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Everything posted by dnks34

  1. Er No Just because we go quiet on a topic doesnt mean we have given up caring about it
  2. It reads to me like it hasnt actually recieved the green light yet?
  3. International Danboline Bilge & Locker Paint is a good product and goes on nicely.
  4. This is exactly the impression I get. I dont think anything good will come from continuing this thread, as the dragons say, Im Out!
  5. Isnt that where all this stems from?
  6. You can have whatever opinion makes you happiest JohnK as I can, its out of my control and not something I will let bother me! In answer to Batrabill do I aggree with JM about factions here to cause trouble. Yes I do, and the evidence is there for all to see. If I told you that I changed my mind about the swim would it make you happier? Let it go for goodness sake!
  7. Im still not able to see a problem, other than a few members getting all antsy because a few others dont have the same point of view as they do!!!
  8. To all those posting who think we are an unfriendly bunch and clearly have “beef” about something that the rest of us are missing..... What is it you want? What are you hoping to achieve? I just assumed my fellow members would be adults, am I wrong? I get the impression your just trying to push buttons until you provoke some kind of response, is it worth it? If its so unfriendly here why post other than to keep stirring the pot.
  9. I connected ours in just after the pump, well actually its behind the pump but the hose connecting it isnt!!!
  10. Not a shower valve but when we first fitted a TMV to the calorifier (to stop us being scalded when the engine had been run) it played up quite a bit sometimes it would work sometimes it wouldnt, we tried a different one thinking it might be faulty but eventually we realised it was a pressure problem and after fitting an accumulator tank to stop the pump surging it behaved itself and worked as intended!
  11. Atleast theres a little protection offered by whatever they are all floating on.
  12. dnks34


    +1 for the KUS products, ive used some also.
  13. Speaking to John Cressey once I asked him that question and he indicated to me being towed off breydon may be £350 +
  14. In most cases I would completely agree
  15. None of those activities require 200 people to be in the water...(at the same time!!!) On a relatively narrow river!
  16. It appears Mel Holland feels the other place has been more welcoming to her! (yes really!!!) I am going to reiterate that any comments on this thread to my mind have been solely down to the choice of location, nothing against Mel and nothing against wild swimmers, I wish her every sucess with the event I just wish it were somewhere more suitable, (the Bure maybe??) Obviously though its none of mine or any other NBN members business....especially if your not a local and or a boat owner......we are all just pesky medling kill joys who have nothing better to do than think we own the place and spoil everyone elses fun...... I am putting it out there again that had this been a Northern river event then her reception over there would have been quite different. Hornets nest springs to my mind but if they feel like they are improving their image by scoring a few points then I say leave them all to it! Appologies if I need to be modded but I or any other NBN member is not being done down by them, we may disagree but we dont hold grudges.
  17. Ive not read through the entire thread so sorry if its been suggested already but for me a basic means of wind indication such as a burgee is vital and helps no end when manoeuvring. If you know what the winds doing you can use it to your advantage.
  18. Im really not seeing any unfriendliness either I cant see what everyone is getting upset about!
  19. Running out of fuel.... id have to drown myself in the shame of it! Boulters do a service but if you keep some spares and tools onboard and are handy enough with a spanner most things can be dealt with unless you are very unlucky, regular preventative maintenance will help but a breakdown service does give piece of mind
  20. dnks34

    Rope Cuttet

    In over 15 years on the broads as both hirer and owner I can honestly say ive never needed a rope cutter!
  21. dnks34


  22. I think MM’s 3 hour closure was on the optimistic side!
  23. asap-supplies are good for things like this also
  24. I imagine if there were any payment involved for use of the Waveney the EDP wouldnt have an article and this thread wouldnt be here. But please correct me if I am wrong. In organising an event it would make sense to pick a location that is suited to your activity and not rely on other users tolerance as its only for one day!
  25. Is the Navigation closed to swimmers for 364 days or is it just that putting 200 swimmers in one section at once isnt a very sensible idea. Theres the safety aspect as is being continually stressed and as Im not that bothered if people think im selfish/intolerant whatever you want to call me theres the small matter of 200 swimmers causing disruption to a navigable river that as far as we have been made aware are not paying anything for the use of it, while other users pay dearly.
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