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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I have noticed whats been posted elsewhere and wasnt suprised that the discussion turned to what they thought of posters here rather than discussing the point in hand. Some people like to make out they are all tolerating in the hope of making others loose face but you can bet your bottom dollar the first time something comes along that they care about or directly impedes their activities they will be up in arms about it. If the July event turns out succesful just watch before you know it for 2019 there will be the Ant Swim, the Bure & Thurne swim culminating in the 3 rivers Swim..... Aslong as its not in their backyard is that how the saying goes.
  2. Leaving rubbish in your wake has nowt to do with how you choose to live but more to do with how high your standards are.
  3. Might depend how far ahead you are planning!
  4. When its springs and we have high winds thats when I thought we had higher highs and higher lows
  5. Back on topic for Liveaboard facilities there are laundrettes within walking distance of the river, I can only think of 2 the first being in Wroxham before the road bridge (if still there I havent been recently) and one in Chedgrave down from the BA moorings in Loddon. Some private marinas also have laundry facilities and Oulton Yacht Station does to.
  6. Current Broads Authority...........could this mean that we may be due a new one?!!!!
  7. You will probably want to make sure your planned passage doesnt fall during springs, if we have any strong westerly winds that will also affect the maximum clearance on any given day. Someone will probably give you a better explanation before long but if they dont as CC said the Yacht Station will help you.
  8. An interesting point of view of swimming in the Waveney. https://outdoorswimmer.com/blogs/diy-risk-assessment-for-open-water-swimming
  9. It may turn out that even potential entrants fear for their safety knowing that the river wont actually be closed to boat traffic for the event meaning they dont get enough numbers to make it viable. It will be interesting to see how it actually pans out but part of me hopes that common sense prevails.
  10. Im not sure it will be possible to change the minds of those who feel like they are being bullied. If you cant cope with someone having a different opinion to yours and that person being just as prepared to argue their view as you are yours then a forum may not be the best place for you. I see no evidence of bullying I see a thread of differing views all being put forward. The only thing that stands out to me is the people against have put forward a reasoned argument whereas the people for are not putting forward a coherant counter argument. Those against were just accused of being bitter/negative/ etc etc. Untill I see any actual reasons why the against view is wrong that may make me reconsider my opinion then Im still against and I dont feel the need to fall out with anyone over it, if I were on the otherside of the argument I dont think I would feel any different. We all see things differently whether we are right or wrong and theres no justification thats going to change that, it isnt bullying.
  11. Im finding this ongoing attempt at trying to justify whatever opinion you have over the swimming event a bit pointless now. Is it time to move on?!
  12. When folk post in different places under the same name and often appear to be supporting the devisive or minority view it does beg a question in my opinion.
  13. The underlined sentence is what I had in mind when I referred to the attempt at invalidating my opinion by saying its negative etc etc I didnt manage to put it so eloquently. But I wouldnt say I saw it as bullying.
  14. Those of us who feel strongly about it have come up with a reasoned and substantiated argument for the event simply being in the wrong location, the only thing that those not in agreement have put forward is that we are all being nasty/negative/bitter etc I agree with Bobdogs sentiment re Norfolk being warm and welcoming but that shouldnt mean we shouldnt speak up when we believe something isnt right. Anyway, most of the Waveney is in Suffolk isnt it !!!!
  15. You know I think theres a lot of over reacting going on here, nobody is driving anyone out and if we didnt have differing opinions what would be the point in discussing it.
  16. We are just as entitled to discuss the economics of the event as we are the safety. Why should a group be allowed to come in and use half the water they make no contribution to and cause unnecessary disruption and safety implications to those that do contribute. I feel quite offended by that.
  17. I dont think I would want to take part in a blockade but it really is not suprising that people feel so strongly. It demonstrates to me that the Authority isnt fit for purpose, or at the very least has its priorities all wrong and its head in the clouds. I wonder if Mel Holland expected there would be this sort of reaction to the planned event.
  18. Sounds like the actvity can cause just as much disruption on the salty side to. I wouldnt so much say run out of town more unwelcome for the day or as if they would prefer it if we all just went and did boating somewhere else for the day!
  19. Had any of us had any plans to be on the Waveney on the 1st of July we will probably be changing them now!
  20. Tons of space out there but I imagine the costs involved in putting on the safety support may be higher but then im only guessing. I doubt they would be allowed to send 200 swimmers across the channel in groups of 50 at once either!
  21. I can take about 16 up the river.....for a small fee per head......
  22. Thats another pretty severe risk I hadnt considered, spectators or relatives following in day boats....
  23. When all said and done those of us arguing on the side of it being an innapropriate location is probably making the organisers even more determined to ensure it succeeds. I feel no animosity toward them as such but my waining respect for the Broads Authority has fallen to a level I didnt even know existed for allowing it in that location in the first place. Lets hope it all goes ok for them but the organisers themselves see the pitfalls raised with their own eyes and seek out a more appropriate location for the future. There has got to be so many other more suitable locations to do something like this but introducing a new tradition such as swimming en mass to the navigable Broads in my opinion is a mistake, it might only be 1 day.....for now. I can also only think the reason for choosing such a location may be a financial one and if its at the expense of others that isnt sitting well at all.
  24. Unless I dreamt it Im certain I passed a guy swimming up the Wensum last year, but one guy with a dinghy following him, not 200 people setting off in groups of 50! What will occur next I ask myself, swimming time trails on the new cut, surfing on Breydon, scuba diving in Salhouse Broad, open the flood gates and they will come. Nobody on this thread wants to knock anyone elses pass time or interest, its all about choice of location, its not suitable as not only is it fair to say it may be unsafe but it will probably expecting other interests to move out the way for a commercial operation that doesnt even contribute, why are people struggling to not understand this as a valid point of view!!!!
  25. Personally I dont think in the current regime any part of the navigation should be being closed for anything less than emergency circumstances.
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