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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. This may have already been said but I think rather than the bridge actually failing I do wonder if 26 degrees is the temperature they decide not to open it incase it causes trouble by not closing again.
  2. This is where we disagree, it should never ever I repeat ever be seen as an option and by talking about it as an option here we wont be helping the cause. We need to discuss options for a permanant solution benefiting both parties but in my mind if one party has to loose out it should only be the railway. I dont claim to know the legalities but long in the past two opening bridges were built over a river, if it had been allowed in law to build fixed structures over a navigable waterway Im sure that would have happened back then. Maybe another member can come along now to inform me that Network Rail hold all the cards and actually have no legal responsibilty to ensure the railway crossings dont interfere with activities (commercial or leisure) on the river??!!
  3. Impact of what scenario are you alluding to? A full and permenant closure as 40something suggested or just opening when it suits NR as now?
  4. and saying that if everyone was given a few years to come to terms with it it would all be ok is a helpful opinion?! I dont suppose folk adapt very well from being put out of business or work. Its not for the NYA to say the line will close, they just wish to maintain opening structures so it doesnt affect their business, no need for any backlash in their direction. Those that make the ultimate decisions will be the ones paying for them. Nothing extreme about anything ive said.
  5. Im sure I dont need to point out that there must be hundreds of boats on the Southern Broads that with a permanent closure of both swing bridges would have their cruising area significantly restricted. This will affect the BA in Toll revenue, put boatyards/marinas out of business costing jobs. It may well affect the value of the boats that are now unable to move freely and it would certainly be farther reaching than Brundall. There may be other consequences not even taken into consideration, dredging for example (which low airdraft boat owners need just as much as the tall ones) maintenance equipment not being able to move around (i dont know will the current machinery go under Somerleyton?) So when all these boats do move away or the 100s of affected owners refuse to pay a Toll for their now severley limited cruising area several hundred low airdraft boats are going to appear and take their place..........where are they coming from? Who is building them? Who is buying them? Or might it be that Tolls rise enormously for everyone unaffected? I think we need to accept the possibility that if the 160 million rebuild money isnt forthcoming and Network Rail/Government are met with fierce resistance when it comes down to welding them shut (they would probably still cause problems) I dont think its going to take long for abandonment to seem like the next best cheapest option. Welding them closed could result in repercussions felt long in to the future and all boat owners regardless of airdraft ought to makesure that can never be seen as a viable option.
  6. I would say a sudden permanent closure of both bridges would be catastrophic rather than traumatic! I cant see that would ever be allowed to happen, if the investment needed for new bridges/repairs couldnt be met I could see the bridges staying open and the line closed.
  7. Anything to sell holidays! I wonder if the yards working in this particular niche may have to refocus their advertising incase they are accused of encouraging it Sound like a good idea to me and not before time.
  8. I have had a read and Its no cause for excitement. we are aware of the problem and we will continue to look at ways of solving the problem over the coming years which only costs us time not money............is sort of the impression I get from it. Its good that they have all got together for a conflab but as Network Rail are penalised for delays I cant see boaters or the local economy being that high up on their list of worries.
  9. Im sure he sells life insurance to.
  10. Where have i seen the dog before, has he done any TV work?
  11. Has there been any fresh news since the “workshop” as its gone quiet? Does anyone know anymore more?
  12. If you are able to post a photo someone may recognise it and know if parts are available and where to get them from.
  13. Is it definately a washer on the piston and not a large O Ring? Ive just looked at a picture of remote greaser on sheridan marine (link below) and with the piston removed it looks like it could be an o ring but it may not be the same setup to what you have. Thought it worth mentioning as if it is an O ring it might be easier to find a new one. https://www.sheridanmarine.com/product/remote-greaser
  14. I dont think it would be totally unreasonable if they did.
  15. Pumpouts are usually charged per tank. I can see the sense in all 3 toilets being fed to one tank but not if the tank is only big enough to take 2 days worth, theres always the chance the toilets were being over used or the tank wasnt empty to start with I suppose.
  16. Ive always been put off the 1070 by the beam.
  17. I think certain roles are more suited to tips than others. Baby sitters waiters/waitresses there must be more. Do we have a tip etiquette in the UK? I tip in situations I think are appropriate but in restaurants when making card payments I always fear the tip wont reach the person it was intended for, I have also heard of places that dont let their staff keep tips or they only get a percentage not sure if that kind of thing still goes on. Imagine my suprise in the USA where they actually give you time to work out your 20% tip on the bill before they take your payment. Being from Yorkshire I found this slightly nauseating!
  18. Is it a Bungalow on the Thurne on the way into Potter Heigham?
  19. A tip for a pumpout, its never occured to me. Do they not charge enough as it is?!
  20. I knew I had seen them somewhere before!
  21. Britvic building alongside the river in Norwich?
  22. I’m sat here wondering if the stained back leg will be getting a coat of varnish?
  23. Are they on a fake signal box type building on the Barton House Railway plot in Wroxham?
  24. As we realised because it was falling apart! (ok maybe it wasnt quite that bad but it certainly needed more work than we expected being as it was sold to us as a “fully refurbished exhire craft”) Some yards must sell off the older to help finance the new, others just sell off the sheds they dont want to spend any money on to bring up to standard. I suppose it all depends what standard you are happy with but I (i think i can say like Robin) prefer things to be in a good state of repair and fully functional.
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