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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Do the Broads Authority hold “Authority” on the rivers and waterways of the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads? I pay them a river Toll, they can prosecute me for speeding I would say they are the Authority and no matter how you try to play on words the end result is basically the same thing.
  2. Its absolutely nothing to do with facts its called splitting hairs!
  3. Cant you just sell the 24v Inverter on the Ebay then take a hopefully small loss in order to buy a 12v one? If you install yourself a 24v battery you would really need a 24v Alternator to charge it or it will turn out to be not very useful!
  4. Doesnt matter what way you look at it, a visitor centre isnt needed. Frivolous waste of allegedly scarce cash.
  5. When Tolls are increased again I am sure it will become abundantly clear. I cant see how the development at Acle will be of any significant benefit to anyone actually using the water and if it transpires the significant Toll increases we have endured in recent years have been designed to harvest cash in order to pay for such then first of all I will be furious and second absolutely disgusted. Its about time this National Park fixation is put to bed once and for all.
  6. What constantly springs to the forefront of my mind when reading about the latest initiative or fad the BA are involving themselves in is that they a not a local authority, village hall committee, health authority or whatever else they try to be they are a River Authority. At every oppurtunity it appears the BA seek to move further and further from their actual purpose that when it comes down to it their fundamental reason for being seems more of an inconvenience to them than anything else. Nothing about that view point makes me or anyone else anti BA. If they concentrated dilligantly on the actual Job in hand rather than putting all their energies into crackpot vanity projects, planning disputes and other events that have absolutely no relevance to their remit who could or would complain. I wonder how much they spend on rope each year as they are forever using it to dangle themselves on!
  7. It was only canvas thankfully which we got repaired very reasonably. A few days after we re measured our airdraft and it measured just under 12ft so the boat really should have passed under with no problem. It made us more cautious thats for certain!
  8. I found a few years back that the BA Bridge Gauges are safer interpreted as a rough estimate (guess) only and not an accurate indication of what the clearance will actually be. You would expect with 12ft 3 inches showing on not one but 2 bridge boards you would get 12ft under it without an issue.......err not quite!!
  9. Its exactly the same when you walk round morrisons!
  10. If smiling and waving fails you can always try a double digit salute!
  11. Its one thing learning how to predict what a sailing vessel might be about to do but unfortunately very few of us are blessed with the powers of clairvoyance needed to read the skippers mind!!!
  12. Is there a flag for “my actions will be based on whatever you try and do to avoid me” for all those sailies who no matter how you try and stay clear of them always seem to point themselves either straight at you or to exactly the spot you are going to try and avoid them!!!
  13. You probably should have given him a good hour to get clear in which time he may have got bored waiting to hold you up and been out the way! I think the words spoken from his mouth tell you all you need to know, some folk “might” just derive some sort of enjoyment from being obstinate on purpose
  14. Have you asked Barnes if they carry any parts for it. Is this a boat you have already bought?
  15. I think coming to grief with the chain and coming out of it with your stern gear unscathed is an amazing bit of luck. We can all learn from other peoples errors, no harm done and any dents to pride will no doubt recover, somebody else will make a mistake before long and this will be old news. I did hear the Ferry Pub wasnt able to serve food due to staff not being able to get in , true or not surely somebody had a dinghy!!
  16. not sure what to make of this, how do we pander to the young? Or how do we not pander? Are you saying the young have no place being on the NBN? Its nothing to do with age its about knowing how to conduct yourself, if people of any age are chucking insults about on the facebook group cant they just be banned as Im sure they inevitably would be here after a few warnings. It amazes me the bile some folk spout on facebook and under their real name to.
  17. Do you mean to say they are not actually going to be giving away a Motorhome after all? Jeez what a swizz! What I found astonishing was the amount of folk gullible enough to “like & share” it is unbelievable.
  18. Is there no chance it can be repaired Repair will work out cheaper if its possible.
  19. I think Facebook has had its day and Im no longer a member. I used it to keep in touch with people I hadnt seen since my school days but once the novelty wore off I began to question why I needed to know what was going on in other peoples lives at any given minute of the day, decision made my account was deleted. The only time I might miss it is at times like this purely out of curiosity but Im not reactivating my account to find out!
  20. I can see that point of view but in this age I also think it is prudent to make dangerous things as fool proof as possible. Not a comment on who is at fault here but anything that requires human input can inevitably result in mistakes and accidents.
  21. Didnt a Freedom boat also come to grief in the chains a few years back
  22. Once the ferry has departed is it able to slacken its chains as it would if it were moored? I would have thought attempting to slacken after departing would only result in them becoming tight again as the pontoon moved up/down river with the tide?
  23. Can anyone pm me a link to the video?
  24. It all depends who it is wanting to raft up to you and its not always easy to tell at first glance if someone else will turn out to be a nuisance.
  25. What really gets my goat is how much money has already been wasted by the cash strapped Authority on a project that I now read hasnt even been given the go ahead!!! Its a great shame Lana didnt get in, from what I read of her I think she wouldnt have been afraid to ruffle feathers and I honestly believe with Lana as Chair things would certainly have started changing for the better. Very sadly a missed opportunity. I think its pretty obvious who will continue pulling the strings going forward.
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