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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Is that road down to Bells even properly surfaced? I think it will be a nightmare, will the trains still be running during the works? I cant understand how Network Rail are continually allowed to cause so much disruption they are a nuisance. The Wroxham one is also madness
  2. I have adopted a system with my mobile whereby if I dont recognise the number I dont answer and if someone wants me seriously enough they will leave a messege and I can then choose if I want or need to return the call. On my landline I have a call screening phone which asks callers to state their name (unless its a saved allowed number) it then rings and I listen to the name and again decide if I want the call, it doesnt bother me with a ring till the caller says their name. Since buying it a few years ago I have had zero nuisance or scam calls actually leave their name when before I was getting bombarded with them. The way I look at it is a ringing phone is an invitation to talk theres no saying you have to! Probably not good advice if your running a business though!
  3. Ive had Conti Sports fitted on the front wear out in about 18k!
  4. Id say anyone in the market for a nice boat could be very pleased with this one but at 37hp I would worry it might be slightly underpowered. I would want atleast 50hp if not more in a boat this size.
  5. It may depend quite a lot on who put it together in the first place!
  6. Theres another I can add to your list, Kingstar apparently made by Hankook. I bought 2 once for the front of my car and even after re balancing the vibrations from them were awful. I got caught out with them again a few years later not remembering the issues and when I noticed vibrations again I realised what they were, different car by that time but vibrations were the same. They were from a local independant where I refuse to buy now. Ive had Hifly tyres in the past, that was meant to be what happened to you when braking in the wet but I had no trouble with them! I have Continentals & Pirellis on new cars that have had shocking characteristics in the wet so I really dont think spending £££ on car tyres makes you any better off, they all must be tested to be sold in the UK budget or premium. Like many things I believe you are paying for a brand, when I find a good budget I stick with them till I find a better one. I dont buy into this only thing between me and the road so spending £££ per tyre will keep me alive longer.......if I had a motorbike I might think differently!
  7. Chances are anything ex hire split level with a sliding roof could well have come to grief with a bridge at one time or another. We looked at the Alpha 35 when we decided to buy years ago and of the few we saw at the time the sliding portion of the roof had been previously damaged on most of them, one was so far bent out of shape you could have got your arm through a gap on one side, another had been fished out of the Bure by Wroxham Bridge, worrying stuff when you are a prospective purchaser.
  8. I have an electric tailgate that has tried on more than one occasion to knock me out when Im putting things in the boot! As for fuel, I have tried numerous retailers of Diesel fuel and logged the mileage achieved from quantity and after much workings out on paper I came to the conclusion that the difference wasnt worth the ink used in my pen! Same as tyres, there are certain budget brands I would avoid through my experience of them giving a poor ride but there many more that can be just as good (dare I say better) than the premium brands. I particularly like ATS for tyres. I also wouldnt be paying main dealer prices for anything other than a car that had to be maintained to preserve a warranty from new, the prices are just OTT and there are many independants around who will be significantly cheaper. Why pay expensive prices when you dont need to.
  9. dnks34

    Baby Ducks

    Poor thing only wanted somebody to buy it a pint!
  10. If i were a landowner I would probably accept there isnt a queue of people wanting to lease my riverside land and be pleased I was getting “something” for it rather than greedily try to capitalise on it and then probably end up with nothing. Maybe they are happier without the moorings? If they are frightened a pound or to might be made from it then set up a mooring themselves? Its all very short sighted. I dont think Robins idea is the way forward, this is exactly the sort of thing the Broads needs to stay away from, make it to easy to charge and charge they will. Once tourists and boat owners come to feel they are being capitalised on (its already the case!) and eventually realise they are just being milked things can only go one way. An industry that killed itself through its own greed..... Reading through the rest of the comments Im a firm believer that being older wont always make you wiser and just because something has “always” been done a certain way doesn't necessarily mean there hasnt been a better way of doing it all along!
  11. Whilst there are folk believing its good value its only going to keep on rising, sooner or later the point where those folk think its poor value may become reality. I think the Toll almost doubling over a 10 year period is pretty dire and not something we should be offering any praise for.
  12. dnks34


    Ouch not an expense anyone wants. Where I grew up in Germany we had these things to contend with: http://www.living-in-germany.net/your-car-vs-the-marten/ Technically its vandalism but I bet insurance companies have a get out clause!
  13. I appreciate the Pub need to protect parking capacity for their patrons but there is also the view that someone prepared to travel to Horning and vist the local shops etc has a significant probability of visiting the Pub also? Maybe seasonal charges could be a fairer solution? So in the winter when the place is very quiet the local shops still get some passing trade.....without getting stung with parking charges, or has the EU banned goodwill these days to?!
  14. If a label is visible on your existing pump post a picture of it as knowing the specs could help provide you with clearer solution advice.
  15. With all these goings on I would have expected Mr Nudd to have stepped down as a Parish Councillor. Its 6 of one, no smoke without fire and for things to get out of hand in this manner I would be calling for his resignation. They may well be both as bad as eachother but it takes two to tango and a man in his position ought to be a bit more careful. Do we know the size of the offending purple cucumber purely out of interest?
  16. Was that the incident at Acle?
  17. James speaks a lot of sense. Contained in his blog is the framework needed to clip the BA’s wings and set them back on track. Setting up a new body to in part replace them and removing their planning powers gets a massive thumbs up from me.
  18. I am holding on to the old saying “give someone enough rope and they eventually hang themselves” At some point something has got to give. Dictators usually end up getting toppled and in my hopeful mind its only a matter of time. How does it work with pensions? Will Toll Payers be covering pensions for these people long after they finally get themselves removed or is that not where the money comes from? It should not be a given Job for life, how many people can say they have that kind of security these days? You would think they would be grateful for their standing and not abuse privileged positions. No matter how good you “think” you are theres always someone better, maybe even cheaper. Ive said before, a person who has to remove folk as they cant deal with different opinions is a dangerous person to have on the payroll. But he just carries on doing it. Makes him look terrible in my opinion.
  19. Its beyond belief but I totally believe every word.
  20. Id agree and also say be very careful with anything thats showing evidence of leaks. Windows/Hatches/Cleats/Deck Fittings etc that are poorly sealed and have been left to let water through really can do a lot of damage which may not always be immediately obvious. Things can be resealed (some things easier than others) but spending your time chasing rainwater leaks on your boat will very quickly get annoying, theres also nothing worse than wet bedding. There is definately something going on in the fwd cabin on the NBS sedan (from the pictures) If interested I would proceed with caution. The water under the floors may be less of an issue, (so long as its not at the floor bearers!) It could be where the topside leaks are gathering or it could be engine/domestics/stern gear related. I would be more concerned by anything leaking in from above. As far as your onboard experience goes that might be your the biggest PITA! You will quickly find that boats are not trouble free and definately in the 30k area theres bound to be things that might end up need doing. If its direct from a hire fleet you could be in for a bit of a unpleasant surprise. (I speak from experience!) But some of us call that fun!
  21. Im certain he uses the term at every opportunity to intentionally provoke the desired reaction and keep the unrest fed. I think he thrives on it. It consistently overshadows everything else but thats probably deliberate to.
  22. Stopped reading as soon as the NP words were mentioned
  23. Im inclined to think cleverly written...but.... What we need to know is in what circumstances would the Authority deem maintaining the navigation to be unreasonable? What never ceases to amaze me is how many written documents the Broads Authority continue to produce and for what? To justify their existence? To make sure we all know they can do as they like and are completely unaccountable? They ought to be careful as it could be a double edged sword, if they did stop maintaining the navigation they might then render themselves defunct and therefore totally unecessary as a department.
  24. I remember an ex OB harbour master once referred to it as the “girly button”
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