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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Tidy looking vessel. Someone is going to be very pleased with it. Good luck with the sale!
  2. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/953007/App-A-Broads-Local-Plan-Preferred-Options-Responses-pc260517.pdf Another 168 pages to read through. Doing what the Authority does best!
  3. Ive just read an article on BBC news that states there a 12000 people in the UK with the status "subject to review" by the security services. If we are unable to remove known extremists/sympathisers then we should be incarcerating them instead. How much military land is there available in the UK where new facilities could be built. A radical problem needs a radical solution. While these 12000 people have their freedom none of us are truly safe.
  4. Then the simple answer to that is they need or must start removing people from our country. If there are laws in the way then change them, in the interests of public safety. If I can see that and millions of others can probably see that, why cant they? They change laws all the time when it suits.
  5. Donny im with you on this one. Its terrible and the fact this parasite was known to the security services........i just honestly cant put it into words. Thats all im saying as anything else will need to be modded.
  6. Show me a boat from 1982 thats in perfect condition. You cant realistically expect it to be in factory condition, you also cant expect the current owner to be happy to give it away either! It also depends on what the person looking at buying it will be happy with. In my opinion it looks better than the first prospect but dont be suprised if the owner doesnt want to pay you to take it away!!!!
  7. Hylander your experience with the broker could have been more about them making the sale and getting the commission in the bank, the osmosis might just have been the excuse they needed to convince you to accept that low offer. A few years ago now we put our boat up for sale with a broker. Our boat is ex hire and was not in pristine condition when we bought it 7 years ago but in the years we have owned it no expense has been spared. A few months of dribs and drabs of interest someone came along who were apparently very interested, already had a mooring etc etc and liked the boat. The broker told us their offer which was around 15% below asking and they were going with a survey. We agreed to the offer (reluctantly) but made it clear there would be no more money off after the survey as we had already started out 15% below asking. Low and behold the survey picked up a few things only to be expected of a boat of the era and the buyer came looking for more off. Our answer was no but the broker still tried their very best to cut a deal for the buyer......at our expense! After that we took the boat off the market and within a few days it was on a much cheaper mooring than our previous WRC mooring in a better location for us and so far we have had a few more years with her, made a few more improvements and at the moment have no plans to sell just yet. People can have very unrealistic expectations when buying boats, especially older ones. A Broker will advertise with a fair asking price fitting the market and then try talk you into accepting a low offer just to make a sale and get their % in the bank. Just my opinion of course.
  8. If he berthed his boat last weekend and arrived to it yesterday surely in the time inbetween he ought to have arranged his toll! I dont see what size has to do with it though.
  9. Suspicion of Osmosis, if its there its normally pretty obvious! Our boat has plenty. I work on the principle small blisters good, dinnerplate sized very bad!!!!
  10. Leaking windows and the untold damage water ingress can do is the thing I find most infuriating about boat ownership. The same can be said for anything else screwed or bolted into the hull above the water line, stanchions, cleats, deck fittings they are all a point of water ingress and if left to leak can do a great deal of damage resulting in difficult and awkward repairs, or even worse hidden damage left for some unsuspecting person to deal with in the future! I agree the Engine and Canopy are certainly very important but try not to get caught out by anything hidden, things that can be an even bigger pain in the posterior than an outboard that needs a bit of work!! For instance whats going on aside that porta potti in the pictures, the wall lining appears like it could be water damaged behind resulting in that rippling.......it may not be but its worth a closer look and this is what a surveyer would do for you. Whatever you decide I do hope you enjoy your time on the water!
  11. If somebody else has backed out on it then that rings an alarm bell but it all depends on how much work you are prepared to take on yourself. Look for the obvious problems first. Is it dry inside, look for leaking windows and damp, these are the things that will make it unpleasant to be on and are usually time consuming and costly to rectify. There are many many things that could be wrong or go wrong on a boat that age its almost impossible to say. People buy without surveys but if you dont like diy or have some knowledge its probably not wise on a boat that age. Is it inboard or outboard? Shaft or outdrives, the actual condition of the GRP is probably the least to worry about! Even painting a boat can easily run to 1000s! How big is it for starters?!
  12. I agree Grendel, Dover with the short turn arounds couldnt do justice to that sort of technology. Phasing out the older ships for newer ones could improve emissions around Dover. I dont see that happening anytime soon. Two of P&O's Hull based ferries have recently been refit in Poland extending their life into the 2020s and they both reach 30 years old this year.
  13. Talking of ferries Stena have installed a shorepower system in Hook Van Holland which they can plug the 2 ferries from Harwich into whilst in the Dutch port reducing the emissions being put out into the local area so it shows what the big boys think about unnecessarily running engines! I believe there is legislation regarding emissions from ships nowadays.
  14. Its bloody freezing!!
  15. Some people will never learn to take advice, mind you he might have more money than sense so atleast a local boatyard might have got some work out of it!!!
  16. Or plug in to a post and switch your engine off!!!
  17. Remote control, why would you need to turn the telly over at a time like that?!
  18. I have 2 Turbo diesels and in 7 and 3 years ownership they have been just fine being switched off as soon as i have parked!! The Subarus are obviously petrol engined but if his Turbo needs to be cooled down for that long then Id be looking in to how hes driving it on what round here are local roads. Knowing where the guy works I can confidently say in the 2 miles between here and there there arent any motorways, dual carriageways or racing tracks! Hes just an inconsiderate cretin!!
  19. A few years ago when we moored at the WRC we were stood by Eddie when one of leboats tubs came heading over to the spot on the corner in the entrance to the basin. The guy cut the engine about 12ft short of the quay then finished up floating sideways across the entrance while they faffed about trying to restart. When they had got themselves heading back toward the quay i helped them tie up and suggested its probably best not to cut the engine till your actually alongside and making fast! It was their first time. Speaking of running engines, I have a neighbour (well 2 actually but one is far more considerate than the other) with Subaru Impreza's with ridiculously loud exhausts. The inconsiderate one comes out and leaves it running ten minutes here and there for no apparent reason, and his record had got to be around 5 minutes of pointless running after hes arrived home Hes an absolute numpty.
  20. Me neither JM, I did see the owner but not the other older gentleman ive read the odd complaint about. I dont go in that often anymore but I never had a bad experience with him either!
  21. Completely agree JM, we used to have loads more fun in our tender than we ever do in the big boat, its just a caravan that floats. We sold our tender a few years ago but my wife was eyeing up a 2 man sit on kayak in a (un)popular wroxham chandlery the other day, they do look like a lot of fun!
  22. Uh oh, weve been rumbled.....
  23. Im not advocating loud music but there must be some way of subtly messing with the Irstead guy :-p You would think better of an ex policeman if he actually is. Though I do wonder what he was like if he were a copper, sounds like the sort who would nick his own mother to me. Why buy a house next to a tourist spot If you dont like people? I imagine they are probably the sort who thrives on having summat to moan about and love every minute of doing it.
  24. A quick google brings up a report on another forum of presumably the same homeowner confronting people on Irstead Staithe back in 2007......about Kayaks. He had obviously clocked the time this particular boat arrived, he most probably clocks the time every boat arrives, and sits there and sits there and sits there just waiting to pounce.......what a sad life he must lead. But rules is rules
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