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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I can find the monthly expenditure sheets but not details of the CEO's salary. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/broads-authority/spending/monthly-spending I recall seeing a figure of 80-90k? Which when compared with what some council chiefs are on he is in the wrong job..... Suffolk County CEO on around 170k
  2. As and when more leases come up for renewal in the future might more of these visitor facilities be lost? This is not an appealing prospect yet the Broads Authority continue charging Toll payers the same or more when facilities are being lost and no longer paid for. Cant be right can it.
  3. It would be really interesting to see the figures, when they say commercial rates what is it if not commercial, the BA are indirectly charging for use of the facilities after all. I also fully accept that landowners might have seen that cash cow coming and have just got greedy.
  4. I agree the BA should be maintaining the level of visitor moorings and ensuring there are a good selection available offering the highest possible capacity to private boat owners and hirers alike. I do wonder if the recent losses were down to the BA trying to drive the price down and then being stubborn when they were not getting their way rather than the landowners Initially asking for increaseing sums, the BA stubborn never! We will never know!
  5. Id prefer to read the Dr is in looking for a new job mode!
  6. I think they should be doing this anyway!
  7. The BA stated a loss in hire boat toll income was a reason for last years extortionate increase, was it 20% for some, then they actually ended up better off. Reading through other threads today it also occurs that some hire boat companies need to start putting something back insteasd of taking all the time. Rather than tapping private boat owners for a few quid each time they are short the Broads Authority should be looking at how they can cut the wastage and start saving some money as every other "authority" across the UK is having to do.
  8. After what they got away with last year any increase at all for the next few years at least is just unacceptable in my opinion.
  9. http://www.edp24.co.uk/business/broads-boaters-facing-increase-in-tolls-1-5245499
  10. Take it from the local bobby and firemen and nurse rather than hitting all those at the top of the civil service / local councils with a pay cut where its deserved. In my opinion the Government are just staggering blindly from one cock up to the next and the people making these ludicrous decisions are being paid how much?! Probably time I moved on!
  11. One of the reasons I decided I didnt want to fly on a 787 dreamliner!
  12. I suppose it depends how you look at it! The government expect front line services to provide on less and less yet they could be handing over an obscene sum of money in a divorce package to Brussels. Theres something really wrong with all this in my opinion!
  13. Maybe donnygeoff just likes the Boxter! I owned an MR2 once, was that because I couldnt afford a Boxter!
  14. Its clear in the video that Lithium is the better battery the only drawback being the financial one. But you are looking at it as a liveaboard for yourself so I can see why spending that sort of money on something that will work better for you would make sense.
  15. WOW! and I get miffed at the price of a 110amp leisure battery
  16. A question that immediately comes to me is they have had 30million cut since 2010, is this just one police force? What is the 30million they were getting back in 2010 being used for now? Money is cut to essential services hand over fist yet across the board councils are paying their so called top people more and more. These are first world problems, does anyone else see this country as broken.
  17. Ive read the 1st survey report and just making an observation has that surveyors report told you anything you wouldnt have seen with your own eyes? The blistering pictured on the hull also looks much worse than my 1990s broads cruiser.
  18. Is that the Northern Irish girl? Bring back Amanda Houston I say!
  19. He was on This Morning today, after watching his interview I couldnt really call myself a fan. How much trouble did one sentence cause!
  20. I know what you mean wonderwall my mother is exactly the same! I had to stop drinking tea about 5 years ago so I have those new fangled cappuccino sachets, powder and hot water simples!
  21. I take indication with a pinch of salt round here It could mean anything!
  22. We saw a good one leaving a very busy mcdonalds in Beccles this afternoon. A Dad walking along the verge at the entrance to the carpark holding his little girls hand who was walking on the carpark around all the moving cars.........errrr........other way around probably a better idea??!
  23. People dawdling in supermarkets hindering those who just want to get in and out as quickly as possible. Hailing a bus by lifting a walking stick in the air, that is the height of rudeness in my opinion.
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