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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. dnks34

    Bye Bye

    If I only I was in charge of the ban switch.....
  2. dnks34

    The Sandford Myth

    Its not only the BA I say this about but its all well and good having Professors and University Educated so called professionals leading some of these organisations but if they haven’t got a basic grasp of good sense it’s absolutely meaningless. With the amount of money some of these “people” are paid there should be no question that they are doing the most appropriate thing but most clearly live in some kind of fantasy world and are only out to feather their own nest.
  3. dnks34

    The Sandford Myth

    Apart from affordable Tolls I agree entirely with your post, it’s exactly how I would put it. Personally I felt Dr Ps engagement with another forum did nothing for his image and in my mind mudied waters further. Pro BA members (whom may well have their own agenda) can bang on about how good he is all they like they wont brainwash me. Its not the BA thats the concern, its him. Wrong man for the Job dont trust him one bit. His track record speaks for itself.
  4. dnks34

    Bye Bye

    I wonder if ITV’s ratings have dropped as there more drama going on round here
  5. The may pay to lease land but who are they paying, the BA Kitty or private landowners?
  6. I agree that would definately be a problem I hadnt considered, maybe the BA should get some rod licence money then!?
  7. The BA 24hr moorings by Beccles bypass bridge are used by match fisherman for much of the off season, Ive brought this up before, It might be give and take but as the BA are all take it gives me a sour taste. Also the big matches that take place on the Yare between Cantley - Brundall. Masses of fisherman who pay what for use of the water? The Broads Authority should bring about a day ticket system or annual or short visit passes seperate to the EA rod licence. Toll payers and hirers (who are still Toll payers indirectly) should still fish for free. Some fisherman clearly dont realise how much others are having to pay in!
  8. I dont know if they are built in Brundall are they?
  9. I actually quite like it as a design, Ive never been on one but in the brochures the interior layout looks quite well thought out and the upper deck space looks good.
  10. Saw this is Brundall today, unusual design I think they are used on hire in holland/france?
  11. dnks34

    Big Bang

    Dr P branched out into weapons testing on broads kept closed to the public? I knew they were keeping us out for a reason!!
  12. Nowt! Other than highlighting what a pain in the posterior rail infrastructure is in this area, although the victoria road track is the Ipswich line not the same line as the swing bridges that brought about this thread but the article talks about the economic effects to the area that I was refering to and the swing bridges are part of that I think. Rail disruption to other vehicles be it boat or road is low priorty it taking Network Rail almost 2 years to implement changes to signalling which supposedly means OBN barriers dont close for so long (allthough I cant really see much difference) MPs had to get involved to get them to address that issue with some enthusiasm.
  13. http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/barrier-chaos-as-victoria-road-crossing-broken-for-a-third-time-in-three-days-1-5485186
  14. I think having to have barriers down while a train is in an adjacent station just incase it rolls or its brakes fail etc is a good example of a situation that should be overcome to the benefit of non rail users reducing the barrier down time rather than it just being deemed acceptable in the interest of safety, there must be another way of keeping it safe, trains with working brakes maybe!!
  15. Interestingly the Victoria Road crossing in Oulton Broad has been stuck down this evening, complete with police road closed sign and 2 network rail orange suited guys leaning on the barriers. You couldnt make it up round here. What I dont understand is why the barriers at OBN need to be closed for a train that stops at the platform before the crossing heading in the Reedham direction. Is it really that dangerous for the barriers to stay up untill just before the train is due to depart. Rather than expecting everyone else to be held up while they unload prams, bucket and spades, expectant mothers and the rest of the traveling circus.....
  16. There is a similar arch in Beverley Easy Yorks where East Yorkshire Motor Services had special vehicles designed to fit it. I dont believe they have any modern double decker vehicles in service that can still use it now though.
  17. I am firmly of the belief that there are many old laws/traditions or ways that could do with objective re-assessment, just because something has worked for the last 100 years doesnt mean its right for now. Take level crossings for instance, where it can be demonstrated that the modern day impact of a crossing far outweighs the benefit of having a train crossing at that point then the railway taking priority should no longer be accepted as justification for the delays and other economic constraints the railway may actually be in some part responsible for. Whether this means re routing track or closing stations that other infrastructure can easily cater for then I think in some cases it would be more sensible to enforce changes on network rail rather than the Government having to spend millions coming up with solutions to deal with it. Much of the day traffic is nose to tail for up to a mile south of Oulton Broad and similar from the North, it is a real inconvenience and cant be helping the local economy. I firmly believe if there was no level crossing at Oulton Broad North Lowestoft might manage just fine without this proposed third crossing as there would be atleast 1 reliable way to cross lake lothing.
  18. I can imagine the clackty clack noise getting annoying for people living near the track but if they slowed trains down a bit the level crossing at OBN might not need to be down so long, Im sure ive discussed this somewhere before.. I know theres something about line speed and timetables etc etc My broadband line is supposedly 76mb but it doesnt mean I get it!!!
  19. I suppose summer rails are a bit like winter tyres in the UK. Couldnt they fit summer rails and leave them in place? Or are they susceptible to other problems?!
  20. Would doing so something as simple as shortening the bridge rails by a few mm either end provide an expansion gap? Im no Brunel but surely someone would have thought of this?
  21. Im refering to the the level crossing at Oulton Broad North Station. If there was 1 reliable route across Lowestoft we would not suffer as much traffic congestion as was demonstrated recently when the railway was closed and the crossing not operational. The difference was clear to see and should have had the bean counters questioning paying for a third crossing. The Bascule bridge I give you but there are still instances where the barriers on that have stayed down for long after the bridge has closed causing further unecessary delays. I do also wonder why the outer harbour isnt made more use of given its size.
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