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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. I missed the program but did intend to watch it. I have often thought that plastic might be being dumped into the seas deliberately. Is it possible ships tasked with transporting it are infact dumping it over the side? I am also of the thought that we cant live on this planet and not leave a trace of our existance, its just not possible but we need to take steps to make sure the likes of this and other preventable environmental disasters do not happen.
  2. I often use ASAP, i havent had an email yet. One thing I never do is opt to save card details for future purchases, and where possible I would use paypal rather than hand over card details etc
  3. Nowadays I often think we live in a country that prefers to price itself out of business and make no money at all than provide a service for a modest return.
  4. Cull the Otters?!! Just how could you even think such a thing! https://youtu.be/CVihKVtb19M
  5. It may have affected trains for a short period as I noticed there was little to no traffic congestion in Oulton Broad the other day, very unusual. It was gas works snarling the place up the other week on Bridge Road with traffic lights and down to one lane. They started on the Thursday so Im told, finished by Friday lunchtime and didnt bother to remove the traffic lights till Saturday afternoon, there was traffic backed up to Beccles Road Tesco still at 8pm on the Friday night........sorry I think i went a bit off topic but this kind of thing is the norm round here its no wonder shops in Oulton Broad dont do well.
  6. Was there once a Natwest Bank along the row where the Winelodge used to be? I also noticed a ticket machine for the trains adjacent to the crossing the other day, it looked new but might have been there ages!!
  7. Theres always the chance another mini market outlet may see some viability in taking on the property, if not its going to be awkward for the boating community to get supplies. Tescos Express is on Beccles Road but its a bit of a walk.
  8. Network Rail might think everything is winding down for the season so they dont need to worry..........they have obviously learnt very little from this years workshop! At the least they could give a reason.
  9. Where i used to live in East Yorkshire they didnt stop Tesco moving in but they did make them build the entire supermarket from brick instead of one of the usual metal composite clones they put up everywhere they can.
  10. Also be wary of putting vehicle tyres on the wet if the slip is slimy, you can loose grip and it is sometimes best to use a rope as suggested.
  11. I am never going to give praise to any organisation for doing its job but I will scrutinise if I think its necessary. The BA are not there to be praised but to do a job.....
  12. If you feel this way why get involved other than if seeking to devalue it?
  13. The thing that continually sticks in my throat is the all to familiar tactics JP employs to achieve his own ends. He must be aware of the level of scrutiny he is under and any sensible person surely would seek not to fuel the fire. Im not anti BA but I personally do not trust JP nor do I particularly want a man at the helm who clearly thinks the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads are his to toy with as he wishes.
  14. Rather than presenting a convincing counter argument its easier to accuse anyone prepared to raise an eyebrow of spouting anti ba-bile. Predictable much?
  15. It isnt about having a “pop” at the BA. When credit is due I will be first in the queue to give it. The BA and Dr Packman have a history which speaks for itself and he continues to add to it.
  16. What actually happened to Sentinel? Whenever I have attempted to access that carpark on a week day its usually been packed out and I assumed its used by people working on the Industrial Estate more than anything else. I agree if they plan to implement a charge it needs a better surface on it.
  17. Is having any influence even possible at BA headquarters? Id like to see someone go in and suggest reducing tolls........ I get the impression from this that something is afoot. Tolls on the rise again no doubt. Id apply to join myself but I dont think I would get through the induction... PR excercise and a hollow one at that!
  18. Would the Japanese call that Sushi?
  19. Where I live in Lowestoft seeing someone actually use an indicator is a rarity. I’ve driven all over the Country, Ireland and central Europe and never have I seen such poor driving standards as here, not even in France............ I cant understand what factors have led to it either, is it poor teaching from the beggining, who knows but theres certainly something different in this part of East Anglia.
  20. I only had 4 official lessons and passed first time. Mind you I was taught to drive when I was 12 years old, that probably helped!
  21. dnks34

    Boat Survey

    Sounds a bit like those tests that are supposed to tell you where your from, send in the same sample twice and see the results differ!! All the average user really needs to examine oil is the naked eye and a functioning nostril. If we are talking about multimillion pounds worth of ship engine oil testing might have its uses, just my opinion. I am very sceptical of marine surveyors to be honest but I suppose if you know nowt their services might be useful. My experience is a lot of these reports produced by proffessional assessors in many industries are just cut and paste excercises.
  22. The one difference being is that Marina Keys wont end up being paid for by Toll Payers!!
  23. The same thing is happening in Southwold. An action group fighting change. I find it infuriating that I live amongst these nimbys. If it was a development that actually would cause permenant disruption to existing dwellings then they would have my sympathies but 9 times out of 10 its down to pure selfishness and I find that infuriating. I am suprised anything gets built these days because as soon as anyone tries to do anything new they are met with the predictable Im alright jack brigade every time.
  24. Uhoh hope no serious injuries, is the tide on its way out or in?
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