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Everything posted by LizG

  1. Found two more images of Haddiscoe on Ebay and this link to some pictures of Reedham, showing probably a row of railway cottages but not chimneys. Think there was similar cottages at Somerleyton?? If I can get it to work? You need to scroll down the page http://reedham.info/swing-bridge.htm
  2. I found this image on Ebay.......... there are links on St Olaves village website to another image. (Nothing on the Belton village website) I do wonder whether the 'pylons' are signals as they appear to be quite tall in some images because of the incline approaching the bridges from the marshes
  3. I also did a search on Google images for railway swing bridges on all river systems and nothing came up with the right vista
  4. I was about to write that I had gone for Reedham for the following reasons but now I just can't work out the right bank, there is too much viaduct visible for Reedham. The old bridge started right by the pub? My initial arguments were: Even if the photo was reversed the current works at Haddiscoe are some distance away. The attached images, the old map from 1928 shows a distinct building just under the approach to the bridge on the left side and even in the modern aerial photos there looks like some evidence of something having been close to the bridge but this isn't visible of any of the old photos of the bridge? The old pictures show no signal box on the left side The jury remains out?
  5. Fabulous footage of the swing bridge at Aldeby!!! Two more old maps of Reedham - any help?
  6. Hi Carol Are you sure this photo is from the Broads? Only Somerleyton has a viaduct either side of the actual swinging section of the bridge. I have never seen a photo of Aldeby and this might be a first if it is this bridge but the turntable for that bridge is on the Beccles side and the old maps of 1880s look like it goes through quite a short area of marsh Liz
  7. Not now, new stem the last time she came out
  8. Any gribble worm holes in the stem?
  9. Been up to just a few metres short of New Mills twice now, fantastic trips, turning okay with 27 feet. You can moor at the Ribs of Beef (just).
  10. Prince of Light B64 seen at Griffin Yard in August 2011
  11. Salvor and Cookie in the 60s - good memories
  12. Because of the dredging programme some years ago, straying outside the markers is remarkably safe, avoid the area near the island (or remains of) though. Can't see my boat in your picture but was amongst the many boats moored up
  13. Didn't Nando have a resturant there at one point?
  14. Could we simply end this thread and start a new one called "NBF update" so for those in the know can update the latest situation or those wanting to know - can find out what's happening. Otherwise the content of this forum starts to resemble the content of another forum when it gets heated. It simply get boring basically Thank you
  15. You can always moor at Whittlingham Meadows and catch the bus into the city Liz
  16. The one to the right is a Herbert Woods 42footer first photo? Interior shot looks like a Golden Light?
  17. Water Rail had two very minor starring roles in the TV series but JANCA was the star as the Margoletta
  18. Railway was closed! Liz
  19. Thought the webcam showed a lot of height!
  20. Provisional results now available - follow 3RRs links on club website http://www.horningsc.co.uk/
  21. What's 10 foot!!!! If you hadn't have got stuck for 30 minutes you might have beaten the wind drop? For anyone interested there are more photos in my photo sets of the evening when the sky was blue and early morning.........as the fog disappeared
  22. Think it was a good job they moved the location of the mark at Ludham this year (and South Walsham) - might have been fun otherwise Some photos of Raisena are in this batch taken at Stokesby titled grey sky! http://www.flickr.com/photos/16116683@N05/sets/72157633895350341/ It was great seeing her come along the river - think Raisena entering was the highlight of the race. I kept in touch by text with my daughters that are usually around for the race and I kept mentioning Raisena. Being not Broads born and bred they didn't know what I meant but I just mentioned 60foot mast, search the internet and they then realised what I was going on about. Then all I got was when are you going to load the photos.......... Liz
  23. Simply superb! Love the reference to wanting a Herbert Woods woodie although the one I am thinking of isn't on Santas list - it would be great if he paid for the upkeep! Liz
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