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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I have caught bass at Reedham, someone called it a sea bass probably as it came from the sea. If we are splitting hairs it might have been a european bass!
  2. He sounds like a nice helpful chap Were you not tempted to tred on his fishing rod, I reckon he would have found it hilarious...
  3. If memory serves i think Lullaby has a genny so the hairdryer might be ok, there could well be one onboard already. I once hired a Brinks Melody and the genny would probably have powered Caister. Mind you that was a good few years ago now so they may have changed/upgraded systems etc. The Melody's had to have the engine & generator (i believe it was a hydraulic affair) running together for the cooker as I recall there was no gas onboard. With regards to pumpouts, if the toilets are electric flush then have a few wees before flushing as they do use a bit more clean water for the flush than most manual equivalents, obviously if its brown flush it down!! As Griff says you will most likely manage the week without a Pumpout but that depends on many variables many of which are in the hands of females onboard. If the shhh did hit the fan you wouldnt need to do it more than once anyway. PS. Whatever you do dont put baby wipes or makeup wipes down the electric toilets, take it from someone who knows. Retrieving them again once they have wrapped themselves around the impellor aint pretty!
  4. I think Acle Horizon Craft yard is now in use as The Broads Boating Co so may still be a possible overnight mooring but im not certain it may be worth contacting them to ask. The Stracey moorings are the last moorings before Great Yarmouth theres is nowhere else safe in between. If you could let me know where to find these pretty girls on the Southern Side I would be immensely grateful, I live in Lowestoft and they definitely dont live round here!!
  5. I heard about this on Heart Radio and thought I had misheard the size of them, clearly I didnt! I bet there was a bit of a flap on when they broke free.
  6. Probably not a good idea! I hear the fuel supplier declares sales of certain quantities to HMRC directly so sooner or later they could appear on your doorstep to check what you are doing with the barrels of fuel your having delivered! Coupled with the massive faff of transfering it to the boat and hazards storing barrels of fuel on your property I can think of much easier ways to save a few quid!!!!
  7. The BA have overlooked a few species, Eel, Bass or (sea bass), Carp, atleast 1 Catfish and I hear the odd murmor of Zander every now and then. Both good links though and well worth digesting.
  8. My best advice is if you dont have actual experience of handling a big pike or have someone with you who does its probably best not to fish for them. The rivers are in abundance with other fish species that this rod outfit would appear more suited to, they will be a lot easier to catch and you will probably have a lot more fun. Get some white and red maggots and a plummet and away you go!
  9. Please do correct me if Im wrong but didnt it turn out to be the signalman at fault for the tractor/train collision at Thetford? The tractor driver used the phone at the crossing and still got hit by the train.
  10. I think for that distance the £100 and £1.20 refund probably wont be that far out. I also suspect I know which southern yard you are referring to. I once hired from a southern yard and on handover it was made very clear I was not to put any fuel in the boat period. Poor fuel quality elsewhere was the reason given which was clearly total bull! We had a few days afloat the other week and went from Loddon to Norwich, Norwich to Beccles and back to Loddon and when I dipped it as I always do I reckon it used around 25 to 30 quids worth. If any of the larger hire yards are charging more I doubt its a drastic amount per hire but over the season its probably a reasonable sum for them. I agree with other posters its probably not really worth the hassle trying to find somewhere to fill it up for you I wouldnt bother.
  11. I could listen to jet engines all day, infact I used to live adjacent to Norwich Airport in Old Catton and always wished it was busier than it was. Lowestoft airshow day was a particular favourite with many display aircraft using it as a base, with the occasional red arrows and vulcun visit, some of the reds would fly directly over our house when coming in to land after doing the formation flypast over the field, just brilliant! But even though railways have been around a very long time in terms of noise it shouldnt necessarily give them carte blanche. How much noise did a steam train make when compared with one of these hell fire powered diesels we get into lowestoft!
  12. I suppose we all have different things that irritate us. Its isnt the noise that bothers me its the traffic delays which are of significant inconvenience. But it does make me wonder why they seem to use the noisiest trains for the later services when the could utilise the quiter ones. You would think the train operators would show a bit of initiative and be a bit more neighbourly. I was moored up at Reedham Ferry one evening and was looking skyward for the flaming aircraft wreckage when I realised it was an old diesel train some distance away, what a racket, the locals must have needed ear defenders!
  13. BrundallNavy that sounds very similar to what goes on at Oulton Broad North. In my opinion there needs to be new thinking in situations like this not just for Oulton Broad but for anywhere else the local economy is being stunted by a level crossing What if any thought is given to the adverse effects of just adding a service and linking this and that up here and there when the train operators objective seems purely to make money.
  14. Never hear those at this distance! Incidently we almost did decide to buy a property recently, it ticked almost every box but there was one fundamental issue with it, its location. North Oulton Broad potentially adding 45minutes a day to journey times to and from work which for the distance would be faster to walk. Delays which in the most part are caused by the railway. Once the traffic begins to back up at peak times it gets little chance to clear.
  15. bound2please , please explain to me how slowing trains for level crossings wouldnt contribute to improving overall safety? Having pointed out your employment history to me you will no doubt be aware of the recent death involving the tractor on the crossing near Thetford. Had the train been travelling slower is there not an outside chance that the collision might have been averted, or at least not resulting in a death. If the trains travelled slower through Brundall would the pedestrian crossings not be much safer? and just for the record, I dont own my house I choose to rent, I can move whenever I choose. I wasnt complaining about the loco noise as I am not near enough to be disturbed by it I was stating I could hear some of the trains used in agreement with JM. This attitude of the railways were there first is shortsighted at best. I regurlarly have to give up going to do what I need to do in Oulton Broad after sitting in traffic for 35minutes and going nowhere, along with all the other road users so Im sorry if my point of view comes across with little tolerance of the railways! What may have worked 20 years ago isnt working anymore, and if the railways cant change with the times maybe their importance is being totally over emphasised.
  16. I agree parking charges at Stations are significant especially if its something your paying for regularly. I dont think local parking charges are overly excessive, certainly nowhere near high enough to tempt me from my car onto any form of public transport not even the Norwich park and ride! Constantly reducing journey times and increasing number of daily journeys negatively impacts the humans operating the services. I know for a fact there are bus operators in this country who already expect more than is humanly possible from their Staff, I doubt if the rail industry is far different.
  17. This is the article I found on the Network Rail website which indicates number of trains per hour through Oulton Broad North at peak times: https://www.networkrailmediacentre.co.uk/news/waiting-times-at-oulton-broad-north-level-crossing-to-be-improved The article is from 2015 and there are further pieces reporting the signalling changes took place in 2016, what if any difference the changes actually made to traffic flow. I cant say ive noticed any. I must live a good mile away from Oulton Broad North Station however the Ipswich track passes within a 1/4 of a mile of my house and even at this distance I can fully relate to the incredibly noisey locos sometimes used on the line and why they predominantly seem to use the noisey ones late on is beyond me. I dont think being interesting makes it acceptable either. Certainly in this area the trains not only cause inconvenience in terms of traffic delays but in my opinion negatively affect the wider local economy. What irks me more than anything is all this nonsense that journey times on trains must be reduced. What difference would the extra 5 to 10 minutes on a Lowestoft to Norwich journey actually make to the few people using the trains compared with the 100's if not 1000's of road users inconvenienced by it every day. Slowing the trains down may not only improve crossing safety across the country but could also reduce the time level crossings such as Oulton Broad North need to be closed. This frantic obsession with constantly shortening journey times be it train bus or air travel is unnecessary and has negative consequences in other areas that never seem considered!!
  18. Am I right in thinking if this swing bridge had been retained then Oulton Broad North Station along with the nuisance of the level crossing may not have been necessary as the Norwich trains could have routed via Beccles and Oulton Broad South into Lowestoft that way and the swing bridge at Somerleyton would not have been needed either. Ive been reading this evening if this information is still correct that there are 6 trains an hour to/from Norwich at peak times.......theres no wonder traffic is usually at a standstill!!
  19. Supplying a CV for a 4-5hr a day temporary cleaning job, whats the pay £25 an hour?!
  20. Im assuming accidents like this on the Broads are relatively rare but it highlights how incredibly dangerous boating can be. I do hope the lady makes a good recovery, I will be revisting our MOB procedure next time im afloat with my family.
  21. I have seen one in the Chet in the water at our moorings although on seeing me it scarpered so it must be shy. I think they are beautiful creatures but I do worry about them with boats around.
  22. Thats exactly what I said to her at the time!
  23. Not self checkout related but in a supermarket (M) my wife was once refused the sale of 1 bottle of red wine because our 7 year old son was with her and she could have been buying it for him, also happened again when we were together one day without the kids, she didnt have any ID on her, I could produce ID but they still wouldnt sell it to us as I could be purchasing it for her (which I was). Neither of us are that young looking so I requested the manager to attend and after creating a bit of a scene they backed down and sold it to us. Things just go a bit far sometimes. Edit: meant to say the refusal when wife with son was 1 bottle of wine along with a full weekly shop on the conveyor!!!!
  24. Sea Palling is well worth the visit but it would mean driving there or maybe a bus/taxi once you have left the yard. Potter Heigham is the nearest you would get by river with Brinks Lullaby and I think it would be a very long walk to the beach from there! Theres plenty of dog friendly beaches in the area Gorelston/Pakefield etc but for being within easy reach of the river Great Yarmouth is probably your best bet.
  25. left hand emphasising the "Broads National Park"..........I wonder are these pictures taken like this on purpose!
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