retirement and in the new business
  20. Grace, could it have been Aldeby? I know there are fishing lakes a short walk from the BA 24hr moorings. It's the first moorings on your left as you come out of Beccles Deb will teach you Alan, if your really lucky she will tell you about he 8lb Barbel she had out of the Thames. She will also point out I've never caught one
  21. What is wrong with people today. Go out, earn ya pennies and buy what you want, don't just take things. Scum the lot of them. Makes my blood boil it really does
  22. A pot of stinky old maggots and a good catapult would have made them change direction Chin up mate, not everyone is an ar*e
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