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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. If thats the problem surely a man in a high viz with a flag or a works vehicle parked across the road could be a short term solution while they get it fixed. If it was a railway barrier it would get done immediately. What consequence to the bridge operating companies is there when they dont repair the crossings as a matter of the utmost priority........ If fines were imposed upon them after give a reasonable period of time for problems to be rectified they might learn how to work a bit faster.
  2. I drove over mutford bridge today and I didnt notice anything going on there or any damage....i might have been in a day dream though!
  3. Its been on ITV anglia this evening also. Mention was also given to “other” bridges I can only imagine referring to Somerleyton.
  4. Whatever gave you that idea!!
  5. I know someone who managed to go from Loddon to approaching the Beauchamp Arms before the realised they hadnt lifted their mudweight...........
  6. I also prefer wearing the full CSI getup!!
  7. Against my better judgement you probably need one of these: https://www.sheridanmarine.com/product/jabsco-manual-toilet-top-valve-gasket
  8. I agree Grendel, you are not safe from fakes or poor quality products anywhere but there are those that will knowingly sell you something thats rubbish and your much more likely to get that on Ebay. When its a life preservation device its not worth the risk, but for a 1.99 iphone lightening cable I might just take the risk, not the charging plugs however, fake ones of those can be just as lethal, and 240v lightbulbs..... I would hope atleast that the trusted uk retailers are not deliberating selling items they know to be fake. If its anything that could kill you, think very carefully where you buy it from.
  9. I dont think I said anywhere in my post that it couldnt!! I give up...
  10. I am not trying to get into a row I genuinely dont see what you are disagreeing with ......nope Ive re read both posts and I still dont see why I am being attacked.......again
  11. Sorry but i dont understand what your saying? The way I see it is you have far more chance picking up something thats fake from Amazon or Ebay than you have using argos/screwfix and the likes. Some people are not savvy enough to be able to spot the difference or know what a poor quality imitation of something else looks like, take iphone accessories for example. How many iphone lightning cables are listed on ebay for 1.99 as genuine!
  12. Your best off not buying anything your life depends on from China on Ebay or Amazon. My advice is only buy products you can recognise and being sold by other UK retailers but with Ebay and Amazon you always run the risk of fakes.
  13. Is it an electric or manual and has it always done this or is it a new fault?
  14. Im all for the railway bridges getting stuck but problems with the road bridges will cause misery, traffic gets bad enough in the area as it is!
  15. Im assuming it missed?! It is unbelievable the stupidity some folk are capable off.
  16. If it turns out to be a white elephant it could always be sold off for residential
  17. The artists impression shows the building directly at the waters edge so I would think there would be no moorings to the building frontage. Im pretty sure they might think boats would spoil the view anyway. To me it looks like a Viking Long House.
  18. Im not really all that sure I want them as a planning authority either but I can agree with what your saying!
  19. Just because it doesnt affect you at the moment doesnt mean that reliable functioning of the opening bridges isnt in your interests to, you never know you might decide you need a taller boat one day! I admit not paying Tolls en mass would be an extreme method but other than private legal action (which I imagine would be very costly and the BA would probably find a way to squirm free anyway) what other options are left? But not paying Tolls probably wouldn't work. There might be Owners who would say they would do it but only a few would actually have the nerve to see it through so the effects would be minimal and the costs of it just passed back to Toll Payers. The BA have us all well sewn up thats certain. They are to busy living in fantasy land at Acle Bridge to do any work on anything that actually matters....
  20. Everyone who owns a vessel that requires swing bridges to actually function reliably should just stop paying their Toll till the BA do something about it....
  21. You say that but its not just GPs, there are still boats around built for use on the broads that wont go under Somerleyton at high water. Some of which even with rose tinted glasses couldnt really be referred to as Gin Palaces!
  22. What I find tiresome is this subject of debate continually coming back to how big your boat is. Its as if anyone lucky enough to be able to have such a nice big vessel has commited some sort of cardinal sin by using it on the broads! Or is it the old familiar green eyed monster at work. Im with psychicsurveyor, its nowt to do with the size of your boat its Network rail choosing when and if to open the bloody bridge, especially when hot incase it wont shut again......the latter not actually being the Toll Payers problem!
  23. Why not just leave the shorter rails in place permanently? If its a bit bumpy over the bridge.....so what!
  24. Looks like they even managed to paint it. I wonder how they get on with similar swing bridges in countries that really do get the heat. Heres an idea, a twin track bridge is needed for Trowse. If the Norwich - Lowestoft line was discontinued they would have two to choose from, just float one up stream......
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