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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Bure approaching Horning from Wroxham.
  2. If its difficult to see the oil level on the stick dab the end of the stick on to a clean rag which will then show the level more clearly.
  3. The article does say Riverside homes with their own moorings so it would seem the moorings are for the houses only.
  4. Ahh you must be in the BA preferred Toll payers scheme then !!!!
  5. Depending on how the boat has been cared for you may need to factor in refurbishing window frames. In my experience leaking window frames are often overlooked by hire firms as they may not have time in the schedule to remove and reseal a frame properly resulting in short term repairs that dont last for long. If you are going to be spending money redoing the inside of an ex hire this is one area I would be particularly concerned about. At £100 upwards to refurb a frame it can get very costly considering many of the early designs had a lot of window frames. If I were to buy another exhire the underwater hull and the engine would probably be the least concern to me!!
  6. Have the BA had to pay out for Survey Monkey’s services?
  7. It is certainly a great looking boat but in the pictures the interior seating area just looks to small for the boat capacity to me. I havent actually been in one so it could just be the pictures.
  8. Maybe to avoid any doubt the BA should get their own tape that has Broads Authority written on it.....I imagine they could also squeeze the words National & Park in a few hundred times per roll! I do hope I havent just gone and given them an idea......
  9. I would support a law being passed stating nothing christmas related is allowed till December the 1st at the earliest. If Christmas is in your face 6 months of the year its no fun when it actually comes round.
  10. You could also attach it to a small piece of foamboard cut to size then cable tie that to a rail or stanchion. I did this and never bothered removing the old plaque from the board I’d just stick the new one over the top of the old one like Malanka! I decided on the foamboard after realising how difficult it was to remove them from the hull when I first got the boat.
  11. I used to keep one under my engine till I found where a water leak was coming from. The sausage soaked up any oil and left the water which I then removed with the mop and disposed of ashore. It made life easier and I eventually sorted the leak.
  12. I havent seen anyone in this thread advocate dumping fuel in the river so its a bit disappointing its turned into another one of those threads....... The op asked about odour removal, if you want to talk about the detrimental effects of putting fuel oil in the river (again which nobody suggested) why not start a new topic? Whatever the pump out pipe sucks out is up to the pump out station doing it surely.......
  13. Ive had that happen but in my case the return pipe snapped at the tank compression fitting and it spilled out that way but not as much as 150litres. I remember the smell well, ours did wear off over time, has it soaked in to anything anywhere?
  14. Is that Southern Belle? http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/photo-gallery-great-yarmouth-pleasure-boat-service-scuppered-1-866529 Reading through the article it seems Network Rail were part of Southern Belle’s problem. No suprises there then!
  15. This is something I worry about when moored in the vicinity of petrol engined cruisers
  16. Reading through I agree with the proposals and I have logged my support. With incidents over the past few years it surely a reasonable and sensible step to take in preserving life whilst afloat.
  17. Im not taking sides here but I think we were very lucky the Barnes cam didnt get turned off permenantly after the planning saga. At the end of the day the yards dont have to provide these cameras and they do so free to viewers and the equipment must have been a significant cost aswel as having to hire in plant equipment to fix it when it goes wrong.
  18. A microdisecotmy isnt all that bad really. The first one I had in 1999 in Belfast and was in hospital 2 nights and the recent one in 2013 I had done at the James Paget I went in for 730am and was out for about 7pm! Bending at the waist is very unpleasant for the first few days (not sure if thats more for fear of splitting the wound than the actual operation) but the sciatica if successful is usually relieved straight away in the case of disc herniations. When I had my first one done in Northern Ireland there was another guy in for the same op who went down after me and he spent the 2 weeks after face down on a bed in agony so I felt quite lucky.
  19. In my case L4/5 & L5/S1 disc herniations were the cause of my Sciatica the second one becoming so bad I couldnt support my weight on my left leg without excrutiating pain. I tried conservative therapy for around 12 months each time to no avail and a microdisectomy on each disc (about 13 years apart) was needed to remove the disc material pressing onto my sciatic nerve. I still get episodes of it and as I apparently have Degenerative Disc Disease I am expecting another herniation to happen at any time!
  20. In my case the only way to get relief from sciatica has been to go under the knife, twice. I will look into this product it might prove useful as I doubt I will ever be totally free from it.
  21. The pilots may have been trouble shooting a problem or waiting for instructions from the company. Either way it was probably necessary they stayed close to the Airport if there had been no reason they would have been on their way and not wasting fuel! I used to live adjacent to the Airport in Norwich and enjoyed the comings and goings, nothing like listening to a jet engine at take off thrust it never got annoying for me, even the Helicopters coming and going you get used to. Screaming kids and barking dogs however drive me insane!
  22. According to a popular aviation forum it was sent to Brussels where another aircraft was situated which was used to continue the Journey, couldnt have been serious but the original aircraft must have needed checking.
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