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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Whatever happens the few people using the train must not be inconvenienced. Inconveniencing boaters and 100s if not 1000s of motorists in Lowestoft is absolutely fine though.
  2. Its shocking really. Its a bit warm out so we are not bothering with the bridges today........ Ive said it before but the railway in my opinion does more harm to Oulton Broad & Lowestoft than it does any good. I wish they would just bloody close it. Or at the very least network rail ought to be making a large financial contribution to this alleged third crossing for Lowestoft because of the disruption they are responsible for in the town. Close the track end the congestion....
  3. Even if there were some sort of arrangement for privateers to share moorings it wouldnt make any difference to the Toll. This notion that a hire boat doesnt require 2 moorings is also not technically correct. It may be possible for a hire boat to make use of another hire boats home mooring but a private boat may not necessarily be welcome to use it. I also suspect certain yards may have more boats than they have moorings. I get the feeling this is a bit of a dig at private owners from a hirers point of view, why else would it matter how little or often a private boat is used, if its Tolled and on a privately paid mooring it matters not.
  4. A private mooring in this discussion is completely irrelevant as its paid for privately, Not from the Toll...... I think if Paul was actually a Toll payer he might see things a little bit differently.
  5. We all look at things in different ways but if the cars on Pauls street are anything to go by (i cant see where he said whats on his drive) I think its fairly safe to assume that those not bothered by the cost of things are the ones who obviously dont need to worry about it. My take on it is, if youve a Tesla on your drive you either work for the council or your living on credit........
  6. I cant agree that it needs to cost more and the suggestion that a private boat toll should be the same as a commercial toll will only reduce the overall toll income when 100s maybe 1000s of private boat owners either move their boat elsewhere or attempt to sell it if they can find someone foolish enough to take on the responsibility of paying such an extortionate level of toll for a private vessel. We could look at it another way, maybe the hire yards are getting a good deal considering the return they get on letting a boat for a week, should they be paying more. The smaller yards it may hurt but I bet the bigger yards can well afford it. We need to get past this acceptance of everything always costing more in this country, we are like sheep, its just a smoke screen and while there are folk daft enough to believe it things will continue to get more and more and more expensive. The people who are not bothered by this obviously have the deepest pockets.
  7. I think its the local authority CEOs wanting the BMWs & Porsche’s (or was it Jaguar’s on lease) and they are probably quite happy for it to be paid for by joe public.
  8. Paul, check the meaning of “nimby” before you put your cheque for an extra grand in the post toward your Toll.....im assuming you actually pay a Toll and your suggestion would directly affect you? Your way is one way of looking at it but I have mine. You are aware when you talk about things costing more because we expect more that the 444 local authorities had managed to hive away 22 Billion in reserves by 2015, little wonder government cut the funding they provide and now we are suffering cuts to services across the board. Are these reserves now being used to soften the cuts? Nothing to do with the Toll but the point im making is there is likely more than enough money being put into the system its how its being used in this modern day thats the problem. Im quite happy with a mondeo and a 24inch TV. I read in the news yesterday 212 million has been put aside to educate girls in commonwealth countries to be taken from the foreign aid budget. We are being milked and the Toll is no different.
  9. What does demand for private mooring have to do with the Toll?
  10. As you dont seem to want to elaborate on your original comment I cant sit on my fingers any longer... This post is the most ridiculous statement I have ever read on this forum.
  11. The annual toll for our boat is around £570, the commercial equivelant toll for a similar sized hire boat must be around £1500?? and I dont/cant let my boat out...... Yes sounds like a brilliant idea Paul, I wonder what new things the BA will find to waste the phenomenal amount of extra cash on, but wait......would anyone pay it!
  12. The biggest concern for me with an off grid power supply is the obvious one of battery cost/longevity. We have 5 x 110amp batteries and what do they last, 4/5 years if your lucky. Its a more or less a rolling replacement of batteries. I always buy the most attractively priced ones so I dont feel so anoid when an expensive one lasts less time than a cheapo! Someone may well have a nice big battery bank that will run a washing machine for the day but what will you do the day after when its flat, run your engine or plug it in! Shore supplies make life so much simpler (and cheaper) for people who like their home comforts and I would like to see more.
  13. I do agree with what your saying JohnK, I would rather pick litter up than walk by it, I just worry they start by sherking smaller responsibilities and then before we know it the are charging extra to provide other services that have always been included in the rates.
  14. I have exactly this impression, if there is a service the councils can sherk (to save dosh they can put towards their pay rises and pensions) they will. Its up to us to not let that happen and doing their job for them (even if it is just litter picking) isnt going to help us in the long run.
  15. I dont believe these times are as cash strapped as government and local councils would have us believe. If money was used wisely and for the things it was actually meant for we may be in a very different position.
  16. Again.....No....... If you can tell me where rates are artificially low I may be inclined to move there but I dont think such a place exists! Im not sure how you look at things JohnK but tourist income certainly wont mean cheap rates for residents, The system is much to greedy for anything like that!
  17. I dont want to pay any extra amount in toll. I would like to see the BA learn how to manage their finances better and I would say the same for any other organisation or body funded in a similar way. If theres not enough funds to take care of the job in hand somebody needs to ask the obvious question...Why?
  18. I can see them adding the 20% but I dont think they would be deducting anything!
  19. We hired one of their “quiet generator” models years ago, what a racket it made!
  20. I wouldnt say its an unattractive design, if the environment didnt restrict new designs in the way it does im sure they could produce a shell thats far more atheistically pleasing but with whats to work with I think the broads boat builders are doing pretty well.
  21. Cant say I was a fan of it but I wonder if the non standard type of construction might have had something to do with it shipping in to much rain water and leading to it sinking. If its insured wouldnt shifting it fall on the insurers rather than BA.
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