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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. He may well know his turnips when it comes to the environmental matters but it appears that being in possesion of a Doctorate doesnt automatically make you good at knowing how to work within a budget. His approach to toll payers is one of a number of other smaller issues that for us are increasingly taking the shine off any enjoyment we get from our boat. Except for the odd sunny day over the season our boat has become an inconvenience we are using less and less. I think it might well be going to brokerage before the next toll becomes due.
  2. Few people have a positive thing to say, be they broadland businesses or humble boat owners. He wont be getting any more of our money to spend frivolously thats for certain.
  3. Reading between the lines could this mean that a certain unpopular person may have had a wrist slapping?!
  4. I wonder what this means for the hire operators. Airbnb Boating Holidays doesnt roll off the tongue in the same way, its always sounded to me like it should be selling flights not accomodation.
  5. Dont want to appear offish but am I right to presume you have visited both cafe’s before coming to this conclusion?!
  6. In all the times I have night nav’d (I even once ended up in very thick fog) im not sure I would have noticed much of the wildlife for concentrating on not going up the bank! You are correct about hireboats, as far as Im aware they should be moored or on a mudweight by dark.
  7. I agree, small villages can have very funny ways and it isnt just in Norfolk. Its not some much villages that are the problem but hardcore villagers!
  8. All seems very playground to me, someone with a grudge but obviously I dont know the full story. Interestingly Miss Radley becomes a Ms part way through the piece!
  9. Wonder if it could have been a member here. Not really what 999 is for but when hypothermia comes in to play what else can you do if youve nobody else to phone. All a pain scale does is indicate how well you are coping with pain 1 being easy 10 being please kill me now!
  10. dnks34

    The Chase

    On The Chase just now, not sure if its a new/old series.
  11. In my opinion theres nothing more satisfying than witnessing a stranger make completely the wrong assessment of you then swiftly having to kiss the proverbial when they realise their mistake!!
  12. So effectively they expected to be paid again for a mooring that had allready been let and paid up for the year. Thats shockingly unscrupulous and well done for covering yourself and not letting them get away with it!
  13. If i am right in presuming the berth was paid up for the year by the old owner I would be thinking about moving on rather than renewing if something as simple as a wifi code is going to upset them!!
  14. Robin i would expect a few electric fan heaters set to half would cost less than running diesel heating in most cases but I suppose it all depends!!
  15. Shortly after we got our boat i looked into installing a matrix unit to serve as a demister with a hot air duct going to both of our helm positions. I am normally good at passing cabling through inaccesible places and keeping things hidden but in this case there was just nowhere to hide the hot air ducting. With the boat stripped out and no headlining in place it would have been easy but as I didnt want to go that far I had to give up on it and I think I spent the money on some electrical gizmo instead!
  16. As I said on a broads based boat i would agree with you but on a boat i might be intending to go to sea with and worth £££k i dont think I would be worrying about skimping on a heater matrix. Cobbled together is all day long for my boat and thats why its still floating!
  17. Ricardo ive just re read your last 2 posts again and quite frankly I take offence at the way you have insinuated that I was implying not using the correct or proper marine intended parts isnt doing a proper job, that is not what I was suggesting at all.
  18. For a 20 to 30k boat I would be inclined to agree and do it cheaply but for the cost of replacing just one of Robins massive engines when it overheats due to a silly failure of some type from cobbling together something thats meant to be fitted to a car, thats how I would be thinking if it were me! To be fair I didnt think the Mikuni matrix's are overly pricey for what they are and all I was doing was sharing a link to a supplier of equipment intended for this type of installation.
  19. This link may be of use: http://www.mikuniheating.com/Results.cfm?category=23&secondary=15 These guys sell the correct equipment to do a proper job.
  20. I heard somewhere the other day there will be reductions in PCO's jobs unsure if it was Norfolk/Suffolk or both.
  21. I managed to flick a pair of sun glasses off my face while trying to swipe a wasp away, unluckly for me I was walking along a jetty in Wroxham and they went straight in, a few months later a neigbour managed to trip coming down off the back of his boat and ended up diving over the jetty and in to the water, he didnt see my sunglasses though. Ive also lost another pair in the river at Belturbet on the Erne in the late 90s.
  22. I imagine with the heat over there tyres degrade much quicker but a 5 year age limit certainly isnt unreasonable.
  23. My ford has a speed limiter function but I only find its useful in built up areas keeping to 30/40. I rarely use it to be honest.
  24. I was only suggesting that those who believe all budgets are a false economy may have been brainwashed by the premium tyre manufacturers/society. I could have worded it differently but I wasnt aiming my post at anyone here so didnt see it as being unfriendly! By cheap by twice can be true to an extent, Wherrynice is correct in it being a minefield and if you dont know anything about tyres or dont do your homework you are likely to be paying through the nose when you may be able to get equal or comparable performance for a lesser cost.
  25. Ive just been up and drained down our domestic water system and taken a few other precautions to try to avoid any issues. I had allready put seasafe antifreeze into the raw water circuit before the engine was turned off when we lifted out so thats hopefully protected (we have had a cracked heat exchanger in the past) I fitted our domestic system with a drain valve on the tank and the calorifier a few years ago so draining is easy, do make sure to open all taps to get as much out as possible but depending on how you are plumbed there may be low spots that wont drain out without using compressed air, we have suffered a crack in copper pipework to a shower valve for this reason in the past, thats now lagged and hasnt occured since. Ive also put seasafe into the toilet bowls and run a bit through each shower drain. The tube heaters are now all off as the side effect of the heat is condensation. A few moisture mates are dotted around, drawers and cupboards left ajar, foams lifted slightly to encourage air circulation and I will periodically check her over the winter.
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