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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Sorry it wasnt the bridge operator it was a guy in another boat!
  2. Loads of places sell the deck sockets, norfolkmarine, asap-supplies, probably boulters & ebay
  3. 1 1/2 bsp. Or atleast thats what the deck sockets are
  4. In my opinion when grass is left long in public spaces it can be used to conceal dog mess, it makes dog owners less likely to venture in themselves and pick it up. Not an excuse but out of sight out of mind it will end up like dog doo city. Did you know there was once a ford at pyes mill as that was then the main route through the area, a local told me that!
  5. These could also be worth a look but at marine prices will be more expensive!! https://www.asap-supplies.com/ http://www.sea-screw.co.uk/
  6. We fitted a VHF to our Broads boat and got the correct licences etc thinking it was a must have piece of equipment to talk to the bridges. Then they fitted the LED Bridge boards and coupled with someone deciding to give us a load of verbal over it for what I still have no idea, it was switched off then and never been on since. Dont need the hassle!
  7. Greenway Marine in Chedgrave (Loddon) is the most reasonable place for a lift out I have ever found and fine for diyers on site also. http://www.greenwaymarine.co.uk/
  8. I imagine many folk feel they are having change thrust upon them across the whole country it cant just be unique to Norfolk/Suffolk!
  9. If as part of an agreement Network rail were to fund the building of a new Yacht Station for Norwich somewhere before Trowse I would be prepared not to object!
  10. Has it been agreed they can install a fixed bridge? I thought it would require a law to be changed to do it.
  11. This paragraph is the crux of it to a T.
  12. Do they need an excuse?!
  13. It wouldnt make any difference as they will just keep putting the Toll up anyway. Its not rocket science, the rubbish needs to be taken care of. If between the BA and the local councils they cant pull their fingers out and get the job done then they are not going to attract praise from me.
  14. I think the BA should be responsible for Broads waste generated by use of the rivers and I think its ridiculous they havent stepped up to the plate. They involve themselves in everything else dont they...
  15. Or god forbid they open Trowse and cant shut it again, that would be a catastrophy!!
  16. Its a shame to see it going Its been there a long time (probably as long as its been since carrow bridge was last opened!) Have the sea cadets got a new home?
  17. An electric thruster unit usually has an automatic shut down feature which will kick in after a set period of running to prevent overheating. I think ours is around 2 minutes of constant use according to the book but in all honesty ive never had it do it as you only ever need short bursts to achieve the desired direction. But its worth remembering if the wind is much more than a breeze the bow thruster probably wont be strong enough to be much use, it will just be an expensive battery draining blender!
  18. They are but ive never had an issue in the all the years we have had one and certainly never needed to run the engine after mooring up! Think it was a joke!
  19. I can see that going down well!
  20. Speaking from experience if I were looking at buying another ex hire boat I wouldnt want to be the first owner of it off the fleet unless I understood that theres a good chance its going to need a lot doing to it. They sell them for a reason and they are not all that well looked after.
  21. I prefer the lines of the Sedan version myself. The centre cockpit is obviously more suited to the broads and allows for more accomodation but the sliding roof windows have always looked out of proportion and when you look at interior shots it looks like the interior floor is quite low making the port/stb windows look quite high above the seating.
  22. I have read reviews about another now failing high street eatery whos waiting staff treated customers very differently when presenting a voucher to them.....
  23. I agree they shouldnt get into this situation in the first place by being clearer from the outset but I am amazed at the savings you would have made.
  24. I cant help thinking that the business in question has done the decent thing by telephoning to let you know rather than just suprising you with it on the day. I wouldnt expect any business to be getting excited about accepting discount bookings and having to turn away full price trade, put yourself in their shoes! Out of interest roughly how much would it have saved you?
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