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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. If they only expected narrow width vessels at Somerleyton when it was built they wouldnt have built it with a 50 odd foot gap for boats to pass through
  2. To what would be the benefit? It makes me wonder why people rely on the “if you cant get under the bridges your boat isnt suitable for the broads” argument. Times move on but as JM has shown large vessels were using the rivers requiring bridges to swing long before the Gin Palaces turned up. But lets face it many boats need more clearance it ISNT only GP’s. If they are welded shut you are giving up the right to navigate, it would never happen. Whats a Thurne suitable boat these days, a canoe?
  3. The railway certainly has its place and without the mainline services where would we be. When Network Rail are eventually faced with the cost of replacing one or both swing bridges at 25 passengers per train I think that may be the “light bulb” moment. Car sharing might work for commuting but what about the car users just going about their daily business, supporting the local economy, or are we saying one should wait till we can fill our car with people to justify going to the shops!! When i go out I might have 4 spare seats in my car but how many spare seats are on that twin unit train with 25 people on it!!
  4. So if theres no chance of the line being closed either Network Rail will pay for new swing bridges or in years to come the bridges will surely have to remain closed, they wont last forever. If we are saying half then roughly 225000 folk a year are using the norwich-lowestoft line which works out to around 616 passengers per day or with 24 trains a days (save for sundays) its about 25 passengers per train.....viable really? So most of the time 100s of people per crossing closure numbering millions over the year are being inconvenienced for 25 folk on a train who could just as easily get a bus. I see it closing and the sooner the better for me.
  5. Couldnt happen soon enough for me. If the Somerleyton line was closed (permenantly) not only could road traffic move through Oulton Broad unobstructed but Im also fairly sure the need for a third crossing in Lowestoft would dissipate. (Saving the Government Millions) The fact that Network Rail had to be lobied to make improvements to signalling to “try” and alleviate the traffic problems they cause in Oulton Broad (I cant tell the difference) it indicates to me they dont pay much thought to the effect of their infrastructure on others. For me its just a pity Beechings axe didnt reach a bit further. In my opinion the railway and the traffic disruption it causes in this area is stunting the economy and instead of handing out CBE’s its about time some radical new thinking took place
  6. Having looked at the link it seems some of the injuries were quite serious but regarding facts unless im missing something it doesnt shed any light on what actually happened.
  7. If the helm had his eye on the water and not the bikini clad women........... Whats the use of a speedboat if you cant go fast!
  8. Maybe something is amiss and the paper trail is how these things can come to light. Im not quite sure what your saying, are you saying dont make a complaint even if you feel you have genuine grounds to as it might get someone in trouble?
  9. Not if it turns out to be unfounded......otherwise anyone could make anything up about anyone!! (Not that im saying the OP has done!)
  10. Are we really resorting to this?! Its not very fair to single out someone who probably isnt on here and cant then defend themselves, if you have concerns about someone not doing their job it would probably be best to let the BA know rather than accuse folk here!
  11. I was obstructed by a “safety boat” from the Sailing Club on Oulton Broad a few years ago. Admittedly I had made an error but if he hadn't obstructed me I’d have been well clear by the time the boats had turned and come back, and it did cause trouble!!
  12. Stay well away is what I will be doing. Accidents do happen even with all best laid plans and theres no way Im getting myself into the situation that my prop could severley injure even kill someone however neglible the risk might be. Im not being liabel for it I dont care who has carried out the risk assessment, and I still think the BA are crackers for not putting the brakes on it. So even though I have paid my Toll that part of the river will effectively be out of bounds for me for the day!
  13. I used some of the stuff sign makers use. I cant remember the name of it but its a white sheet material 3/4mm thick and you can score it with a knife and then it snaps. Drill a few holes for the cable ties and job done!
  14. From the Red Lion Pub just on the upstream side of Bishops Bridge.
  15. Apart from being a hard one to explain if something went wrong probably nothing unless somebody reported you (which lets face it is quite likely!) If your interested in the river beyond the bridge why not hire a kayak and paddle up there, I tried to go up there in our dinghy once but gave up due to all the fishing lines in the water by Cow Tower, it was ridiculous!
  16. Comparing the pictures for both incidents it could almost be the same boat.
  17. I immediately thought the very same thing.
  18. I did something similar with a standard 50cm household gas cooker. Changed the oven cavity light to a 12v bulb and the internal spark generator to a 12v unit and hey presto youve got something the Chandlers will charge you a fortune for!
  19. I agree at the very least this is what you ought to do. If I had just spent (wasted) 3 hours removing that I would be absolutely livid!
  20. What about this for an initiative...... http://www.eastsuffolk.gov.uk/news/smart-litter-bin-trial-starts-in-suffolk/
  21. Ive seen a Trout in the river Chet at Loddon, it was belly up on the surface.
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